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  • in reply to: My grandmother has cholangiocarcinoma #35468

    Ladies, from the Grandma’s point of view, mine….when we moved to Phoenix we moved about 20 minutes from my daughter’s 4 kids, now young adults. The end of March is one of our biggest holidays, Passover and the Seder which is the big dinner and service is a very time consuming and tiring project but I do it with joy each year no matter what Teddy and I are going through. Last night we all went out to dinner and my only granddaughter ( I have 5 grandsons) said, Grandma I want to help you cook this year. She is 17 and a Senior. My heart was just skipping out in front of me. I said of course lets set a date! Sometimes we wonder if we really make an imprint but we do and I am sure of it when I hear all of you talk about your grandmothers.
    Oh, let me add, I do Passover and always within 4 – 7 days I turn around and do Easter for Teddy! So its doubly tiring. Last night the kids ages 13, 15, 17, 21 said they still want to find the Easter Eggs. Bottom line is when Grandparents have a close relationship with the children, things do hold fast and are remembered forever. And what a great feeling that is, just the greatest! And remember you will always have the wonderful memories.

    in reply to: UPDATE ON DAVE #35572

    YEAH! Just woke up and its always so good to start the day with such great news. I wonder if there is any other group of people in the world that get as excited as we do when we hear yes, you are going on radiation or chemo! Wonderful! :):)

    in reply to: Update and request for advice #35546

    Hi April and sorry about your Mother. I think one of the worst is when there is no game plan in progress as you feel so helpless. Sometimes it takes a little time to develop the best plan. As far as cyber knife is concerned, Teddy had it,
    I don’t know the max on how many tumors I do know that it must be under 7cm. You just might want to consult with a radiologist on how many can be zapped at a time. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: my mom is a miracle even the docs all agree #35512

    Welcome to our Family and what a wonderful story!!! Miracles do happen and more often than not, lately. What a great day it is to hear a story like your mom’s. Thank you for sharing that on our Board and please keep us posted of her progress. Also please relate to her that we think she is AWESOME!

    in reply to: My dad has cholangiocarcinoma #35527

    Dearest Marianne, WELCOME to our Family and so sorry you had to come here. I would just like to say that your dad is going to one of the very top Hospitals and Doctors around for CC. Stay strong and don’t give up hope.
    Please come here to ask, vent advise or just hang around. And please do keep us posted.

    in reply to: A Wife’s Grief #26703

    Dearest Debbie, I cannot even imagine. The best I can do is send you love and hugs and let you know we are all sending you courage and strength.

    in reply to: Chuck from Michigan #35506

    Welcome to our Family, Amy. Sounds like you are doing quite well. The thing is, with CC we don’t know much. Reactions are never the same, we never know when shoes will be dropping so we stay very positive and have great attitudes as you an tell here. I always say, it is what it is, now let’s do something about it and you certainly are. Enjoy each day and thank goodness your chemo cocktail seems to be working so well. Most of our “nervous” times are Lab times and scan times. Who knows. When I think Teddy is doing great, he has a higher count or bad scan. When I think he may be doing poorly he comes out a winner. The one thing we know with CC is that we really know not much. It is wonderful that you are working and living life well. Please keep us posted on your progress. Where is your CC and where are you from? Come visit often and feel free to ask, advise or vent all you want.

    in reply to: Good Scan results – that’s 2 in a row! #35518

    Hey or Hay, Rick, that is just wonderful news. Just what I want to go to sleep with now, knowing one of my family is doing so well!

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34445

    Margaret, you a bag lady now? I changed all Teddy’s bags! Wouldn’t care to do that again! Hang in there girl, what’s a bag between 2 old bags!!!!

    in reply to: Widow gets VA benefits due to husband’s death from cc #35411

    Hi BZ. How are you doing? We discovered that the Park Regency was sending my mom down hill so we just moved her this week to a Private Home Care facility off Cooper & Ray near my daughter. What a blessing!!! In a few days she went off Pampers and has been eating like she hadn’t eaten in months. Of course the dementia is worse but at least we know she is being treated like a human should. She was falling so much that she spent more time at ER than in bed! Forget how I told you the Park Regency was good! NOT!

    in reply to: treatment doesn’t seem to be working #35312

    Prayers coming your way for a wonderful trip and that you will bring back a wealth of new memories to keep forever. Teddy goes to Mass every morning and I will have him light a candle for you and your mom.

    in reply to: Christina from Michgan; in regards to Chuck #35489

    Good Morning and welcome to our Family, Christina. You are indeed a good friend and feel free to come here any time.

    in reply to: Chuck from Michigan #35499

    Hi Chuck and welcome to our Family but sorry you had to visit. You already are a SURVIVOR and Gavin is so right, this will be a walk in the park compared to what you have been through. I just wanted to add that my husband had cyber knife a year ago. He had a Whipple almost 5 years ago at the age 73 and the CC returned a year ago where his duodenum used to be. Got it with CK. To me CK is a true Miracle. He now has 2 new tumors, 1 near the kidney and the other near the liver but we have already been told they will do CK again! Right now though they are watching as for some strange reason they seem to be shrinking. PET Scan next month will tell us more. You an read about it under my Posts as Lainy. Good luck and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34436

    Oh, Margaret, I am so sorry for what you both are going through. Yes, when it “snows” it “avalanches”. Teddy had to have his ureter stented 1 1/2 years ago as the new tumor at the time pushed the right ureter closed. He had a urologist who shall we say left a lot to be desired. I switched and now we have a real Pee Pee God! Hope I made you smile. And hope to hear better news tomorrow.

    in reply to: My grandmother has cholangiocarcinoma #35459

    Mimi, Welcome to our wonderful family. First I want to say what a loving Granddaughter you are and I also want to let you know you are most definitely not alone. Your Grandmother sounds like a very exceptional and brave woman and sometimes as one gets to that age, one prepares to be with their “other” loved ones. You will always have your memories. Stay strong for her now and know that Hospice will ease her journey. Take care and please keep us posted.

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