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  • in reply to: Meetup in Seattle area #23885

    Hey Guys ! Do you know what each other looks like ? Or are you reserving a table for the cholangio Party?


    in reply to: liver mets with encephalopathy #23794

    Hi Sandra … Sorry to about your Dad. I’ve dealt with this personally with a friend and understand what your talking about. About the only thing that worked for me was agree with him all the time ,but always have a side step or trip/plan of you have to do this before you go or do what he is trying to do may help calm him down. Something like well you got to have a shave or have a shower or get some clean clothes on. Usually they forget that thought and calm down. You kinda have to keep agreeing but keep side tracking to doing or getting interested or talking about something else . It’s not easy Sarah, not at all. I hate to say this but it’s like treating them like a child but in a adult manner of promising them this, but we have to take care of this , before we can do that and it won’t take long. I hope you see were I ‘m coming from. It’s almost like de-esculating technique for someone with a mental illness. usually his heart and kindness or understanding what is suggested will override his anger and rage. Firmness and lovingness will get you further along. Just my personal experience. Wish you the best.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Jeff’s Update #23748

    Thanks again Guys, My medically team has been giving me the strange pity look just lately, but I have a surprize for them. Each day is new and it is filled with the Lords Love. There is plenty of faith, trust and hope! to go around for all!
    God Bless,

    in reply to: I am new to this site #23704

    Hi Middlesister… Sorry to hear of your sisters progression. I to have mets to the bones and have tried zometa with vitimin D. Slows progression and helps keep bone stronger to prevent fractures. The Zometa caused me some breathing difficulties so I discontinued and just kept taking full strenght vitmin D. In hind sight I probally should have stayed on the Zometa as my breathing difficulties I believed was related to all the fluid they drained from my right lung cavity. I just recieved MRI esults the other day and I now have a compression fracture to the T-10 vertebral that has been causing pain. Started me on fenathyl patch with other pain meds and pain is under control. I think my over activness played a big role in it happening. Have to slow down a little I guess. Will have consult with surgeon , two actually ,to see what if anything they want to do. From my research it’ll probally be wait and see if it mends as my body is pretty well worn out . I tell you this as options to consider for pain primarily, but being in hospice I’m sure you’ll have the best of help with pain management. Again, sorry your sister is riding this bumpy road and wish her the best. Glad to hear you are a survivor of colectoral cancer, I’m sure that was a feat of itself.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Good news from scan this week #23967

    Hi Lisa, That great news! Maybe the Tarceva I started, will get my tumors back to a lazy state as well. High five to ya girl !

    Bless Ya!

    in reply to: Time to rejoice? #23958

    Hi lainey, Teddy has got that village done alreay? He moves right along. I have to make out my wish list for Christmas. My wife said I could not just put down socks, underwear and t-shirts this year. So I started off with a flat screen TV and new truck. She just laughed, so did I. I like your Idea of the karooke machine. We have one for the Grand kids. Thanks for reminding me, it’s time to dust it off. Will be awaiting the results of Teddy’s pet scan.

    Hi Heather, I’m just postponing taking the tarceva a couple more hours. Got to let the warning and side effects sheet I just read clear through my mind a little bit. I’m getting ready to make some blueberry muffins now then some waffles. I freeze it all and then have snacks to munch on during the day, like my med sheet says to do (little meals) to prevent naseau. Your right about the meds. They told me if I felt to droggy to cut back on the morphine Ha! I’m hoping there is something that can be done to alleviate pain when I get results of MRI. Nothing to evasive I should say.

    Cheerios to you Both for Now!

    in reply to: Time to rejoice? #23955

    Heather, Glad to hear tumors are shrinking for Lee. Sweats and shakes I have had many times. Sometimes I’ll be eating supper and just go in to a gaze and the hand I’m holding my fork in is just got the jitterbug. I chocked it up to simple chemical in /overbalance. I mean look at all the pills being popped, where lucky our eyes don’t twinkle red and green. But really the central nervous system takes quite a beating. One day at a time sweet Jesus! Today, I start my ceremonial chemo pill popping again. Tarceva 150MGs 1 per day. We,ll see how things come out in the wash. Visited pain management yesterday and they started me on Fentanyl Transdermal patch on top of the 300MGs of morphine already taking. MRI results should get Monday hopefully to identify why so much pain. I could only do the first part without out contrast as after 45 minutes of laying on my back, I was literally in tears and swearing up a storm. They said it’ll take only 15 more minutes to get the contrast part done. I told them to take this job and #@$%^% it. I could not believe them. I’m hollering get me out of this dog gone thing and all they could think of is getting the last part done. Wow! I could have reached out and touched someone and I would not be using AT&T either. There, I feel better now. I hope all keeps going good for Lee; we all need a break-through of some positiveness thats for sure. Time for nap. Just finished baking a banana bread to eat when I get up. Chat later ya all ! I’m not a southerner, but like saying that anyway Ha!

