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  • in reply to: Hope on the Horizon #14161

    Sounds like this will be an exellent conference. If I was not having Chemo five days prior I would have attended for sure. I would have taken a pup tent to camp out in though. It cost more a night to stay in Alanta, GA than Hawaii. The cost must have included 3 square meals a day, don’t you think?
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Exploratory lapaproscopy #19966

    G….. Super ! I would be cheerful as well. You must having something working for you. Love to hear positive news.

    Jeff G.

    in reply to: fatigue #19883

    Deb … Along with chemo treatments a few other things that will lower your platelets/red cells/ make you tired all the time. depression and not wanting to admit it, Forusimide(lasix), given for fluid retention/ascites, dehydration and pain medications. Also anything that messes with your electrolyes. I’m trying gatorade myself and going to see if I can cut back on my lasix as well. There are some option you can discuss is get rehydrated every couple weeks, get medication to boost red cells, ( think it is called procrit not sure), discuss getting a transfusion, and if on lasix see if you can reduce. Also anti-depression medication. Just a few ideas to share with you and everyone else.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Whipple Survivor New Problem #19965

    Lainy… My research says yes it can mets to the Kidney’s. But like some other met locations, You deal with it and certainly hope for the best. Like Marion said their is no reason not to be vigilant and do what has to be done medically. I know many of people living life just fine with bags or one kidney.
    Wish only the best!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Platelets loooooow! #19931

    Thanks Guys! Just double checked with my ONCO Nurse and other than platelets all looks pretty good. Ordered to rest the weekend. Wifey is working and don’t have to chase my grandchildren around either. So ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
    Thanks for the link Ron—Patrice—Now that you mentioned it, My last scan comment that my spleen was slightly enlarged. Something to double check on with the doctor. I definitely don’t need to rupture my spleen. Tom—I really couldn’t say. I told My ONCO nurses I was going to a country slaughter house and have a cup of pigs blood and they starting thinking wierd vampire stuff Ha! I know what you mean if your naturally high and have same blood type would it be benificial to some one else. I would think it surely wouldn’t hurt, as that would be considered a transfusion of white and red cells as well as platelets. I think they try to avoid though unless you get in the 20 -30 range. Here I go again. Catch you all later. Kris Yummy! you leave my gatorade alone. Ha! just kidding You can have all you want. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Carol, thanks for the prayer, I’m sure they will bounce back by next week. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    in reply to: Whipple Survivor New Problem #19961

    Hi Lainy, Nice to hear from you. Glad to hear Teddy is still swinging them clubs. Got to go eat my sloppy joes. Get that kidney tubed and back out on the golf course.
    HappyPutting to you both!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Platelets loooooow! #19925

    Hi Betty, Thanks for the encouragement. I try my best.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemzar & Cisplatin #14679

    Hi Carol, your absolutely correct. I too have had the radiation and enough chemo(AKA) poison to knock this CC out of a horse. But it still comes back on me as well. Just maybe when I turn green it will retreat. I also think it is important to to say the location of primary and how qiuck it was found plays a role. I’d describe this disease as like a set of christmas lights that aren’t all suppose to go out if one bulb burns out but we know that some still do. Then you wiggle the lights and they come on and we replace the bad bulb and hang the lights up and try again. What an analogy, I don’t know if I even understand what I said. Thanks for not letting me wonder Carol. I go for check up tomorrow to see how many white blood cells I’ve got left and hopefully won’t need a tranfusion of platelets. Sorry. I have an attitude today, I just stuck my gut with filgratism for the 67th time. Please forgive me.
    God Bless.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: new to group… I was diagnosed march 2007 #19946

    Hi Deb, A rough year for you without a doubt. I’m a nine year survivor and still fighting. Good possibility it could return and then again maybe not. It seems that now a days adjuvant therapy after surgery is the way to go . That was not offered or considered for me 9 years ago. Feel good Deb and be on your guard and don’t feel shy about asking for 3-4 month follow-up CT Scans. I have come a long way only because of persistance and advocating for myself. In reality I’ve got a tough road ahead still. You have to remain positive and enjoy life the way it has been given. I certainly hope and pray that you remain cc free. It’s an unpredictable disease so keep those boxing gloves handy just in case. Myself, chemo and radiation, and morphine continues to keep me active and with my loving family. Stay in touch. Hope is still in the Air!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemzar & Cisplatin #14677

