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  • in reply to: Clean Scan #51592

    That is fantastic!! thanks for sharing the good news!

    in reply to: Ben’s “amazing” scans… #50039

    That is such Great news!! Enjoy your vacation!!!

    in reply to: Unexpectedly wonderful news! #50549

    That is such Wonderful news!!! My dad goes for his PET scan since chemo started soon.I am praying for just as good news. I hope your husband continues to respond and get the surgery he needs!! God Bless.

    in reply to: 4 Years and Counting! #49847

    Great news Sue.I am very happy for you!! Celebrate life every day.I hope my dad one day will be where you are! Kathy

    in reply to: Stable #50097

    That is GREAT news that there is no growth!Enjoy every day you have been given when possible! God Bless!

    in reply to: Ben’s “amazing” scans… #50027

    That is GREAT news Tom! My dad is just on his second cycle of gemcitabine and Cisplatin.I am praying his results will be as good! Enjoy your time together and enjoy life one day at a time! Kathy

    in reply to: 4 Years and Counting! #49839

    What wonderful news!! It is so great to hear of people beating the odds of this horrible disease.My dad is still fighting.I pray he will be where you are someday!

    in reply to: My beloved Barry passed away. #47176

    Melanie I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your husband,Words cannot convey your sorrow. I will pray for you and your children,God Bless. Kathy

    in reply to: My dad newly diagnosed questioning treatment choices #48670

    Polly has your husbands tumors/cancer shrunk at all or held the growth at bay? Dad is starting the Cisplatin and gemcitabine chemo on Tuesday.I am praying for good results.The surgeon still feels surgery is too risky.His tumor is not where we all had thought.It is more central in the liver and is touching in all 3 lobes.He still has no symptoms and no blockage in the main bile ducts.Hope we can keep that from happening.This is so hard to believe he is even sick.I am grieving his illness before he is even sick.He is so hopeful and declares he will beat this.I hope he is right.When the average statistics say most people live 6 to 12 months after diagnosis it scares the hell out of me. I need to learn not to listen to statistics I guess if I want to remain hopeful.

    in reply to: My dad newly diagnosed questioning treatment choices #48666

    We live in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio.The Ireland Cancer Center at University Hospital is very noted for their cancer programs,but I am not sure regarding CC.There are several members of what they call a “tumor board” made up of oncologists,surgeons,etc that meet on Mondays to discuss difficult cases.They have been reviewing my dad’s case. He will be starting chemo soon.He is not symptomatic and is feeling great.He is very strong at present.The cancer is contained in the left lobe of the liver only.

    in reply to: My dad newly diagnosed questioning treatment choices #48662

    I was wondering.Is there anyone who has beat this cancer bby any other means than surgery? I keep hearing that surgery is the only curative answer for CC.Is this true?

    in reply to: dad newly diagnosed/choosing treatments #48678

    Thank you all for the responses.He is being treated at the Ireland cancer Center in Cleveland, Ohio. The take I had on the surgery was that it is in a risky area at the left upper quadrant. I really appreciate the support and responses from everyone.This is such a rare form of cancer and we are all coming to terms with it.Dad was never sick and the family has been cancer free.This is quite a blow for us all as I am sure many of you know.

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