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  • in reply to: Mom newly diagnosed #24836

    Robyn…… I’m so sorry that happened to your Mom. I have had several chest tubes and your Mom is right they hurt like the dickens. Very uncomfortable. I certainly hope they don’t plan on charging her for for the chest tube procedure as it was their practice that caused it. Has she had it removed yet? It’s quite painful to be honest but only last a second or two when they do the lay pull. Oh it just yurks me when something like that happens. My porth cath has been in for three and half years. Hasn’y been used for months. They decided they would go ahead an flush it out next week. Yes, to tou question it will fell arkward and uncomfortable for a few weeks. She,ll be glad she had it put in though, as trying to access every treatment is so frustrating. Wish your Mom clearer sailing weather from here on out.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: My Sister #24812

    Tanoland…… That othe drug is probally a platinum base drug which can be extremely harsh(oxyplatinum, carboplatinum). Hair loss and drop in eating I can under stand but thirty pounds in three weeks and terribles headaches is a bit to much. How is her blood work ? She is the patient and can say no anytime she wants and try some other combination. Drupping of the face don’t sound good. Has she had any pains or other symtoms,like talking with a slurred speech. I would think twice if I were her and maybe just take a break for acouple months. I have never herard of the drupping face . I would consider that a severe side effect in my opinion. Sounds like the same symtoms of a possible stroke and might have her checked out as soon as possible at an ER. I’m so sorry to hear this going on.
    God Bless her and I pray for a quick turn around.

    in reply to: Right shoulder pain and bloated feeling in abdomin #24758

    Michelle t.,

    That pain in the shoulder is commonly known as referred pain from the cancer. Alot of nerves are invovled with the bile duct and liver. Some can manage with minor pain medication or heating pad. Just don’t over do the heating pad in case you burn yourself. Some need something precribe a little stronger. The bloated feeling , if not having constipation problems could be fluid retention that can be drained under CT guidance. If it’s constipations problems you may want to try stool softener to help your stool move along easier. If your your liver or bile duct has a blockage somewhere or building up to that, you may not be getting enough enzymes tp propery break down and digest you food enough. It could also be the start of and unknown soft tisse tumor causing pressure on your diaphram. Then again, it could all be side effects of chemo treatment. I would see your oncologist and ask for a CT scan with and without contrast to verify this possibilities. sorry you have these uncomfortable symtoms, but certainly would get checked out. Ask he /she to show and tell after you have done as well. It will keep you more informed.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: My sister Anita #15480


    My deepest sympathy goes out to you and all your family. It’s so sad, but I think God has bigger and more pleaseant plans for her in Heaven.

    God Bless,

    in reply to: My John is gone #24380

    Charlene…. You two fought a rough and tough battle. I’m sorry John has left us all. He’ll be missed, but you have loving memories despite the rough and emotional passing. Please think of them often. I truely believe it will lesson the pain in the long run. Your natural instinct of love will keep him with you forever.
    God bless,

    in reply to: LainyA #24736

    ChrisA.. My sincere condolences, not doubt LainyA is in the beautiful eternal home of heaven.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Chemoembolization #24417

    Suzanne, Age 43 is when I was diagnosed. I turn 53 the first week of January. Count the years young lady and remember…… faith, love, laughter, and down right persistense. Listen to your body and go with your gut feelings my dear. When this CC gets mean you get mean right back. If you let it take control of your emotions, the stress will work against you. Yes it has finally caught up with me, but even being on home hospice, I’m still taking oral chemo for a take it to the limit one more time. Hospice kinda questioned me about this matter and I said, if you do your job of caring and comforting, what I’m doing won’t make their task any more difficult.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Festive month? #24702

    Dear Iris-A, I’ll be thinking of you and Peter. You know Iris, I look around and once again just like years before; christmas lights and trees going up, the television shows playing the traditional movies,and advertisements for the best bargins. I’ts going to be happening with or without us. I tried to put our angel on top of the tree, but my ribs where so sore, I couldn’t reach! My wife reached over and did it for me. I felt like crying but all the chemo has ruined my tear ducts. Love and comfort the man you cherish and let the light shine and there be festival spirit just for him and you. Make it your own little celebration with Peter. Let Peter know this christmas is for him. You can celebrate the birthday of our Savoir and give thanks for the time he was able to let you and Peter spend together. Although you and I both wish our time with our loved ones could be longer. They will always be with us for sure! Light the candles Iris! At least this last time with Peter. The hussle and bussle of christmas will come again year after year after year, for many who don’t even know what Christmas is all about. Make this moment one to remember and be happy and each year this time we or they can have more cheerful memories instead of sad ones( well the sadness will) always be there, but at least it’ll be more bearable.
    God Bless You Both!

