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  • in reply to: My sweet beautiful daughter passed away November 16, 2015. #91596

    Dear Patricia, welcome to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. It is bad enough when a family member gets a terrible rare cancer but the tragedy doubles when another illness hits another family member at the same time, or ever.
    We understand that when the DX comes out of CC you feel like you have been hit with a baseball bat in the gut. With that said, there are new treatments coming along all the time. Trust yourself, the rest will follow! When first diagnosed you will start out walking slowly and before you know it you will be running with the pack! I understand why the Whipple was aborted as my husband had a Whipple but was fortunate that everything else was clean. Yes, there is HOPE as after zapping the new tumor they can proceed with the Whipple. And yes there is HOPE when other options are available and can work. Where is your Niece being treated? Wishing your family the very best and please do keep us updated as we truly care. Below is a site you may find helpful:

    in reply to: shortness of breath #91655

    Donna, I am sure not only is this not fun but it is kind of scary. For sure it could be the higher dosage and also good that you are having a scan next week. Now I am going to throw something at you that is new. Valley Fever. My son just got this here in Phoenix and it ONLY occurs here and in Cali. It is a fungi infection that occurs in the lungs due to blowing dirt and sand. All the things you mentioned he also has. I would ask your ONC if there is a possibility and at least tell him now what you are feeling. Best of luck to you and on your upcoming scan! Looking for better news.

    in reply to: ERCP stent life #91668

    Yep, Tony, sounds like a stent change is around the corner. If your wife has plastic stents they usually have to be exchanged every 6 weeks to 3 months. It is very common for them to “clog” up. The metal stents are better at not clogging but they may also need a change when these reactions start happening. You never want to wait and see as once these signs appear the stent needs to be taken care of right away so an infection does not occur. Wishing you the best on this on Thursday.

    in reply to: Hello CC Family – Update #91627

    Kris, I am a firm believer that change is always good. Especially with our new normal. Best of luck in your new adventures.

    in reply to: 3rd strike on surgery. No transplant. #91640

    Oh, David, I am so very sorry what you have gone through! We have had quite a few members who have been through “krap” but then brought the tumors down enough to actually proceed with surgery. The good news is that you still have options to try and you never know how things can proceed in an upward direction. I hope you are feeling better and as usual please keep us updated on your progress. Wishing you the best!

    in reply to: Hello CC Family – Update #91625

    For goodness sake Kris, what a nice surprise. How are you doing? So good to see your smiling face again. Wow! What have you been up to? We miss your great advice! Happy Valentine’s memories!

    in reply to: Hello CC Family – Update #91622

    Ha, Ha……..I love you! No muck ups!!!!! I have wanted this for so long!

    in reply to: Hello CC Family – Update #91618

    LOL Thank you my son from another Mum! You do make me laugh even when it is about me! Gavin,
    I truly hope that next February you, Julie T and me can all meet in Salt Lake. That would really be a dream come true for me!

    in reply to: My Introduction #80458

    Matt. BEATIFUL! LOVELY! Charts! SO happy to read this latest post. YIPPEE! Keep the good news coming as we can never get enough of it!

    in reply to: Introduction #91628

    Dear Karol, welcome to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. Congratulations that you were able to have that very best word, surgery. I hope for you to have a good healing time and I know it does take time but surgery is one of our favorite words. We were neighbors as I am from Milwaukee. May I ask where you had this all done and who is treating you now. I am so wishing you the very best. Below is a site you may find helpful and please do keep us posted on your progress as we truly care.

    in reply to: bad headache after each chemo session #91616

    Sounds like you got the bull by it’s horns and I hope you have smoother sailing this time around!

    in reply to: My sweet beautiful daughter passed away November 16, 2015. #91594

    Lise, I will email it to you through the forum.

    I saw that and will see if I can from here otherwise you have to go in to each one and Delete it. Not to worry if I can’t we have a couple who can.

    in reply to: My sweet beautiful daughter passed away November 16, 2015. #91592

    My Dearest Lise, I am so very sorry to read about your beautiful, loving daughter. I believe that our loved ones never really leave us, they just go to the next room. I am a huge believer in the beyond and have logged 124 visits from my beloved husband over the last 5 years. By believing it really brings so much comfort. Grief is carried out in many different ways , there are no set rules. I cannot imagine losing a child of any age but I do feel your daughter is all around you. I do have a list of ways to know she is visiting you and would be happy to email it to you if you so desire. I am glad you have sought out some help and I hope it brings you the strength we need to accept and to go on with life as that is what our loved ones would want for us. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!

    I’m at your side each night and day,
    In your heart is where I’ll stay.
    You can feel, see or hear, I am not gone, I’m always near.
    I’m the colorful leaves when fall comes round,
    The pure white snow that blankets ground.
    I’m the first bright blossom you’ll see in Spring.
    The first warm raindrop that April will bring.
    I’m the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine,
    And you’ll see that the face in the moon is mine.
    I’ll whisper your name through the leaves on the trees,
    And you’ll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.
    I’m the salty tears that flow when you weep,
    And the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep.
    I’m the smile you see on a baby’s face.
    Just look for me, I’m every place!

    in reply to: Lung nodules and surgery #91589

    Porter when you say you need a break? Well, what I say is, “G-d, I know I am considered a chosen person but please stop choosing me all the time!?” Like, are we not allowed to be a teensy selfish now and then? Porter, who will be taking the kiddies? And of course like you wrote, “OY”. It encompasses many things!

    in reply to: Lung nodules and surgery #91587

    Well, Porter, this first tumor was the size of a golf ball, wish I had saved Teddy clubs! I had to have a fresh CT of the head the morning of surgery 2 weeks ago. OOPS! A new one the size of a quarter showed up on the opposite side of the brain. I would have accepted a nickel! Both could not be done at that last minute. They are tumors on the Menges which covers the brain and are called Meningioma. Mostly in older women, usually benign and usually slow growing. Not mine, I do things big all the time. The surgery was not bad at all nor after and my GP thinks the Neuro did half a face lift. Well it looks that way and will know more tomorrow. Anyhew, he wants me to see an Oncology radiologist. I think he wants to make sure this one is clean as well and then see what we want to do. My feeling is like your mets, get it out. I just feel if I go through Radiation there is no guarantee it will kill the quarter. And in time perhaps it would met again. Out damn spot! I went home 2 days later and am doing pretty good. On Hydrocodone but I cut the pills in half. I am going to ask tomorrow for something milder. The hydro peps me up so.I am going to wear myself out. Porter, we have to show these intruders who the bosses are, that is us. I can expect things at 75 but I just ache for you as I want you to be done with this KRAP!

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