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  • in reply to: Hospice to the End? #41469

    Lainy: I’m really glad to see the advice on the hospice in your area and your expressed relief at getting it. You and your Teddy are getting the loving informed support you need now as you have so often given. Sometimes when reading the supportive messages to you from others in or faimiliar with your geographic locale–I sorta wish I lived there, too. So very grateful that you’re getting the help you need to help Teddy. Wish I could do more.

    God bless you and Teddy.


    in reply to: Supplements That Work ? #41090

    Hi Capodad:

    First. let me update you on my experience with coriolus versicolor–I had liver pains, quite literally when taking it, backed off a while, then went back on at a lower dosage, and when I upped the dosage, the liver pains came back. I mean real pains in the liver, no doubt.

    I took the turkey tail /coriolus versicolor knowing that I had tested positive to yeast/mold allergy years back, and since mushrooms are in the same general category as yeast/mold/fungus, I knew I was taking a risk. My MD commented that something had caused 2 of my liver enzymes most closely ralated to liver damage or disease–to increase significantly since I started the mushrooms. I also read of a report out of Sloan-Kettering that although the mushrooms could be beneficial, there were a few reported instances of liver damage. So I discontinued the mushrooms.

    Most people don’t have the allergy, and my response is in the extreme minority–just felt obligated to update you since I provided some information to you initially.

    Otherwise for dosages of supplements I rely heavily on the telephone hotline to Life Extension Foundation and to the cancer supplementation protocols they share with me on request. Their cancer specialist–there are two Naturopathic Doctors– calls me back when I call in, and provides guidance as his time permits. I’d feel most comfortable suggesting that you contact L.E.F.rather than attempting to give you dosages my self. Every patient deserves to guidance of a professional in this area if possible. I’m still afraid to misguide someone else and cause harm.

    God bless you and your ex-wife and all of yours.


    in reply to: Coley Fluid Therapy #41453

    Hello again Victoria:

    Whoops! I’m more than a bit prone to overstatement at times. I was reading today about a cancer cure some alternative health practicioners really put stock in, and the author was such a believer that I took on a little bit of his tone when addresssing you.

    I really do believe that the powers that be–as discussed– have a seriously limiting effect on the breadth and depth of all research–including that on cancer causes and treatments. But I do not personally have the evidence which would allow me to conclude that any are deliberately withholding cures that have been proven to work. I have read of alternative practicioners who present evidence of such claims, and I believe some of them may indeed be true–but I am not a personal witness to the accuracy of their claims. My personal experience with the medical/political/academic establishment has, however, rendered much more believeable to me the likely truthfulness of some of their claims. The development of whatever comes to be accepted as scientific truth can be a very disturbing process.

    I truly hope for you and Ned that as your research continues, the treatments selected will yield the best possible outomes.
    God bless you and your Ned.

    in reply to: What to expect? #41502

    Hello Alv:

    My experience with chemotherapy is that the oncologist had to stop it after 3 1/2 months because my immune system was threatened by the chemicals, despite success at shrinking my tumor. The red blood cells counts, white blood cell counts and platelet counts were low probably because the bone marrow where they are produced was incurring damage. Meanwhile, they switched me to radiation, and tentatively plan to put me back on a more restricted chemotherapy regimen a little later, as my blood analysis improves. Also they have to consider the likelihood of permanent side effects from the chemo versus the benefits of the chemo on shrinking the cancer. Hope this helps. God bless you and your dad.

    in reply to: Great Check-Up #41392


    What wonderful news for you and Ron. Hearing such news from the long-term survivors gives us all hope. Thank you so much. God bless you ALL!

    in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #41493

    Hello Kmwmsm:

    Welcome to the cc club that nobody wants to join–but you will find informed loving support from many people on this board and posters to this board, as I have.

    You may become your husband’s treatment advocate in addition to the emotional and spiritual support I know you are trying your best to give him. The information and links you’ll get here will help you learn more about treatment options from surgery to chemotherapy to radiation to alternative treatments to naturopathic supplementation.

    My male perspective (an old man’s) is that I appreciate information as well as loving support–when I’m able to take it. I guess being patient with the patient to come around is the task upon you, and sometimes only God can give you that! Your husband is truly blessed with a wife to lovingly care as you do.

    God bless you and yours.


    in reply to: question about metastatic cc #40827

    Hello Sallypa:

    Having now been through chemotherapy and radiation because my big tumor is unresectable, I envy the problem your sister has now. Thank God she was able to have the surgery. I don’t have any guidance to offer on the specific protocol your sister has planned for her, but if it is through a facility that has a lot of experience in dealing with bile duct cancers, that would reassure me. I will say that the Gemzar/Oxaliplatin/Xeloda combination shrank my big tumor by 1/3 to 1/2, so one or more of those drugs in combination worked for me. The jury’s still out on the success or failure of the radiation for me yet. Had I been lucky enough to qualify for surgery, I would have asked for adjuvant chemo/radiation, and Praise God she’s getting a shot at it!

    Sounds like you sister has a wonderful advocate in you.

    God bless you both.


    in reply to: Are you as tired as I am ? #41369

    Dear PLJC:

    Welcome aboard to the cc club! So sorry you had to learn so much the very hard way about second opinions from true bile buct cancer specialists, but you’ve survived that!

    The second opinion from the hepato-biliary liver specialist surgeon at an NCI-affiliated cancer center saved me from unnecessary surgery, and started me on a course of chemotherapy and radiation which have improved my functionality and have me feeling good, at present. The Naturopathic Cancer Specialist at the Life Extension Foundation has guided my choice of nutritional supplements to take and avoid during chemo and radiation, and they have a pre-and post surgical protocol for you to follow if you are so inclined.