    in reply to: At Home Hospice care For Jeff #24465

    You all are just a bunch of soft cuddly love bugs, with such big caring hearts! Thank You all for your kind and loving words. Cyber buddies are great to have. You all are the bestest cyber buddies in the world. Love to you all. I’ll still be popping in and out for some time to come,;The Lord willing. God Bless You All!

    in reply to: Question about liver function and cough #24695

    Hi Carol and Charlie, I had to pop in and and pass along my 2 cents. I’ve had mets to the lungs for a long time. Talking with Oncologist and Nurses it usually doesn’t effct you until a tumor reaches over the size of 2.5 CMs. Then you could possibally see fluid build up in cavity of lung. I personally have had no cough except for a touch of bronchitis that appears to have cleared up now. The fluid for (me any ways) is more annoying because of the pressure and can cause rubbing and pain/discomfort. I currently have it set up to be drained every 4 weeks even though it fills back up within two. As things progress for me, I expect possible infections or touchs of pnumonia. Have you changed the filter in the furnace. I am doing mine once a month just to make sure I keep those micro dust mites out of the air as much as possible. Carol is his cough dry or productive. If dry get a decongestant if productive a suppressant or let run it’s course. Once I got all the flem out od my bronco tubes I was just fine. I rambled enough guessing what, but for me no cough unless bronchitis or dust. To this point fluid and mets to lungs has not caused any coughing for me. With the liver comprmised it is a yes in my opinion that it will have difficulty processing the appropriate enzymes for certain meds for sure and some good food as well. That’s my post for the week. Like Jean said probally as the doctor.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: CT scan today ..great news! #24318

    Super – Duper Deb! Your good to go.

    in reply to: Neuro Radiologist Dr. Richard Berger #24188

    Lainy , No I have never had cyber knife. I was repling to your comment about he could be sick to his stomach. I’ve had 3-D external radiation a couple times. Saw Oncologist today he couldn’t believe I was not in pain and cutting back on dosage already. Plan is to press on with tarceva another month and sacn to see if it is working or not. Only side effects is splitting finger tips and red dry rash around face and mouth . Keep under control with moisturizing lotion about 10 time a day. Also tarceva is a second line therapy. I may be wrong, but some hospitals have a protocal that certain drugs are not given unless you are in a medical condition where 6 months of life is highly probally. With all my mets and complications it may be easier to push usage through the hospitals tumor board which you can ask to sit in on your case I believe. But Others have tried it as well, were they on trials I wonder? Maybe try something similiar to a request for compassionate use of certain other trial drugs. I know it has caused death and many severe reactions, that’s why I was so hesitant in the first place and in fact turned it down initially. I’m not sure what hospital violrob from texas is going through. Maybe he can suggest something. Hope the best for you all. If it is the insurance companies, the fight must go on. I hope this world financial is not playing a role in it.

    in reply to: Neuro Radiologist Dr. Richard Berger #24182

    Hi Lainy, no buts about it, it has to work. My prayers ,faith and Hope are with you guys all the way. Have plenty of tummy upset medicine on hand.

    in reply to: Neuro Radiologist Dr. Richard Berger #24179

    Veroplasty/kiphoplasty— was sucessfully completed on Tuesday. T-9 and t-10 vertebral had cancer hollowed out and bone cement hydrualicly pressured in to space. I stand straight and pain level appears to have dropped to almost nothing. I’m slowly backing of the pain meds to see where I’m at. Next approach I’ll be fighting for is to have soft tissue tumor removed from around the t-12 area. You never know. I have contacted a Dr. at mayo and confidentially says it can be done. Follow up with Oncologist today and see what his feelings are. Tarceva, I’m still on and no side effects other than dryness of hands and faceThat’s it for now.

    in reply to: Chemo, No Chemo…that is the question #24252

    Kristen, I have not done any in depth research in to chemo and it’s effects to the heart. All I can tell you is that having so much chemo has cause my heart to beat a few beat s and miss one or two all the time now. Was checked out by heart specialist and was told my heart is healthy, that the chemo was causing some neurological signalling effects, I and would be find. It fact the times that I visited the Emergency room, I would have to tell them as they would get all excited from the machine beeping away. The machine would read it as 32 BPM. If I did not tell them they would pull over the cardiogram machine. Please check this out because it has and still does cause a neuro signaling problem with my heart. I would be setting there having my pulse taking after walking up three flights of stairs and still get a 32bpm reading but really it id just everyonce in a while missing a beat. Never did before I started trying chemo. Just something to be aware of on some people it does effect the heart, they gave it a name but I don’t remember to good any more. It makes sense though as it does cause neuropathy. Just wanted to mention it, as there has been so many things during my chemo journey that was mention until after the fact.
    God Bless,

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