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  • in reply to: Did the lab tests show anything was wrong? #56203

    I agree with Kris and would add liver function test and CEA (another cancer marker test) to the blood tests. Also, I would insist on an MRI, CT or PET/CT scan right away. Jaundice (and all over itching without a rash) are indicative of possible cholangiocarcinoma. I’m going through a time of uncertainty myself, and my onc has given me a standing blood test order which I do monthly. The tests she’s ordered are:

    Chem 20
    CA 19-9

    The above list includes liver function tests (I think it’s rolled up in the Chem 20).

    I had a successful resection 4/2009 and had two years of unremarkable blood tests, then the liver function bili numbers and CA 19-9 results starting 8/2011 became somewhat elevated. I’m on an increased scrutiny now until this all sorts out.

    Good luck.

    in reply to: Radio Show Living with Cancer #54420

    See “Kim’s Krusaders” and “Let’s Talk Cancer” Facebook pages for more information.

    in reply to: Asking for prayers #56162

    I am hoping for the best possible outcome for Lauren! Smaller is better here!!

    in reply to: Did the lab tests show anything was wrong? #56201
    breakaway wrote:
    Jim: why were you taking statin and triglyceride reducers in the first place? Sorry, I don’t know what those things are. Did you have any symptoms when you got diagnosed?

    The statin and tri reducer were taken because of cardiac issues, and both had been taken for more than 5 years. The statin (Zocor, etc) was to reduce cholesterol. I had no symptoms at all. Dr. Lee (NY Presbyterian) is the final authority on all my medical care, cardiac or not. The key to my diagnosis happening promptly is Dr. Lee, who runs her practice very differently than most. She does not employ a nurse or tech, nor do the other two cardiologists in the practice. I asked her why a few years ago, and her reply was telling: “a nurse or tech does not have the same level of investment in your well being.”

    The sneaky thing about cc is that it often presents with no noticable symptoms before it’s too late, plus it’s often mis-diagnosed initially because few doctors have ever seen it.

    in reply to: Did the lab tests show anything was wrong? #56197

    You bet! I had routine liver function tests quarterly because I was taking a high statin dose in combination with a triglycerides reducer and the liver enzymes came back just a little high … high enough for my sharp eyed cardiologist Dr. Sun Hi Lee to smell a rat. BTW, a number of other doctors saw the same blood tests and no one else had the correct call. She lead me through the entire diagnostic progression, where cc was found, and had significant input with the surgeon, who wouldn’t have taken me with her aggressive lobbying on my behalf.

    in reply to: Radio Show Living with Cancer #54418

    Gavin, you can even listen in Scotland … miracle of modern technology!

    Happy New Year to you.

    in reply to: Radio Show Living with Cancer #54416

    This week’s (1/5/12) show: Diagnosis. How were you diagnosed? The shock! Where to go? Second opinions. Join us … you are not alone. Kim will be reading her very recent PET scan results on air for the first time Thursday. Let’s hope for the best and little or no green! Bad CD … reading may be delayed until a future broadcast.

    Thursdays 12:30 to 1 PM on WWDB-AM 860, http://www.wwdbam.com

    in reply to: ammonia free hair dye? bad idea right? #56048

    Some years ago I worked with a lady who had breast cancer, and she had surgery and followup radiation. I’m not sure about any of the details of her treatment, as she never said a word about any of it. She had obviously planned ahead, however. She must have had a wig made early on, and as soon as her hair started to thin, she began wearing it. It wasn’t until years later that most of us even knew she had cancer, and this was a small office of 20 to 30 people, which made it hard to conceal anything. When I was going through chemo a few years ago, my hair thinned, but it never got worse than that, plus most men just don’t care that much. For a woman, it is a completely different deal.

    in reply to: My Beautiful girlfriend of 7 yrs ! #44208

    Giovanni, you are not alone in hoping and praying for a good outcome for your dear Lauren. Bless you for sticking with her, when she needs it most.

    in reply to: Radio Show Living with Cancer #54390

    The focus of the last show for 2011 will be rare cancers. Be sure to tune in 12:30 PM or download this Thursday’s program. Let’s bring greater awareness to the “forgotten” cancers. It starts with just one voice.

    in reply to: anniversary #55821

    Bob, love your story AND your outcome! Fifteen years and counting … WOW! Truly an inspirational message of hope for those that think there’s none.

    Merry Christmas and many Happy New Year’s …

    in reply to: Radio Show Living with Cancer #54414

    Pam, glad you were able to listen today.

    in reply to: Radio Show Living with Cancer #54413

    Well, if you’ve had chemo, you have a ready excuse … I use it all the time, otherwise you have achieved ding dong status.

    in reply to: Radio Show Living with Cancer #54411

    Pam, I hope you have a LOT of cookies to make … the program is THURS, not today. Should be a great show … hope you enjoy the program!

    in reply to: Radio Show Living with Cancer #54409

    [Kim is] Looking forward to our special Christmas show focusing on cancer miracles this Thurs on WWDB 860 AM @ 12:30 PM. Just believe … miracles happen every day & we are honored to feature two very special stories of Gianni Matteo & Catherine Sims-Dunnagan. Hope you’ll tune in to this very touching show. Thank you as always!

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