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  • in reply to: Teddy Update #44866

    Lots of love you to and Teddy – I hope the patch helps and he has a peaceful sleep tonight!


    in reply to: Dad… #44789

    His appointment has been changed to tomorrow with the oncologist, and the nurse is coming on Wednesday. Mom is going to talk to her about getting Dad a hospital bed for the living room, which I think is a wonderful idea. He still likes sleeping in his bed at night, with Mom, but he’s on the couch ALL day and I think the bed would prove to be far more comfortable for him. My Mom also took a leave, so today is her last day at work, which I’m glad for… they need to be with each other. She is so sad – we knew this was coming, but didn’t expect it to be so sudden.

    Seeing him in pain is awful – I hope your Dad continues to be comfortable – this cancer hits everyone differently, so I pray he’ll be one of the lucky ones in that way! We will do everything in the world to ensure Dad is comfortable, so hopefully the doctor will give him something stronger tomorrow.

    Thinking of you both Lainy and Andrea — we are all on the same path right now, and I’m glad to have you both walking by my side, even if I’m sad we all have to be here.


    in reply to: Its a no #44843

    Oh Andie – I am right with you… I was thinking of you today and I’m sad that the outcome of the meeting wasn’t a positive one. I pray that we can both share one more Christmas with our Dads.

    I don’t know what else to say…. I’m so sorry. Love and hugs to you and your family…


    in reply to: Fentynol (sp) #44834

    I do know a bit about it, although Dad hasn’t been on it yet (wondering if that’s what they will put him on next). Fentanyl is WAY stronger then morphine, and it’s quick release and short-acting, so I imagine it would be for break-through pain? I hope it helps with the nightmares, and the pain… I know Dad has that type of reaction to morphine (nightmares, hallucinations)…

    Love to you and Teddy.


    in reply to: Teddy’s Thanksgiving #44761

    Thank you so so much for sharing the pictures – their love really shines through, even in photos!! It looks like it was a wonderful day and many memories were made…

    Thanks again!!


    in reply to: SENSITIVE-Dreaming & Talking #44731

    Thinking and praying for you and Teddy, Lainy – I hope you both have a few hours of quiet, dreamless sleep tonight.

    Lots of love.


    in reply to: recently diagnosed mother #43513

    Hi Janet!

    How are you enjoying the cold? I just read that Calgary is officially the second coldest place on earth – only a weather station at the south pole has us beaten – how ridiculous!

    I’m sorry to hear about the growth – it’s always such a blow when we hear bad news. I think it’s great that you are going to speak with a second oncologist…. maybe they will have other ideas. I’ve never head of photodynamic therapy being used here, but I know people have had it for this cancer (Gavin’s father comes to mind – maybe read a few of his posts and when you meet with the second oncologist you can ask about it, armed with a bit more knowledge. I know Gavin would answer any questions you have)!! I am so glad to hear that she’s had a burst of energy the last few days… I hope it lasts many days to come!!

    Dad’s memorial bench – we went through Friends of Kananaskis and after months of trying to get it done (the girl dealing with us actually left and we didn’t know), it has finally been put in right in Mount Kidd, which is where my family camps in the summer and up until last year, winter camped as well. We’re thrilled since it’s somewhere we can visit once he’s gone and know that he’s right there with us. My sister came up with the idea of getting it for him, and it’s perfect for us, and him since he loves in there so much. We are just waiting for the plaque to be put on and then we’ll go out with Dad. There’s more information on if you are looking for it… just go to programs and it’s listed on the right hand side.

    I hope you and your Mom have a great week. My husband and I are off to Banff tomorrow for a few days, I hope it warms up so we can enjoy being outside a bit!


    in reply to: Professor Lodge #44625

    It’s great that they have accomodations for you! You are right – it will probably be easier for your Dad, and he will be RIGHT where he needs to be. I am really hoping for great news for you on Monday Andrea!!

    As for the cold, I don’t know how I survive it myself some years. I need to win the lottery so we can move somewhere warm for the winter… and to think it’s only just begun… YUCK!

    in reply to: Professor Lodge #44623

    That’s wonderful Andrea – so glad to hear he will be seen so soon! I will be thinking and praying for you all on Monday!!

    This should make you feel better about the weather – when I came to work this morning my thermometer read -28 celcius…. with the windchill (it gets so cold and windy that they actually CHANGE the temperature to factor it in), it’s -41 here today. I don’t think my feet will ever be warm again….

    in reply to: Mom was diagnosed Sunday 11/21 #44601

    Hi Julie,
    My Dad was diagnosed in January, surgery not an option – he’s 59, so I know how you feel about them being far too young. Others are right when they say that it’s such an incredible shock at the beginning and hard to really digest everything being told to you. Once you have a plan, things WILL get better. I wish you and your family all the best and will be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way….


    in reply to: Is it too late? #44581

    I say if he is up for it, there is no harm in going. You don’t want to be sitting around in the future with all the “what-if’s” running through your mind, wondering if things could have been different had you brought him for the appointment. The doctor has made it clear that he won’t make any promises, but if there’s even a glimmer of hope, maybe it’s worth it….

    Thinking and praying for you and your family Andrea – it’s a tough decision, but I’m sure the best choice will be made!! Good luck!


    in reply to: Update on Dad #44497

    Oh Andrea, I’m so sad for where you are right now. Your post brought me to tears – I wish I had some words of comfort that I could give you, but being at nearly the same place you are, I know nothing can really be said to make things any better.
    We are having a hard cover photo book made for Dad – it’s just an idea if you’d like to get him something. We are organizing pictures from the time we were small with him, and the book kind of takes you through the years…. it’s something he can enjoy while he’s here, and something Mom can have once he’s gone. We’ve looked online for different quotes to use on the pages, and for certain photos we’ve chosen what to write ourselves (for instance on the photo of me dancing with Dad at my wedding I will write out the verse of the song I danced with him to). A lot of companies make the books, you just send the photos, and it can just be sent to you.
    I know you are dreading the holidays, something else I can relate to, but Lainy is right – putting on a happy face is one of those things that I think is so important to do. I know you can do it, and I believe you will still make some great memories with your Dad before his time comes. I hope your Mom can find some peace in the days to come… please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you besides sending you all the positive thoughts, prayers, and hugs I can muster.

    Thinking of you and your family…


    in reply to: BAD news- mom’s disease has progressed… #44458

    I’m so very sorry to hear about your Mom’s condition. Palliative is the best place for her – they will ensure that she is comfortable, which is so important. I hope you can create many more memories with her and wish all the best with the radiation treatments… I’m sorry for what you are all going through right now.

    My thoughts and prayers are going out to you and your family today…


    in reply to: new here, in trouble #44446

    Hi Tom,
    I don’t have much to add as far as alternative treatments are concerned, just wanted to welcome you and let you know that there are so many wonderful people on here that I know will come along with comments and advice. Hope you are enjoying those three babies of yours… I don’t know how you do it – one 14 month old is enough for me!!

    Thinking and praying for you and your family Tom.


    in reply to: Mum’s 3 years from diagnosis #44368

    So glad to see that you are still on the website and posting. Your Mother sounds like an incredible person, and I’m glad to hear that the last 3 years of her life were so wonderful, filled with loved ones and beautiful memories. I hope you find peace knowing that she died with these memories in her mind, and knowing that she will be with you, always. I can’t imagine her being anything but proud to have had you with her through her battle.


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