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  • in reply to: Dad Update #47778

    Hi Andrea
    I am so sorry to hear that your dad has gone down hill so quickly. It sounds like the doctor has things under control and even though your dad doesn’t want the hospice nurses in I am sure that they will really help you and your Mum as well as him.
    I am thinking of you all and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
    with love

    in reply to: What can we expect? #47494

    Hi Alison

    Sorry to hear about your father/father in law. My mum was 77 when she was diagnosed (Feb 2010) and although we have gone through some highs and some lows we are still hanging in there !
    We are in the UK too (Wales) and Mum has been deemed inoperable by 2 different surgeons. She then decided on chemo which she had for a few months. She tolerated this very well with only minor and manageable side-effects. She is now on a chemo-break until March when she will start again.

    When she was first jaundiced and ill she was very itchy and nauseous but all these things are treatable with drugs. With the new stent in it will take a while for the jaundice to disappear and the symptoms too. However as Marion says they really should be trying to identify the cause of the infection.

    The things I have learnt from all this it is to be as informed as possible, ask for things to be done if they haven’t been and you think they should, and go for second/third/fourth opinion if you feel you need to.

    Which hospital is your father/fil in ? There a few in the UK which have experience in CC and it really is worth going to see someone who knows about it.

    best wishes to you and your family and I hope that they manage to get the fever under control


    in reply to: Dad update #47353

    Hi Andrea

    I am sorry to hear that your Dad is having a bad time at the moment. At least his drain is giving him less bother. I am sure I have seen people posting about ammonia levels and forgetfulness but can’t remember exactly. It might be worth looking into…

    I can only begin to imagine how hard it must be for you and your Mum right now. I don’t know what to say except that I am thinking of you.



    in reply to: Metal stents #46864

    Hi Andy

    I know that alot of people (especially in the US) have their plastic stents changed routinely at 2-3 months, but we are in the UK so of course things happen differently !
    My mum had her last stent change on the 1st of June last year and so far it is still going strong…. Her first stent did only last 3 months but they only changed it because she got an infection and was ill. They will do the same with this one too. So far so good but of course it has been so long now I keep expecting her to get ill with it any day. At first I thought it would be better for them just to change it routinely but seeing that doing it this way has saved her a couple of ERCP day admissions (and the risk of infection) then maybe it has been worth it.
    But, just to say that the plastic stents can last longer, and since you are cancer free then maybe that will be the case with you.
    best wishes


    in reply to: External drain #46149

    Sorry to hear that your Dad is having problems with his drain again. Maybe it is just because of his lower food intake. Is he managing to drink some of the high calorie shakes and things at least ?
    I have been away and am only just catching up with everyone’s news. Your dad and your whole family are doing so well, and 4 months ! …. time and again we have to say it ‘ the doctor’s can’t tell’.
    Sending you hugs and best wishes

    in reply to: 3 good years Klatskin tumor #46553

    Thanks for this post. My mum has a Klatskin tumour which they have said is inoperable. She is having chemo instead which seems to have slowed the growth so we are pleased with that.
    It’s great that you have had three years and I hope that the whipple goes well and gives your husband and your family plenty more time together.
    best wishes

    in reply to: External drain #46136

    Hi Andrea

    Mmmmmmm, your dad’s food choices sound just like mine when I am feeling unwell. Real comfort food and if it’s what makes him happy and he can eat it then that’s great.
    I am so pleased that he is feeling much better and that mentally he sounds better too.
    As the others have said don’t think about how long, just enjoy all your time together. The doctors have been wrong before….
    best wishes to you and your family

    in reply to: TOM’S PET SCAN #46447

    I am praying for you and hope that you get to have a fantastic meal and celebration.
    best wishes

    in reply to: Is it normal to have a break from chemo ? #46090

    Thanks Lainy. Yes there is another oncologist but she is junior and even more clueless (she’s the one who told mum that she had pancreatic cancer as a primary, when she didn’t !).
    Ah well, it keeps life interesting doesn’t it. I shall stay strong…. I have you and all the others on here to keep me that way. Thank you.

    in reply to: External drain #46127

    Andrea that’s great news that it has been done. I hope that it works well now and that it all starts flowing again.
    Keep us posted…

    in reply to: Devoncat no more #46222

    Kris gave me so much support when I first joined the forum, both from personal postings and just her general attitude and observations on cc and life. I am so sad to read that she has gone. The world is now a lesser place. My thoughts go out to you Hans and all the family.
    Rest in peace Kris

    in reply to: Dad with CC lost his battle #46337

    Dear Askthiru
    I am sorry to hear about your dad and the battle he had to go through. My condolences to you and your family.
    warmest wishes

    in reply to: Mom lost her battle… #46374

    Dear codergirl, I am sorry to hear about your Mom. As you say, at least now she is at peace. Take care of yourself, and my thoughts are with you.

    in reply to: External drain #46125

    I am glad that your Dad still has his appetite even with all these problems. Good old NHS…….. I know that things do happen differently here but still, surely flushing his drain will help prevent him getting sicker and then probably needing even more care.
    I hope that he gets it done soon and that things improve.
    Thinking of you

    in reply to: Husband recently diagnosed #46183

    Hi Melanie
    Welcome to this great forum and sorry to hear about your husband.
    My mum has a 2cm Klatskin tumour but had terrible jaundice and now has a stent. She has done 4 and a half cycles of gem/cis but is now on a break. She was lucky and had very few side effects. The scan showed that although there was no shrinkage there was no growth either.
    She was diagnosed in Feb 2010 and I guess back then we didn’t think she would still be here but she is still living by herself at home and living pretty much a normal life. It just goes to show how everyone’s reaction and story are different even though it’s the same disease.
    I am glad that the chemo has eased your husband’s pain even if it is not helping with the aenemia. Good luck for the scan next week.

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