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  • in reply to: Hang in there people…….. #20013

    Alright Ron! My sediments exactly. You know, it’s all about money, money, and more money! You know ,I don’t have a pot too pee in ,well I do but you know what I mean. I have seen the inside of the wholesale to retail arena and you just would not believe the cost mark -up to us consumers. It don’t matter what it is, the bigger the demand the higer the mark up. Then when it don’t sell…1st it’s sale time, then it’s clearance sale time, then it’s final blowout sale and the company still makes profit Ha! Well it’s to far gone now. It’ll never change. If we could only afford to hold out for the final blowout sale we could make a big dent in this fraudy supply and demand. Well, let’s not lose sleep over it. I’m focusing on CC right now.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: fatigue #19896

    Barb … who’s memory is missing? We still have our memories just got to google the information sometimes.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Any suggestions for a newly diagnosed? #20055

    Joel, See response in introduction section.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed from Brunei – South East Asia #20044

    Hi Joel, Sorry to hear about your Mom. The only advice I can share with you is get a second or third opinion as so doctors just don’t see the big picture or have the same level of experience with this cancer. No your mom won’t have an appetite as long as she is becoming juandice on and off. The first thing that needs to be done is surgical intervention if medically possible. She has to have the gallbladder removed and her bile ducts opened if possible for your mom to stabalized and make some head way to surviving longer. Did the doctors consider stent placements ,or drains, or depending on location possible whipple procedure which is very extensive operation. There are so many variables Joel. BUT NUMBER ONE THING is get a good evaluation by a doctor who is really familar with BDC. I’m so sorry your Mom is going through this. I wish her and you the best and sending a prayer of support your way. For nutrition try getting her to drink ENSURE or CARNATION nutritional drinks. or something similar.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My Whipple Miracle Man #19861

    Hi Lainy… I hope things work out for Teddy. I’m sure it is frustrating not knowing what is going on. I do remember a handicap person I looked after for 2 years developed kidney stones and he had a high billibrium count due to blockage. They tried to bust up the stones with some special zapper but had difficulty. To make a long story short they ended up putting in a drain as his level got to hi and developed high fever. So I guess I’m saying a stone blockage can cause the rise and I would keep an eye on teddy’s temperture, he might developed a kidney infection as well. Also monitor his urine flow and for pain in the kidney area. Lainy I hope you find out what’s happening with the new scans and that it is correctable. Those kidney stone can cause problems I know that for sure. Wishin you guys the best.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: PDT therapy for cc vs chemo #20017

    Hi Carolyn, Welcome to Cholangiocarcinoma. Org. I’m sorry to here about your Mom though, but surely hope her stent placement went okay. We actually have a member who had stent placement for a while and recieved othe treatments and now has the stent removed and doing very well. I am not sure if PDT Therapy was part of their treatment or not. PDT Therapy has been quite successful for extending life for at least five years that I know of and it can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy as well. Also chemotheray can be used with stent placements as well. I personally have not had PDT myself but others have. MD Anderson is highly respected in dealing with CC. You can click on cholangiocarcinoma above and you will find a list of Major treatment centers. Also type in PDT Therapy in the google bar above where you’ll find a wealth of information. Yes ! this cancer drives you crazy. I just passed my 9th year of battling this monster and I’m going to keep on trucking. Hope is always around the corner. Beings treatments are differently effective or not with each individual you will have to try what you feel is best and if it don’t work you try something else. Don’t ever take no for an answer until you have gotten 2 and 3 opinions as there is a difference of opinions throughout the medical field of what can or can’t be done. Again, welcome and sorry you had to search us out. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Ther is a wealth of knowledge on this site. It might take a day or two before someone picksup your question or they my be right there while your posting reading other posts. This is a very open site with many opinions of personal experiences. There is no such thing as a dumb question on this site. Tell your Mom to hold her chin high and let this disease know who is in charge.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Hang in there people…….. #20010

    Kris…….I agree with you 100%. Just look at the billions the tobacco company is now paying in fines, but did they or did the government stop the sale or ensure the safety. The answer is no of coarse. It wouldn’t be economically good would it? Oh!, I truley deep down inside know the cures for a lot of diseases exsist and the Government I feel has a hand in it as well. Like you said, it makes me sad.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Hang in there people…….. #20008

    Hi Tom, Really interesting link. Makes you wonder if the cure is not out there already. I believe the protocal of managing this disease is just around the corner. It just needs to come to the fore front and the government needs to fast track approval on some of the trials for those patients willing to take the risk. In my opinion it is not anymore risky than deciding to go to war. I better stop before I get in to politics.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: fatigue #19892

    Deb, Mr. Clean with the bald head like mine Ha!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Is CC hereditary? #19981

    Chris … Thank You for your input and explanation. There is no way I could have explained it as clearly and scientific as you. I have done research in this area and have come up with basically the same conclusion. I personally feel it is an area that needs more investigation in form of a comparison study of different individuals of different geographical locations to find a common donominator and /or eliminate known suspected reasons. There was a member back a while named Woody who was attempting just what I mentioned. However he passed on before he was able to gain anything conclusive. God Bless you Woody you were on the right track!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Exploratory lapaproscopy #19973

    Hi again G,
    I was asking on the other post how you was doing, now I know. I’m glad to hear the gemzar and carboplatin has been a positive experience for you. Taxotere is what’s holding things fairly calm for me. cheerio again,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Platelets loooooow! #19937

    Hi G. Lasix (forusomide) for water build up in chest cavities around the lungs. Seems to be pretty well cleared up, so cut back to one every other day. Yes the filgrastim can cause me some pain in the bones at times. Feels like it’s crushing my chest sometimes and then no problem at all other times. Also when you get a dull needle ouch! Hows all going with you G? Wishing you the best and nice to hear from you.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: how do you know its the end? #19913

    Susan… My deepest sympathy and prayer of support coming your way. Remember you did all you possibally could. Caring.loving and supporting, you can’t ask for anything more.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: fatigue #19888

    Hi Deb,
    Feeling a lot better now. I did cut back on lasix med to one every other day. The doc won’t know if no one tells him. Ha! Still eating like a pig. Vacummed the whole house today. Did 4 load of washing ,dried ,folded and put away. Rotated and flipped matteress on bed. I find I sleep better when I do that. Nuts ain’t I? Watching my grandson today had ear infection so no school. Mowed the front lawn and trimmed. Backyard will have to wait a few days. Will have chemo again in about three weeks if counts continue to rise and look good. Glad to hear you are exercising does wonders. If I don’t stay active, oh I get so bogged down. Ta Ta for now! Hope your feeling better as well?
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Platelets loooooow! #19935

    Hi Maryanne, Had blood work and check up yesterday and the platelets popped up to 81 so the ole body is still doing it’s thing. I will wait at least 3 more weeks before chemo again. And that’s if they reach at least 120. I prefer above 140. I’d really like about 250. I sound like an auctioneer hey? Ha! I was informed that the lasix I’ve been taking was the most likely culprit that caused them to dive so quickly. I think I’m more watchful of my white cells with this Taxotere though. Wish you guys the bestest! Say Hi Ya to Joe!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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