    I am so thankful for the informed loving guidance and support from the members and posters to this board, all of whom are blessings to all us cancer-fighters. I know that you will be, too.

    God bless you ALL!


    in reply to: I’m 31 and just found out I have this… #41343

    Hello Cale:

    Welcome once again to the club nobody wants to join, but whose members embrace you with informed loving support. Thank God you have a family to live with and for. You are so blessed in that way, and it seems from your post that you already have a mature, sensitive, positive understanding of your situation and many possibilities of all kinds ahead of you.

    Like you, I was diagnosed after a trip to the ER last November with jaundice, and about two and one-half months later the correct diagnosis was made of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma, the rarest of a rare kind. A first surgical opinion from a general surgeon was for surgery–but a second opinion from a hepato-biliary specialist surgeon at an NCI-affiliated cancer center ruled that out. My “huge tumor” had and still has too much vascular involvement, although there are no detectable metastases. 3 1/2 months of chemo shrunk it to about 1/2 to 3/5 its former size, and I’m just completing a clinical trial of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy which the oncologists say has a 60-70% chance of stopping further growth of the tumor, and possibly killling off much of it. All along I’ve been doing nutritional supplementation guided by a Nutrapathic Cancer Specialist (Naturopathic Physician) who works for the Life Extension Foundation. I’m feeling good and functional at present, and have a tentative plan to continue with adjuvant chemotherapy in a month or so.

    I share this in hopes it gives you options you may not ever need–so I’m hoping surgery is completely successful for you!

    God bless you and yours.


    in reply to: Coley Fluid Therapy #41450


    Welcome to the cc club! Just a member, here, after reviewing the website the link led me to–it is my first viewing of this alternative therapy. We have
    BigPharma, the FDA, and the conservative elements of the AMA to overcome in gaining access to any such therapy in this country–and that’s not including BigInsurance, BigGovernment, and so-called health care reform.

    As you continue to view the postings on this site, you will enjoy learning about the many things members are trying, and sometimes a teasing hint at the true cures being kept from us.

    May I suggest the new book by Suzanne Sommers, “Knockout!”, in which she interviews several cutting edge researchers in treatment alternatives- who have battled the aforementioned big powers aligned against us.

    That being said, I’ve taken advantage of chemotherapy and radiation, as well as naturopopathic supplementation to this point. My best Naturopathic Doctor is a telphone call away at Life Extension Foundation, of which I am yet a member–and he has guided me well on what supplements to take and avoid during chemotherapy and radiation.

    God bless you and yours


    in reply to: Ms. Natural starts chemo this week #41447

    Hello Kristin:

    Congratulations on your pivot and turn to do positive angerless battle with the ding-blasted tumors. You are truly blessed with your positive sense of humor in dealing with these unwelcome invaders! BTW, the Gemzar/Oxaliplatin/Xeloda combo really helped me!

    God bless you and yours in all that you do, however you do it.


    in reply to: Irinotecan / Camptosar Clinical Trial #40715

    Hello Linda Z:

    Alternative treatments are worth considering in your area. One of the other members informed me of a book by Dr. Keith Block, “Life Over Cancer”. Dr. Block runs the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment in Evanston, IL. Even if his costs are prohibitive, his book is worth buying, and calling to ask for free advice is something I would try. I mean you live in the Chicago area, right? Maybe at least a free consult could be arranged.

    God help us all to keep up the fight!


    in reply to: Tired easily, no energy and just diagnosed, is this normal? #41410

    Welcome, Isellure:

    I was diagnosed with the Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma in Jan-Feb 2010, after jaundice sent me to the ER. Four major things–outside the support of a friend, the grace of God and information and support from this board–have extended my life to this point. 1- Accurate diagnosis, followed by a second opinion from a true specialist in hepato-biliary surgery at an institution with significant experience in cholangioncarcinomas. 2-Chemotherapy. 3-Radiation therapy (tentative). 4-Nutritional supplementation (Nutrapathics). I was very lucky to respond the the chemo and eventually feel better for the present–as I’m told the odds were quite against me even on that. Just information for your mother-in-law and you to ponder if she wants to fight.

    God Bless You All–


    in reply to: Ph levels #41435

    Hello, InGodsHands–

    In addition to ICC, I have dealt with another illness called systemic candidiasis. The books on that sometimes touched on this issue, because some authors also felt it true that the yeast (candida albicans) thrives only in the acid environment. Failing to control my yeast problem with diet, I eventually controlled it mainly with a drug, fluconazole, which never solved the problem, but controlled it. Please note that the dieter himself, me, not being able to completely stick with the diet was a part of the problem–but the diet alone truly proved insufficient , anyway.

    There is also a book out by a Roman doctor, “Cancer is a Fungus,” (candida albicans) which even my Nutrapathic Doctor doesn’t see as having sufficient science behind it, but perhaps there is a relationship. If the doctor is wrong, then we are dealing with an entirely different illness here–cancer.

    I think there is something to the acid/alkaline balance issue, and I have much to learn before forming a final opinion.

    in reply to: New treatment plan #40151

    Hello, Rick–

    My radiation onc has started me on SBRT in place of the radioembolization/microspheres originally planned. My chemo onc advised me that my CA 19-9 markers, which have decreased to one-tenth their previous level, could rise following radiation. He said that CA 19-9 is a measure of inflammation–and radiation to a tumor CAUSES inflammation which takes time for the body to clear. In the meantime, I, too can probably expect my CA 19-9 markers to go up before they go down.

    Hope this helps.

    God Bless You and Yours, Rick.


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