    God Bless,

    in reply to: Help..Chemo with Gemsitabine and Cisplatin no longer working #23927

    sc66ca, Should be all kinds of informatiom we have tried and used. Just type in chemo or cancer side effects in the search above and it will bring up all of our inputs from previous post. I could post a whole list but it’s already beenposted and save for evreyones review right here on site. There are many more option out there depending on where and how advance your family member’s cancer is located. If you provide some more information, we might be able to give you some more specifics on what we have tried. One thing to remember all these chemos and other treatments can and do repond differently on different people, You surely are not to feel abandoned. Knowledge is powerful and you have to be persistent in advocating for different treatments. Don’t take that your terminal and there is nother else that can be done. There are a lot of us who have extended our lives years not months. I mean 5 up through and past 10 years. there is plenty of hope to go around. Wish you only the best. So feel free to explain more. I’m sure other members are ready to give you many ideas to think about. Some may be worth looking in to others may not because of your family members condition at present.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: THE MAIL CAME! #23771

    Have mine as well. Half going to Kansas Cancer Cnter and other half to Veterans Hospital Oncology waiting area with the rest of brochures. The other half will go to Wesleys Medical center Cancer Center. I know 3 halfs don’t make a whole Ha! Only when I’m eating pumpkin pie with whip cream. Yummy!

    in reply to: Jeff’s Update #23744

    Hi Charlene, Thanks for the the Love . I’ll take all I can get. It’s been a while since the passing of your Dad. How have you been doing ? I’m sure you miss him so much. It’s so hard to let go of the ones we love, especially your Daddy’s and Mommy’s.

    God Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Introducin myself… #23863

    Hi Jim, Love your attitude. It’s about the only way to fight this disease , is to stay positive and deal with it as it ‘s thrown at you. Instead of chemobolization, I’ve had 3-D conformal External radiation to my liver and that seems to have keeping the liver stable. Have to deal with spinal nerves now. MRI tomorrow. I have some friends who live close to Farchild AFB. Is tah anywhere near you guys in Seattle? Hope you find this sight informative, friendly, and supportive. I know I have without a doubt.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Jeff’s Update #23742

    Thanks to you all for the encouragement. Called this AM to ask why I have not recieved my appointment. Could not not believe it, well yes I can. The age of computers , the doctor said he was going to put in the order. His fingers never made it to the computer Ha!. OOps just a minute, Wow! Got my appointment fist thing in the morning. Now the ball is rolling. You got to stay on top of things I’m telling ya! Thanks again and have a beautiful day as possible.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Carol, Did further checking in to Tarceva and it is not suppose to really mess with your blood counts ; platelets, RBCs, WBCs; just have to be ready for the mild to severe face rash. Also I ‘ve double checked on signs of severe side effects, that would cause discontinue. Doc said I can press on with all else even while taking. Cheerrios!

    in reply to: Stepdad with cc #20563

    Hi Sherri……….. So sorry to hear how advanced your step Dad’s cancer is. Don’t feel helpless or guilty or anything like that sherri. Your a great daughter helping your Mom and step Dad as much as you possibally can. At a certain point all you can do is give your support and love and try to make things as comfortable as possible. Being there for your Mom is a tremendous help. I wish I could offer some suggestions of help,but all I can say is love and touch. Stroking of the hair or hand. keeping a clean face and hair is refreshing as well. Sherri , is hospice there at home most of the time? do they need to be there more often? Let them know what you need and don’t hesitate to talk with them about what to expect. If you have a good hospice team, they should be of great help to you and your Mom.

    God Bless You All,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Question #22436

    Amy…………. Great that you have a plan full of optimism! Wish you guys the bestest!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: just need some words of encouragement #23601

    Hi Marlene, So sorry to hear about your husband’s condition. I can honestly say all on this site are aware of the ups and downs associated with this disease. I believe in hope and God’s miracles as well. I haven’t quite figured out what God’s plan is for me, but like you I pray for healing as well. If you have any questions or just want to express and share your experiences, we are here for you and your husband. How is he doing right now? Is he recovering okay or without to many complications from the attempted whipple? I sure hope all is well at the moment. I head off to a CT-Scan in the morning and then follow-up appointments the next two weeks to determine my next course of action. Don’t hesitate to jump in. Many caring hearts are here to help the best way we can.

    God Bless You Both,

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