    Welcome Nancy….. Sounds like your off and running and have a plan. Glad to hear you got clear margins and glad to hear you are going to do some precautionary chemo. When I had my liver resection and was told clean margins I pressed on without chemo. I kinda wonder if it would have made a difference as it came back to the other lobe and mets to both my lungs and now in my bones. I surely hope that doing chemo will get rid of those free radicals in your system before finding a place to nestle. Stay positive but don’t let your guard down for awhile and insist on Ct Scans every 3-4 months of chest, abomen, and pelvic. Yes drink your water and I hope they gave you prescriptions to deal with side effects. The first sign of nausea, constipation, or loose bowels use the side effect medication as it will definitely make things so much easier. Eat what you want but maybe smaller portions. You might want to invest in some stool softener from Walmart and some immodium just in case thing want to flow to much and dehydrate you before you know it. Wish you the best and please do let us know how thing go. You sound positive and up beat. That’s number one on my list. Attitude! as hard as it gets sometimes and I get a little down now and then, I keep jumping back to attitude!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Liz here, would like to share some memories #19922

    Dear Liz, during the period of your Mom’s failing health there was nothing anyone could do but make her comfortable. You did your part in a loving and caring manner. Grief is so difficult to deal with and can be harder for others to deal with than someone else. Your Sister and Dad obviously were grieving before your Mom passed on and held different perceptions of how to deal with end of life. To me I would say their grief rolled over to anger and I’m sure they were hurting and saying things that were inappropriate especially with you being the youngest, it is almost an automatic you were their escape/ sounding board not that it was right for them to do so. You caught the blunt end of emotions for sure. You respected your Mom’s wish. I would and have told my daughter and son the same; life needs to continue on and you are doing that. Only one thing I might suggest, is instead of trying to forget and being the strong willed and motivated young lady you are; recognize it was a difficult time for all and maybe try more to FORGIVE and the FORGET will diminish in time.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Mom diagnosed #19694

    Kara and Krista…. I strongly agree with Marions, Pat, and Kris. Gemzar has a lot more side effects in my opinion than some of the other chemos. I’m currently am on a taxotere chemo regimen and it is holding things in place except for the 2 1/2 month break I took off cause I wanted to go to Hawaii with my wife. This particular chemo doesn’t have accumulative effects and my Oncologist stated that as long as this chemo holds things abay, I could take for up to three years. The down side of this chemo is you will normally loose your hair initially and it is hard on the white blood cells that fight infection. So if you don’t mind taking anitbiotics and give yourself filgrastim injections for a week after each chemo treatment, then this may be an option. It has actually shrunk my tumor approximately 40% on my last scan. You also have to watch out for fluid build up and take Furosemide once a day to make sure fluid don’t build up around lungs and keep swelling of ankles down. I know it sounds like a bother but it really isn’t considering I’m on the go and doing basically what I want with in limits. This Doctor to say he’s giving up don’t sound good to me. Unless she has a lot more tumor activity going on or has other serious health problems I would be getting another opinion with out a doubt. I have tried almost every chemo well it seems like it, and Gemzar was the first I tried. I think a total of , well 7th different regimens. One last thing is the Oncologist knows all the side effects and if they would prescribe and start you on these medication ahead of time you can motivate pretty good. I have some drowsy spells, but whats wrong with an afternoon nap hey? Wish you all the best!

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Hi Koalino71…. Your diet is very interesting. There are things in your diet I eat and not eat but all spices and seasoning list is almost the same that I take daily. I have purchased equal amount of all and mixed well together in a tupperware container. I take one tablespoon and mix with12 oz glass of filtered water daily. Then follow with another glass of water to rinse down as can be a little gritty. I will look closer at your diet as every little bit helps when fighting this disease. Thanks for passing information on and hope your Dad does well on this diet.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Babblings of a grieving person #17066

    Hi Patrice… Jeff here… Click on Kate … then show all posts… then page 4… My Mum…. In the post is two links Click on the first one and there is a picture of kate and her MUM.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: SIR spheres vs. chemotherapy #18032

    Pauline … your quite welcome and hope all works out to your advantage. Also, Wayne thanks a whole bunch for popping in to clarify. How is your wife doing Wayne holding her own I hope.
    Jeff G.

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