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  • in reply to: My Beautiful Mother #35699

    Well TJ, 70 is young today, I know I will turn 70 in April! Sounds like she needs some build up physically and for that you may also want to talk to the doctor. Also on our search engine at the top of the page if you type in, say, nutrition you will get some great ideas. Don’t forget she has been through more than most people are ever put through. It is going to take time to build back up but talking to a Nutritionist or the doctor can get you all on the parh to a stronger mom.

    in reply to: My Beautiful Mother #35696

    Dearest TJ, Welcome to our Family and sorry you had to come here. Should of, would of could of…..really doesn’t matter with CC. It is very hard to DX and most often has advanced by the time it is found. The important thing is that now mom is being treated and a plan is set. Do you mind my asking her age? It may have something to do with her not wanting to fight. I also feel it is very important for the WHOLE family to know what is happening and to be together on this as it is really needed for support and decisions. Don’t worry about medical words, my best phrase is “my gut feelings”. Please keep us posted as we all care!

    in reply to: Just in Shock!!! #35651

    Marc, Jeff now has the the most elite and premier in Cancer and MD Anderson should not take long. Gather all his test results and documents and just take them over or FAX then and you will hear back. We have had people fax them from all over. If you use our search engine at the top of the page and type in MD Anderson I am sure you will find a ton of posts on the subject. Good luck!
    Good move!

    in reply to: Just in Shock!!! #35646

    Jeff, take a deep breath now as you are doing all the correct things. The B.R. will come down now and then the chemo can begin. Have you had any time to think about that second opinion or MD Anderson? I believe it was our Kris who has said, Cancer is not a sentence it is just a word. Please keep your hope and spirits up and take care of yourself, not easy being the Care Taker.

    in reply to: Just in Shock!!! #35642

    Dear Jeff, Welcome to our Family and we are so sorry you had to find us. The emotions you are feeling are very “normal” from hearing the DX. Honestly the more you can read and skim our posts as well, the more informed you will be to fight and when that fight starts and a game plan is in place the emotion subsides and the fight begins.
    I agree also with everything said before me, not going to wear you out with reading on and on. Just want to tell you for now, that you have one of the best Cancer Centers right in Houston, MD Anderson. Please keep us posted and feel free to come visit often to rant, rave, ask or advise.

    in reply to: liver transplant #35091

    Beth at the top of our site here is a search engine and just type in liver transplants and my guess is you will see more posts than you can imagine.

    in reply to: Please help – starting a long fight!! #35038

    Dearest Beth, We are so very sorry to hear that your “Marathon” of a different nature has returned. With your attitude and the love all around you we know you will win this race as well. I always say listen to your gut, love gut medicine, and if it is not a comfortable feeling it is not right. So far practicing gut 101 has got Teddy through over 4 years. Stay strong, and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: What cancer center sees the most bile duct cancers? #34866

    Sorry my mistake I was on the first page. Hey, a MOT!!!! Hi there! We married 15 years ago and I am but he is Catholic of course. Get this. We live in Sun Lakes an active adult community outside Phoenix. Teddy has sung in our choir on Friday nights for 14 years now with me. Then I always say he goes to St. Steven’s on Sunday’s to ask forgiveness! Keep up your sense of humor as that will get you through. I say T & I are having a Cancer Dance and as long as we dance to the same tune its all ok. And now with the CC and your past, shall we say, “escapades” you are already a Miracle Woman and a Woman of Valor!

    in reply to: What cancer center sees the most bile duct cancers? #34865

    Randi, did you ever hear about the Anti Cancer book? I just bought it as I can also use it for myself being diagnosed in October and also having surgery for another “rare” cancer group. Very interesting and a lot of people on our Board had recommended it. My daughter’s fiance was DX with Lymphoma 3 years ago and has been in remission after chemo and Vitamin C IV once a month with a natural pathic doc. He has also gone as Organic as he can. I say what ever works! And we would love to call you the Miracle Woman!

    in reply to: What cancer center sees the most bile duct cancers? #34861

    Here is the strange part. Teddy doesn’t adhere to but one diet, the C Food diet. He sees food and he eats it!!!! Perhaps he thinks nothing will get this 77 year old Sicilian, don’t know. His ex wife didn’t get him, Korea didn’t get him, a very exciting and hard life didn’t get him so he feels he is invincible. Mmmm I see now why he goes to daily Mass, guess that is working also. Honestly, sometimes I feel he is 77 1/2 what would I stop him from enjoying now. I have told him its a good thing I think he is so cute, that is why I hang around.

    in reply to: What cancer center sees the most bile duct cancers? #34859

    So glad you have a plan Randi, that is a big part of it. Teddy had his Whipple 4 1/2 years ago and did not go the chemo route. A tumor returned last year where his duodenum used to be and they did radiation to bring it down in size then zapped it with cyber knife. Now he has 2 small suckers that returned last Fall but they are so small that the Radiologist & Oncologist wanted to wait and Teddy has another PET in March. The oddest thing is in December the PET showed they had actually become smaller! Very interesting to find out from both doctors that some people’s hormones have something (?) that really fights cancer cells. I guess that is why we call him the Miracle Man. Good luck on the chemo and just keep cyber knife on the back burner just in case for down the road. Its a 3 day walk in the park.

    in reply to: Update on My Dad’s surgery #35609

    Dear Cinnamon, Thank you for the bedtime Super Hero Story. It is “hysterically sad”. I don’t believe Teddy or I have been in a shared room for the last 20 years!! OMG what an experience. But we love a story with a Happy Ending. And the Super Hero goes off in to the sun set to the Malt Shop. Seriously though, it will take some time for him to build up again. It doesn’t happen over night, my goodness look what he has been through. Wishing a more speedy recovery now and I can’t wait for the sequal.

    in reply to: night sweats #35582

    You are so right, Rick. Teddy also had some infections like that and we were told it just goes with the territory. While it needs to be tended to….not earth shattering. Although, and rightly so, I think most of us have a tendency to “jump” when involved with CC.

    in reply to: Plan set #35383

    Hi Nancy and thanks for the encouraging news. That is wonderful. We are crossing everything we own to hope for a good PET!!!

    in reply to: Finally***almost #35542

    Hi Lu. I think it is very hard to say what to expect as everyone reacts so differently with each procedure. Teddy had 25 radiation treatments and never got sick. Towards the end he got extremely tired and it lasted about 2 months and then he recouped. I would guess mostly everyone gets very tired. It also depends on the chemo cocktail. I put a halt on everything in our lives and we only did what he felt he could do. To me the best thing we can do is to relieve them of any outside pressures and let them go at their own pace. They know better what they can do than we know. Just be there with a smile and lots of support. How can he miss with a family like yours?

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