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  • in reply to: remembering the last days #34699

    Dearest Janet, I know there are no words to really express your feelings, or ours to you, so I will use words of someone else:

    You will grieve my loss, but I have not gone. My body is beyond your reach, but my soul is touching yours. I am the one who enters your dreams. Caresses your face Hugs you. Misses you. I have not left, my spirit is with yours. I am all around you when you call. I am the gentle breeze when there is no wind. I am in the photo on the wall when you blink in disbelief. I am the song that enters your head for no reason, yet it reminds you. Don’t grieve that I am gone. I am with you, beside you, in you. I will be forever

    in reply to: Good News!! #34678

    Yippee! Good news and so quickly! It seems like just yesterday that you were looking for that “one” Doctor. Good wishes coming your way.

    in reply to: Hope for the Tired and Weary #34362

    Wow, Mary, you sound like me. Good luck in PA. I will be waiting with bated breath to hear what they have to say….

    in reply to: Should Have Posted Long Ago #34279

    Hi Larry. Teddy & I are in Sun Lakes and I have a daughter in Gilbert off Elliot & Cooper at Neely Ranch. The munchkins go to Mesquite High School. In fact we just left them after watching the Cards beat the Pack. Originally we are from Milwaukee. If you are so inclined you can read up on Teddy under my name, Lainy.
    We do not have a support group per say. I have met a couple of members in Phoenix. And last month Barb from Glendale CA stopped by with her husband.
    If you want to talk we would be happy to meet with you and just talk. If a support is more what you need all the hospitals have support groups. Very good groups. Just send me an e-mail if you would like to get together. We could meet for dinner or a cup of coffee. I hate coffee make that tea for me!

    in reply to: ERCP Monday #34315

    Lisa, lots of good luck for tomorrow. Good thoughts coming your way and lots of hygs!

    in reply to: Update #34667

    Hi Lauri and thanks for the great news. Can’t think of anything better than smooth sailing from all your mom has gone through. She is now officially a Cancer Survivor! Please keep us posted on her and we send lots of smiles for the wonderful Xmas gift!!!

    in reply to: Hope for the Tired and Weary #34360

    Hi Dad’s Daughter. Well it sounds like you had a very successful day and it pleases me very much. Good girl, you are on all the right tracks!!

    in reply to: Hope for the Tired and Weary #34353

    Mary, Tom and Teddy sound like twins! Teddy is an amazing patient and I do the appointments, Insurance wars, getting results etc, etc. Sometimes I just put off my own medical stuff just to not talk to one more doctor or have one more appointment, know what I mean? We have had sinus problems all week and my girlfriend keeps telling me to go to Urgent Care and I say, No, no more doctors of any kind for awhile. She is healthy in every way but every day she has a different medical problem! Every day. I find myself getting a tad resentful. Like why don’t you just enjoy your life, you are so lucky! Sorry, I didn’t expect to go on like that. GO PACKERS GO TODAY!!!!

    in reply to: Hope for the Tired and Weary #34350

    Hello Dad’s daughter and welcome to the Family. First of all please don’t feel guilty for thinking that you did not research enough or that your dad was in the clear. These are such normal reactions. I would make a suggestion that since your brother is a doctor that you have a family meeting. Ask your dad what he wants and if he wants you to continue on searching and making further contacts tell him you will be glad to do it. Its so very important to get everyone on the same page. Also, you don’t have to do a lot of chasing to get other opinions, you can Fax a doctor your dad’s test results and they do get back to you. If your brother refuses to still discuss this then you need your dad’s permission in writing. Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN is one of the best for CC. You can fax them the records and they will get back to you. Please don’t waste your valuable energy on guilt, you will need it instead to make decisions and to stay strong.

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34371

    Margaret, I just had an idea. Has anyone mentioned Cyber Knife to you? It is a type of laser and the tumor has to be under 7CM. Teddy had it last year. I am wondering if it could be considered. 3 – 5 days of treatment and its cooked!!!
    Not much side effects either.

    in reply to: Supplements with Chemo? #34284

    Hi again! We just picked up the “Anti Cancer” book. Very informative on natural ways to try and combat cancer. If you don’t want to do the vitamin thing, and everyone simply cannot take that, there are some good suggestions in the book. Its also been recommended many times on our site. Thanks for the note about Vitamin C and the kidneys. Never had heard that before. I sometimes think if all the vitamins and herbs were that beneficial more doctors would order them. My doctor has Teddy & me taking Vitamin D, 5,000 mg. He is also big on Fish Oil. For Teddy, our ONC gives him a B12 shot monthly. That’s really about it for us for RX. Oh, they all heavily believe in Green Tea.

    in reply to: University Hospital vs Cleveland Clinic #19055

    Belle, you cracked me up because I am in the middle of making chicken soup. In relation to the giblet approach…I have discovered after all these years, that when I would make it with cut up chicken I NEVER got as much flavor as with a whole chicken which I use now. Translation, albeit stretching, to use the whole body is better than in parts!!! Sorry, couldn’t help it.

    Rook13, that is such great news about your husband. We had so much good news over the holidays on our site and apparently it is still coming…excellent!
    We are definitely entitled to other opinions and no one wants to deal with a depressing doctor, we have enough of that in our lives, yes?

    Candy…Aggressive and positive, perfect combo! We do not listen to statistics as they change too fast and we are NOT a statistic.

    Dad’s Daughter..No time frames! We were not born with an expiration date stamped on the bottom of our feet. As for Cancer Treatments Centers? If you type that in to our search button you will see what others have said. I have heard pros and cons but then you can hear that anywhere.

    For all you wonderful ladies: I practice my own kind of medicine…GUT feelings. They are usually right. Get opinions until you are totally satisfied. And to all of you….don’t forget to take care of yourselves as well.

    in reply to: Failed first-line regimen #34662

    Hello there LoveMyMom. It sounds like you have been doing all the right things
    although it seems we really never know what is right with this mystery. All the “old” timers here know I view all this with my own type of treatment……GUT feelings. With that said, I would gather all the test results and send them to a well known clinic such as Mayo in Rochester or MD Anderson or etc, depending on what may be closer to you. They will read the test results and let you know what they think. Your Mom’s ONC may be the nicest man in the world but I would rather take an ogre who is aggressive. Bottom line, if you have any doubts at all you are entitled to as many opinions as you need to make you feel confident.

    in reply to: Mortgage refinancing #34349

    Hurrah for 30 year mortgages. That last post was music to my ears!!!


    Hi Rowena, I had posted on another note to you that I understand there is a Dr. Lenz that several of our “Family” uses. He is supposed to be the best. I am not sure where he is located, I think the Los Angeles area. If you use our search button at the top and type in Lenz you will find posts on him.

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