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  • in reply to: Sister has Stage IV Bile Duct Cancer w/Metastasis #19660

    Tanoland, I’m sure you and your sister must be so scared right now. As Jeff said, it’s a good thing she started chemo because if the disease is aggressive, chemo is the thing that may slow it down or put it in its place. You’re doing the best thing in the world by being there for your sister with your love and support. I’m sure she appreciates having such a great sister by her side. I hope everything turns out okay.
    Much hugs,

    in reply to: Val Wilson #19825

    My deepest sympathies to Matt and all Val’s loved ones. May she rest in peace.

    in reply to: Communication issues #19758

    Hey Jeff,
    I didn’t mean to come off as sounding combative – I would agree to disagree anyday, but the fact is that I agree with you! I’m just putting it out there for those who may be reading this board feeling full of “what ifs” and regretting what they did or didn’t do. Some people just don’t respond to chemo – or there’s just not enough time because the disease just progresses so rapidly, or there are other medical issues.

    I didn’t think you were attacking anyone, as I feel I know you by now and I really admire you, but I could understand Robynhar’s sorrow and bitterness since she’s lost a loved one and I’m sure she’s going over every detail in her head. I’ve felt the guilt and wished I had done more for my mom, though I know it’s useless to put myself through that.

    You’ve got great spirit and you’ve tried everything under the sun and you’re living proof that people can fight this thing. I wish everyone had your attitude and I wish everyone could fight this for 9 years and come here to tell us about it. I sincerely hope some advances are made soon and we’ll all benefit.

    So I agree to agree with you. Keep the hope alive.

    in reply to: Communication issues #19756

    You guys are great and courageous in your fight, but I just want to chime in on behalf of Robynhar — I think there ARE cases where chemo is just a waste of time and takes away from quality of life, the question always is: Which cases? It’s so hard to make the decision, and many people are grateful they tried chemo and got good results, many people are grateful they didn’t go through chemo and had a relatively pain-free existence.

    Jeff G is a great example of someone who has responded wonderfully to chemo, but unfortunately that isn’t always the case. I’m glad he keeps on truckin’ and he’s an inspiration to all of us. Just wanted to back up those people who decide to forgo any treatment at all – they’re all individual decisions based on the specific person and there are no right or wrong answers.

    Now I’ve assuaged my own guilt for letting my mom do chemo when she was too weak to handle it (despite what the doctors said).

    Best of luck to everyone and let’s have some miracles!


    in reply to: New member #19772

    Hi Lorna,
    I hope your Mark is home and feeling better soon. You’ve come to the right place – read the good news when you’re feeling down to give you inspiration for the future. You should have your computer hog get on the site, too – might help him out!

    Best of luck,

    in reply to: Connection to Coeliac & Gluten Intolerance? #19724

    I know I’ve come across celiac disease many times in my research for my mother, who had autoimmune hepatitis. Celiac is also an autoimmune disorder, and it seems the autoimmune diseases just love to attack the liver. People with any autoimmune disease should get screened very thoroughly and often, I believe. There is a tremendous surge in the amount of people suffering from immune problems and they seem to wind up with liver and/or kidney problems. Everything seems to indicate that immune problems predispose you to getting cc. Then again, I got my doctorate from surfing the Internet!! — Joyce

    in reply to: Fluid Build-up (Abdomen and Extremities) #19802

    Hi –
    My mother had the fluid buildup and ascites and it worsened after her treatment with Gemcitabine + Xeloda, but you can never be sure if the chemo caused the ascites to worsen, or the disease was just progressing and the chemo wasn’t working to alleviate it. You may want to ask your doctor to discontinue the chemo temporarily if you feel it may have caused the fluid buildup. Also, ask for diuretics -they work to relieve fluid retention for some people – just be careful that it doesn’t cause dehydration (as it did with my mother – you need to drink a lot of water!) And lastly, if it IS ascites, the fluid can be drained.

    Many people on this site have had their ascites drained and it wasn’t a sign of anything more serious. Best of luck to you and yours-

    in reply to: For my mom…. #19735

    Dear Shelagh,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Our stories are very similar – my mother died on Jan. 22, 2007, and was only diagnosed in November of 2006. She was 64, I was 40. I also have one sister, age 42. We were able to have hospice care at my mother’s house, and we were with her and holding her hands when she died. I still go over all the details in my mind and feel the pain all over again — she was my best friend, my confidante, the one who made me laugh. My stepfather died of lung cancer 4 years before and my mother and I supported each other through his long illness and grieved together. Now I have no one to grieve with but the kind people on this site – my sister, though I love her dearly, doesn’t want to think about it and has suppressed all her grief.

    My 5 year old daughter still cries for Grandma, because we were all so close – she still remembers, over a year later, and wants to go to the planet Pluto because somehow she came to the conclusion that’s where dead people go.

    I wish you peace and comfort in your memories and I don’t want to be depressing – but I do feel your pain and commiserate with you. It’s always good to vent to those who have been there, because the rest of the world is just going on as if nothing happened. It’s a monumental event when you’re orphaned and you don’t have that refuge you always relied on. I hope you have a good support system and I’m glad you have your sister to cry with.


    in reply to: Stage IV – Bile duct/liver/lymph nodes #18793

    Dear Kelly,
    I just saw your post and would like to extend my sympathies, also. We’re here if you need to talk- it’s so hard to lose someone you love. May you find some peace

    in reply to: Alan Gersekowski #19637

    Oh Jenny, please accept my sincere condolences. I hope you are able to find some peace and comfort in the days ahead. You’re in my thoughts-

    in reply to: I am so happy…. #19546

    That is so wonderful! Congrats to you! GO out and celebrate!

    in reply to: My beautiful friend #19435

    My heartfelt condolences to you and to the Martin family. It’s so devastating to lose someone you love. I hope you are able to find some peace and comfort in this hard time.

    in reply to: Hopeful #19392

    Yay – congrats on the good news – and may it keep coming!

    in reply to: Brand new Diagnosis #19381

    Hi – So sorry to hear of your cousin, but I know from reading this board that many people have Whipple procedures and they are the ones that seem to have the most positive outcomes. CC is technically bile duct cancer, but there are many bile ducts, both inside and outside the liver, and the whipple is done when they are outside the liver, I believe. As someone else said, do a search for “whipple” and I”m sure you’ll see some stories that will set your mind at ease somewhat – there’s always a fighting chance, so don’t get alarmed by the statistics. Best of luck to you and your cousin!

    in reply to: My wonderful mother #19332

    Dear manu,
    All my sympathy – and my empathy, since I lost my mother and best friend last year — are going out to you. It is so hard to go through this, to live without the person who was always there for you from the moment you were born. I hope you find some peace and comfort – we are very lucky that we had such wonderful mothers, but their passing is a cruel burden to bear.

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