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  • in reply to: External Drain Bag #35335

    Yep, let me add another vote for the safety pin. There is a bag with a belt for around the leg but Teddy didn’t like that. He wore undershirts and pinned the bad to that under his top shirt. Good luck.

    in reply to: What cancer center sees the most bile duct cancers? #34854

    Hi bigtrout (the one that didn’t get away) and welcome to our family. Your post gave me chills. What a wonderful story of getting to it, and getting done with a happy ending. You are not only lucky you are such an inspiration. Wishing just the very best for you and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Looking for Sue? #35302

    Hi Jennifer. We never went to Mayo. Teddy was in Milwaukee WI when it happened and was an emergency. We had no choice but lucked out with the surgeon as only a couple did the Whipple at the time.
    Our 2 week visit turned in to 3 months as they aborted the 1st Whipple attempt due to his pancreas “wilting” from dye that hit it during the Endoscopy.
    Then 2 weeks later he developed a double e-coli infection. Then they did the deed. 2 months later we were headed home to Phoenix and his 2 tubes blew out of his stomach on Midwest. Now we laugh about it. What a mess!! Got home and 2 weeks later he developed a small hole at the resection and went in to rehab for 1 month on NOTHING but an IV in hopes that starving the hole would heal it. It did and then everything went fine.
    We have a Mayo here but were advised the best was in Rochester MN (the best for CC) By that time of course it was not needed. Honestly the hardest part was the worry of finding doctors once we would come home. He was the perverbial healthy Sicilian stallion! I researched and talked to a few people and made the decision. You see I practice medicine…’s called my gut feeling. We feel very lucky to both have a team of the best of the best doctors here in Phoenix. We share our Oncologist, Urologist and Gastro man. If I needed to I would also use his Radiation guy. 5 different docs told him from the beginning that he would never be a candidate for chemo however, he can have radiation or cyber knife. His regime is to see the ONC every other month and have LABS every month. They are keeping an eye on his 2 new little tumors. And here we are 4 1/2 years later. I call it our Cancer Dance and I say, we are doing just fine as long as we are dancing to the same tune.

    in reply to: treatment doesn’t seem to be working #35309

    Hello Mom’s wonderful daughter. I would also ask the doctor before traveling. It’s a long trip and if she is not comfortable how will she take the ride? IF she takes this journey, I would also try and get the name of a doctor or 2 you can call on there if needed. Also remember this is the time of year for colds and flu and I know after my surgery in October I decided I would not board a plane until Spring. Just some things to think about.

    in reply to: Looking for Sue? #35300

    Dear Jennifer you are reading and researching and that is a good thing to start with. Sue’s is such a wonderful story and I can add my husband Teddy to that Miracle as well. We were visiting in Milwaukee and he totally jaundiced. With in about 10 days he was having his Whipple. You would not believe what he went through, not in disease but in healing. You can read about him under Lainy. And here he is 4 1/2 years later at the age of 77 going strong. Oh, it cropped up a year ago where his duodenum used to be and they zapped it with cyber knife. Now it has appeared as 2 very small tumors near a kidney and outside the liver. Nothing is being done at this point as they seem to be shrinking on their own!!! We are all dumbfounded. The Radiologist and the Oncologist believe Teddy has a certain kind of hormone that is shrinking them. Pet Scan due in March again. This wonderful site dubbed him their Miracle Man.
    Remember, something new is always around the corner in some form of treatment. It helps mind and body to try to stay positive. Like I say, Attitude is everything. This is all still so new for you and it takes a little time. There are some great Center now for care but Mayo, MN. is considered one of the top.
    Also Sloan Kettering and MD Anderson and a couple in California. I give thanks so many times that here we were in Milwaukee, there were only a couple of surgeons who did a Whipple, it was an emergency and Teddy was really in Gods hands. Miracles do happen!

    in reply to: CC Stability for Now #33689

    A one year anniversary from a Whipple is not something to sneeze at. My husband is at 4 1/2 years. Wishing for the best for your mom, never hurts to dream!

    in reply to: Brother with Klatskin tumor #35276

    Hi reddobie and Congratulations to your brother who is already a big survivor.
    Welcome to our Family. CC is such a puzzle and with everyone being so different and having so many different kinds of symptoms and treatments it is impossible to “plan” ahead or give statistics or to know what is going to happen. Therefore we just don’t listen to statistics and none of our Family was born with an expiration date. The best is to live in the here and now. Lord knows, it takes enough energy just to do that. We have quite a few who have beat their odds by years. Be so happy that he is doing so well, enjoy all your time together and fill your life with love and laughter. Also, please keep in touch regarding his progress and know we are all cheering for him.

    in reply to: Words of Encouragement #35263

    Well, CONGRATULATIONS to you! A splendid survivor! We love good news stories. You must be a Musician ’cause I think you BEAT it like a drum!! Love it

    in reply to: on pins and needles #35267

    Dear Beth, I have everything I own crossed for good news for you & Art.

    in reply to: The journey starts #33068

    Hi Tom and so sorry to hear about the Scan. Do they have a plan? Glad to hear about your good weight though. Teddy had lost 40 LBS through the Whipple and about 3 months later gave away his suits, pants etc. Bought some new clothes and you know it. He is almost back to when he started! I should have known better, this old Sicilian loves his pasta!! Please let us know the “plan”.

    in reply to: FRUSTRATION #35239

    Lulu you cannot go back, you cannot dwell on what was as you now have your newest task in front of you. The road you took was not preferred but the route taken is over. You are so lucky. You have the best in surgeons and doctors now and well on your way. Let the past go, you cannot change it and save your good energy for the best to come.
    CC can be so frustrating until you get an actual DX and a plan and then proceed. Good wishes and best of luck on meeting with the surgeon. We have everything crossed for your dad and of course please keep us updated.

    in reply to: Update: good news #35237

    Wow! WAY TO GO:):) In my own mind I am now calling your Father-in-law “JOE WILL”! That is such great news. We do have miracles. I would also ask the Radiologist about the pain. When Teddy had radiation last year he had some aching around the site of the radiation. Bottom line, its just great news.
    By the way, it didn’t take Teddy long to gain weight back either. They call it the C food diet. These guys See food and eat!!!

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #35246

    Oh, Margaret sorry about the bronchitis but YIPPEE on the B.R. That is great news. Keep on kickin!!!


    Rowena, this is very good news. When we find that oane doctor we connect with and have a plan it all seems to just fall in place and we relax a little.
    As for vitamins the doctors all have said to go on 5,000mg of D, not as a cure but it is supposed to help fight. My daughter’s friend was DX with Lymphoma and he has been going to a Naturopathic doctor along with his Oncologist and he takes intravenous doses of Vitamin C and has been in remission for 3 years now. One other thing, I just picked up the book, Anti Cancer as I had seen it on here many times. Its a wonderful book with a lot of nutrition points in it. WE are so happy you found THE doctor!

    in reply to: Good News!! #34692

    Hi Cinnamin. We will have everything crossed for Wednesday. Tell your dad that people from all around the world are cheering him on!

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