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  • in reply to: Surgery didn’t happen #74905

    I think it’s called the bastido!! :)
    Good to hear hopeful news. And you are allowed to break down. Just make sure to remember to get back up and dust yourself off…

    in reply to: I’m home…in Alabama. #74934

    I have to read this….. Too late but I am SO GLAD you are home!! I bet your kiddies are ecstatic! Are they even sleeping?? :)

    in reply to: New Member #74112

    Krish, I am so sorry to read this. I pray for strength and love for you and yours. Take some comfort in the thoughts that he is now pain and cancer free.

    in reply to: Surgery didn’t happen #74889

    Heather, I am so sorry to hear this. I know how hard it is to have surgery be taken away. Ask lots of questions, but be assured there have been many advancements… It’s been 1.5 years since my surgery was cancelled at the last minute.
    Keep a positive attitude and get all the answers you can!

    in reply to: Shrinkage #72913

    Love the word shrinkage!! Yay!!

    in reply to: Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone #64655

    WONDERFUL news!! Thank you so much for letting us know!

    in reply to: MD Anderson visit #74853

    What great news! I also wonder what “good” vs. “bad” cells mean? It must be different cell structures, but it would be interesting to know.
    Good luck, and I hope you have the “good” cells, too!

    in reply to: Hello! #74839

    Welcome to this family! While none of us want to be here, we are here to support one another.
    I hope your brother gets great news soon! Our Tiffany just received a liver transplant. It’s exciting to see some of our members getting this chance!
    Is a resection not an option?
    It’s amazing to hear how many of us have always been “healthy”. That’s what is so scary about this disease… The lack of symptoms and screening.
    I’m sorry, tho, that you live so far away. I can also relate, as none of my family live near me. We have all scattered across the U.S. I often wish I could move to be near some of them, but at least I have good friends in my support group.
    Good luck with your brothers assessment. I hope he gets on the list!

    in reply to: UK support group? #74722

    Sandie, praying for a positive meeting tomorrow!

    in reply to: Stable – Yippee #74828

    Yayay!! LOVE that word! Thank you so much for the update, and here’s hoping you continue hearing “stable” for a long, long time!

    in reply to: New ICC Diagnosis — Looking for Advice #73253

    Oh, Matt,
    I am sorry you and Lisa didn’t get the news you wanted. Unfortunately, you learn quite early that this is much like a roller coaster ride.
    I have learned patience is very necessary. Patience waiting for response from chemo, test results, decisions made and changed….it’s tough not being in control.
    My suggestion? Enjoy as much as life will let you! On the good days, embrace the good. On the bad days (including the wait time) practice patience.
    Tell Lisa I wish her great success on folfox.

    in reply to: Still stable #74644

    Laura, did you see my post about trying to meet Sept?? A group of us.

    in reply to: Help Please #74787

    Fingers, toes and everything else crossed for good results!! I will send you some egg rolls if you want. Maybe I can find someone out here to ake them special just for you?? Lol
    Love you,

    in reply to: Help! #74823

    Milenzz, I can’t really help medically. But I can say I experienced different pains on treatments… Some were undoubtedly real, some were my mind worrying itself into symptoms. I would definitely tell the onc if they are bad. If its mild, I would chalk it up to chemo.
    Sorry I can’t be of more help.

    in reply to: Help Please #74772

    (I hate this autocorrect… Sorry, Lainy! I know how to spell it, but keyboard doesn’t!)

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