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  • in reply to: More bad news for me #18365

    Can you use one more hug? I’ll add mine to the pile – I would be blubbering too, but you probably couldn’t get me to make Hong Kong Phooey jokes so quickly! Keep up the spirit – you have a great attitude!

    in reply to: The New Website #18312

    I echo everything Marion said – she said it all. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

    in reply to: Sad news!!! #18333

    Dear Rita,
    I am so sorry to hear of your dad’s passing, but glad that he’s no longer suffering. Your love for him was selfless and allowed him to let go.

    I wish you peace,

    in reply to: My 1 year anniversary #18354

    Good for you! You’re an inspiration to us all, and may you continue to enjoy your good health and your zest for life!

    in reply to: Caroline Stoufer #18291

    Yes, rest in peace, Caroline. Another one so young -53 – and taken by cc. Such a brave spirit she had.


    in reply to: I’d like to tell you about a wonderful man #18289

    Dear Wendy,
    A beautiful tribute to your loving dad, I cried as I read it. I feel the same as you do, hurting and asking why someone so wonderful and in the prime of life could be taken away – just like that, so quickly. My mother and your father are hopefully watching over us and wishing they could take our pain away.

    Hugs and sympathy,


    in reply to: Time to introduce myself #18236

    All my sympathy to you, Dan. I’m in the same boat and I can’t say anything that the others haven’t said already. We’re here if you need any more information or solace.

    in reply to: No Treatment? #18158

    Hi Rita,
    I know how frustrated and powerless you must feel – especially since they can’t even give you an exact diagnosis. And he has so many other health issues, it must be so scary for you. The only little bit of info I have for you is that the urine is usually very dark/brown/tea colored with cc – my mother’s was like that for the last 2 months of her life, very shocking to see but it’s just the bile getting re-routed to the urine when the liver isn’t functioning properly (I think that’s the medical explanation).

    I hope you can keep his pain and his blood sugar under control – if he’s not eating, you may just have to let him be, try to give him liquids frequently, but he may not be eating because of depression, too, so maybe he could see a clergy member or psychologist at the hospital? He sounds like the type that wouldn’t go for that stuff, but I thought I’d suggest it just in case.

    Truly, your being there for him is the greatest gift you’re giving him. He appreciates it, whether he tells you or not.

    Best of luck and hope,

    in reply to: SIR spheres vs. chemotherapy #18026

    Wouldn’t it be funny if, in honor of Jeff and Kris, the birds who built a nest out of Jeff’s hair were red-headed woodpeckers? Just a thought!

    in reply to: Hello to Many Wonderful People #18177

    Hi Kath,
    You’re right about pretty much everything you said – and synchronicity, too! Shortly after my mother passed, I met my neighbor, Elizabeth. That was my mother’s name and we’ve become great friends. Maybe now I’ll run into a Kath!

    Hope the old bird is doing well-


    in reply to: Mom (64) Just Diagnosed with Stage 4 CC #18211

    Hello Brenda,
    So sorry you had to find this site. Before I go on, may I suggest that you post something in the Introduction section so that everyone can see your post and you can get the most information available to any of your questions.

    My mother was 64 when diagnosed also — but don’t jump to any harsh conclusions until you’ve spoken to the doctors and gotten some concrete information. You’ll see as you look through the posts that this terrible disease is different for each individual, which is one of the reasons it can be difficult to predict what will happen, and why it’s important to get a second opinion.

    As for the fluid retention, that is common and sometimes it’s helped by diuretics and/or repeated drainage. Sometimes not. My mother liked to say she was having triplets, and we even bought her maternity clothes.

    There are wonderful knowledgeable people on this board who can answer any questions you may have, and also just people who understand who will listen to you if you need to vent.

    My heart goes out to you and I wish the best for you and your mom,

    in reply to: Off to ercp #18183

    Hi Kris,
    Here’s hoping for that stone! I know it sounds weird to hope for something like that, but you deserve a good report AND that glass of wine! Enjoy some for me – I can’t drink at all anymore due to migraines (I know, what a whiner to complain about something so trivial when you have to deal with so much more!)

    Best of luck to you!


    in reply to: My amazing wonderful husband died in my arms 3-12-2007 #18197

    Dear Fran,
    I am so so sorry for your loss, but glad you have loving family around you to keep you going.


    in reply to: my beautiful mother and best friend #18163

    Dear Julie,
    So sorry to hear of you loss – my mother was 64 when she died and had only 2 months from diagnosis to death under hospice care. Please don’t feel guilty – we all go over the details in our heads and try to figure out how we could have made it better, but the truth is that we don’t have it in our power to cure anyone with this disease – as everyone said before me, you were a loving daughter and that’s what matters the most.

    You’ll be in disbelief for a long time – I still can’t say that my mother is gone because it tears out my heart if I have to believe it. Please accept all my sympathy.

    in reply to: My Mom #18166

    Thanks for sharing your mom’s story. I’m so glad she managed to keep the disease at bay for so long – that’s very heartening to those who are going through this now. My own mother died earlier this year at the young age of 64 and had only 2 months from diagnosis to death. Awareness of this disease is vital, and it sounds like your mother’s doctors were really on top of it.

    Much sympathy to you for the loss of your mom – I know how heartbreaking it is.


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