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  • in reply to: I think this is good news #33159

    Well that’s a good outcome and speedy, let’s hope you hear about the appt.soon.

    Sending my best wishes as you start your journey,


    in reply to: Max :) #33146

    Amy, sending you congratulations on the birth of Max. Love to your family. Enjoy this precious time together,


    in reply to: What a difference a couple of days makes! #32693

    Kris, glad you and Hans had a good time,

    Hopefully you are well rested to carry onwards and upwards,

    Regards, Katie

    in reply to: The journey starts #33013

    Hello Tom,

    Welcome to the board, where as you have already found you will find kind, warm people offering a wealth of experience and support.

    Sadly, I didn’t find this board until my Dad passed away but since then I have ‘met’ some of the nicest people, all either going through their journey with CC or supporting a family member or close friend.

    Whereabouts are you? People on the board come from all over the world so whatever time of day there is usually someone on in some continent or other!

    Wishing you well as you begin your treatment,


    in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32212

    Dear Lovemy Mom,

    I am so so sorry that the outcome of the surgery was not what you expected. Thinking of your precious Mum and you at this difficult time,


    in reply to: A little about myself #32986

    Hi Barbara,

    Please can I join everyone in wishing you a warm welcome to this site, that I hope will be a goldmine for you of information, support, guidance or a safe place to vent whatever…

    Sadly, I only found this site after my Dad had passed away from a failed liver resection for a Klatskin tumour, but the support and encouragement I have found has been invaluable.

    Good Luck with your treatment and keep us posted, Katie

    in reply to: Dad #32607


    I know just what you are going through. We lost my Dad at the end of June this year after just 7 weeks of this horrendous diagnosis. I know that your Dad too had a rapid onset.

    You were there for your Dad and you will in time take comfort from that. The days ahead will be bleak, painful and lonely. We are all here for you.

    Your Dad lives on in your heart and memories, no-one can take that away from you.

    Sending you love and hugs at this most devastating time, Katie

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32303

    Hi Carlos,

    Sorry it’s a little late but welcome to the board. It looks like you have already discovered how supportive and knoweldgeable everyone on here is. People are so kind and helpful, there will always be someone to answer a question or ask advice from…..

    My Dad had a failed liver resection in June 2009, he wasn’t as fortunate as your Mum, his cancer had spread so far in to his liver that it was not compatible with life and he died 9 days after surgery without ever coming round from his anaesthetic…

    Wishing you and your Mum strength and good wishes as you face the journey ahead.


    in reply to: First Scans on Gemcis – Great News #32536

    Zach, Fabulous news!!!


    in reply to: NHS perception of CCF?? #32576

    Just realised I’m now a senior member and you’ve been elevated to the lofty heights of an all star!!

    in reply to: NHS perception of CCF?? #32575


    Just keep plugging away…. I would certainly recommend this site to any of my patients/families. The world wide web is JUST that!!

    Resource wise, support and advise this site beats any English one hands down!!

    You keep perservering with Susan’s health care professionals, like I’m doing with Dad’s surgeon….!

    Katie x

    in reply to: My beautiful sister in law #32270

    Hello tvega,

    I would like to join Marion in welcoming you to the board.

    Here you will find a fabulous support network, answers to questions/concerns you may have, and just somehwere more ‘real’ , caring and compassionate than some other sites.

    Does that sound biased? Maybe…. I have been on this site since August and can honestly say there is always someone able to help with advice, worries/fears or just to generally rant about CC.

    Wishing you strength as you begin the journey with your sister in law,


    in reply to: Hmm, seemed like just another Monday #32215


    I can so identify with your need to come on the board daily, sometimes more than once daily. I din’t find this site until 5 weeks after my Dad died from this monster of a cancer….

    I’m sure your Dad is watching over you and helping you shape the decisions you are making for your Mum’s future and well being. It is so difficult when you feel the need to share something with your parent and then realise you will never be able to ask their opinion or tell them something important. It is only 4 months for us since we last saw my Dad as he was wheeled into surgery for his unsucessful liver resection….

    Keep doing for your Mum what feels right, your Dad is with you in your heart and lives on for you.
    Thinking of you,


    in reply to: My Mom #32141


    Welcome to the board. Glad you have felt able to post, and what a detailed first post. I have had tears in my eyes reading yours and your Mum’s story.

    How blessed for her to have such a wonderful, supportive family like yours. What a strong, determined lady your Mum is.

    Make all the memories you can and savour this precious time.

    We only had 7 short weeks with my Dad from his diagnosis to his untimely death at the end of June. We didn’t get the chance to say our good byes and I struggle with that.

    Wishing you peace and strength as you face the future together.


    in reply to: Needle biopsy – BEWARE #32088


    Thank You for posting this. It is very interesting and makes sense, CC seems to spread so easily and rampantly.

    Thinking of you and your Mum,


Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 259 total)