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  • in reply to: update on my sister #90838

    Dear Sally, such good news. love it! I wish for it to continue and I know your Sister is the “Engine that Could”. Wishing the best for her and this is a good start! Yes, please do say warm and safe! I won’t even tell you what the Temps are here in Phoenix!!!


    Hazel, I sure would hope someone could discover a magical cure to all things but in my mind if anything was a cure all why would Doctors not recommend it. Guess I am much a skeptic but I also feel if it is too good to be true it probably is not true. But again, if the DOC says OK and it doesn’t hurt anything, why not try it. I will be curious to see if it makes you feel different in some way.

    in reply to: My Introduction #91000

    Dear Jack, many thanks for clarifying about the ONCs. Very good hospitals where they came from and having trust and faith in who you are using is half the battle. Sending best wishes and a ton of good luck on the Chemo regime. And as always please keep us updated when you can!

    in reply to: [REPOSTED to correct area] Hello Everyone! #91239

    Dear Ashley, I am crossing everything I have that Tom gets his approval for the trial!! The whole idea is to do what ever it takes to keep on keeping on until that Divine Intervention takes place to cure CC. We have come a long way in 10 years and we just feel that time is around the corner. Hoping for you to get the positive phone call!

    in reply to: Back pain – Lymph connected #91309

    Hello, Tony! I don’t know much about the l lymph nodes but I know pain. Your wife can start with a small dosage of Morphine to take the edge off the pain. When pain begins it needs to be caught early or it can go out of control eventually and be harder to calm down. Also, when anyone is having pain it draws out your energy for fighting what is going on. We all need our energy to help us stay afloat. As always sending your wife the best wishes and prayers. Tony, also be kind to yourself!

    in reply to: My Introduction #90934

    Hello, Hazel. That all sounds great and I wish for her to keep up with the good news. I feel that exercise does help loosen up the scar tissue and I just bet some of our family will be stopping by to give you some hints. Sadly exercise has never been one of my achievements! Keep the good news coming!

    in reply to: New Surgery for Me #91169

    Thank you Tony.

    in reply to: My Introduction #90932

    Hazel, I sure wish for everything to go well. No wonder her blood is green with all that broccoli! LOL Awesome CT Scab results!! kEEP THE GOOD NEWS COMING, WE LOVE IT!

    in reply to: Less Than 48 Hours Before Surgery #91137

    Dear Victor, I am so sorry to read about this! I am at a loss for words. Has the ONC discussed treatment options? I do wish the best for you and including you in my Prayers. If you can, please stay in touch with us and let us know how you are doing. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!

    in reply to: My husband’s liver resection and recovery #91302

    Dear Lisa, Welcome to our remarkable family where you will find the best in CC support. I know it is so tough after Surgery but I have to say CONGRATULATIONS that Pat was able to have it. I sincerely hope his ONC is aware of the issues Pat is having as there are Meds for everything. I am wondering if he might give Pat a RX just to take the edge off of what he is going through. I feel so bad for him as it is as if they turned him inside out! The vomiting, pain and constipation should be able to be controlled as well. I am glad you are holding it together but remember to be kind to yourself as well, it is a long haul for recovery. Sending you the very best including some huge cyber hugs! { } { } { } Please keep us updated on Pat’s progress!

    in reply to: New Surgery for Me #91171

    Thank you kindly, Jim. I will selfishly take all I can get on this one!

    in reply to: last round #91295

    Scott, fabulous. I am so glad you are sailing right through this chemo. YES, kick that “stunado” (Sicilian for beyond stupid) to the curb!!


    Shhhh, Mum, we not only care we will not say a word, this is between you and us! If you find comfort here, and we hope you do, that is the important thing. Us MUMS have a common denominator, that being how much we hurt when our children hurt!

    in reply to: New Surgery for Me #91167

    Thank you Kris and Melinda. I am ready bring it on. You know me. I say 2 weeks off but after a couple of day I miss this place too much so I am sure it will not be 2 full weeks. I went to my Ostomate meeting today and it is for all Ostomy patients. So no they asked me if I would be on the Board and also visit patients going through Colectomies and etc. I told them I will give them an answer in March. Take care and I have been saying this a lot lately, “To grow older one must be VERY strong!”

    in reply to: Update #90102

    No thanks needed we all are in this together! Honestly, I get more out of this site than I give. By that I mean I would have never “met” such awesome people from all over the world, people with care, love and intelligence who probably would do a fine job of running this world!!!

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