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  • in reply to: Is it normal to have a break from chemo ? #46088

    Thanks Kathy and Andrea

    I guess I was so het up by the way that the meeting went that I wasn’t sure that what was being recommended was the right thing or not. But it seems like having a break is quite normal so that’s OK.
    I have spoken to Mum’s normal doctor and she said that if we wanted to have some blood tests done there before her appointment in March then that would be OK.
    I still think that the oncologist was dreadful though and not doing her job properly. Unfortunately if we wanted someone different it would involve a lot of travelling so I guess we are stuck there.
    best wishes to all


    in reply to: Happy New Year Everyone #46079

    I hope the new year is better for everyone too. I hope you get to celebrate your birthday in a good way, even if cake isn’t an option and that your consultations go well. The holidays do make everything take much longer so lets hope that all the staff come back refreshed and raring to go !
    best wishes


    in reply to: Teddy’s Celebration of Life Friday #45582

    Dear Lainy

    Just to say that I will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow. What you have arranged sounds like an amazing way to celebrate Teddy’s life and all that he meant to you.
    I’m sure he will be winking at you from above….
    with love

    in reply to: Off to Germany for treatment #45637

    Good luck Kris. I hope the journey goes smoothly and sending you positive thoughts for the treatment.
    Take care of yourself and Hans


    in reply to: Visitors #45151

    Dear Andie

    I hope you are spending a good day with your Dad on his birthday. Good wishes to him and thinking of you all.


    in reply to: Waiting for phone call ………………… #45387

    Hi Chelle

    I don;t know what happens where you are but I know that Mum had her case reviewed last week and she now has an appointment to go in and see them next Friday. Not sure why they have to leave it so long but there we go….
    I am glad that you and your mum have had a good week. It makes all the difference I find in being able to cope.

    best wishes


    in reply to: My Dad has gone #45411

    I am so sorry to hear about your Dad and that you lost him so quickly. But comforting to have him so aware until the end, and afterwards too. I have goosebumps from reading it and I believe too in these things.
    I love Lainy’s saying. That is so true.
    Peace and best wishes to you

    in reply to: My Poem TO Teddy #45342


    That is a beautiful poem. I’m tearing up again…..



    in reply to: Teddy is at PEACE #45219

    Dear Lainy and family

    I am so sorry that Teddy has gone but grateful that you were together until the end and that it was a peaceful one.
    Your story and your love for each other is amazing and will always be there. I am so pleased that you had your family Thanksgiving all together and that you have so many memories to look back on.
    Sending you love and best wishes

    in reply to: Visitors #45148

    Hi Andie

    Really pleased to hear that your dad is having some good days and is feeling up to visitors and odd jobs and the like.
    As for the the tiredness, well as long as he rests when he needs to and can do things when he feels up to it then that’s great. Mum cooked supper for 6 of us tonight as she really wanted to do it but brought it up to our house so at least she didn’t have any cleaning up to do !
    I hope that you have a wonderful birthday with your dad on Saturday. I know it won’t be an easy day for any of you but if you can spend it all together and have fun, then that ‘s got to be a good thing, especially if you didn’t think you’d get that far. Here’s to a good Christmas too.
    Sending you hugs

    in reply to: Father In Law Diagnosed with CC #45171

    Hi Nehak

    In my opinion any option is worth exploring. My mum was turned down twice for surgery but we are getting another opinion at the moment from another surgeon. We did start looking into Cyberknife and are still following that up but it has been a bit delayed by mum starting on chemo (gem/cis).

    She is doing well on the chemo and that is encouraging and it looks like she has had no growth since her previous scan in July. So at the moment we are concentrating on that.

    I have got her taking a whole box full of vitamins, minerals and supplements (see post by Andy) and I think they are definitely helping.

    If your father in law has no jaundice, is in not too much pain and is generally healthy than those are all positives and you can concentrate on those.

    Come back often and keep us updated. There is so much information and support on here, it’s great.
    best wishes

    in reply to: Mom diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma #45155

    Hi Shadow

    My mum (78) was diagnosed with CC in Feb this year. She was deemed unsuitable for surgery by two surgeons (one in England and one in France), but we have not given up hope and are still in discussion with a third surgeon to see his opinion. She is currently having chemo (gemcitabine/cisplatin) and is tolerating it well with only minor side effects, and a recent scan showed that the tumour has not grown since July.

    What I am trying to say is find out as much as you can, get 2nd and 3rd and even 4th opinions and keep fighting for your mum. This cancer is very rare and many doctors have not seen it. Make sure that you get to see someone who knows about cc and that you feel happy with. It is important to have a doctor with the right attitude.

    Keep posting on here as this forum contains the best knowledge about cc, and has the most amazing group of people on it who will always be there to answer questions, give support or just lend an ear.

    I know that there are a few members on here from Canada so hopefully they will be along soon. If not then do a search as I am sure people have recommended places before.

    best wishes to you and your family


    in reply to: HOSPICE Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm #45035

    Dear Lainy

    I am so sorry, and angry, to hear that the hospice is not helping Teddy in the right way. YOU know what he needs and they should listen to you and take action.
    I hope that the meeting with the doctor goes well and that you get reassurance that they are treating him as you would be.
    Sending you hugs from across the water

    in reply to: Hospice Here We Come #45059

    What a guy ! You and Teddy are amazing. I hope that the move goes well and that Teddy can be made comfortable in the hospice.
    Thinking of you both

    in reply to: Its a no #44844


    I am so sorry that you did not get more positive news from Professor Lodge. I have been thinking of you all day. Although the outcome is not what you wanted at least you know that you have looked into all the possibilities and done the best for your Dad. I know that I want to do the same for my mum.
    Having the Macmillan nurses in will be a help to both your parents I am sure, and a small peace of mind for you too.
    I am thinking of you and sending hugs to you and your family

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