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  • in reply to: Good CT scan, yayy! #33749

    Woot! Woot! Another Miracle story today. Similar thing happened to Teddy today. You 2 hanging out together? Keep the good news coming. Sure know
    what you mean about relief. And here we were raised to think relief was spelled Alka Seltzer!!!! Forgive me I am on a natural high!

    in reply to: Ever heard of or had Liver Dialysis?!?! #33661

    Hi Ashley, sounds like it may be something exciting! Did you get hold of that doctor at MD?

    in reply to: arcitle: ex vivo surgery on liver and abdominal tumor #33723

    WOW! That’s all I can say…..

    in reply to: Goodbye Mom #33739

    We are very sorry for the loss of your mom. Mother’s really never leave and I am sure you will begin to feel her watching over you very soon. Our thoughts and prayers are sent to you and your family.

    in reply to: Missing Charlie at Christmastime and always #33729

    Merry Christmas Carol, good to see you! I think also that the bottom line is what Charlie would want and in his memory you eventually will go forward. He will be right beside you and proud of you no matter what you do.
    We are always here for you and always like to know that you are feeling OK. We know its not great but OK is good for now. We are thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way.

    in reply to: For goodness sake, could Leroy be anymore of a brat? #33700

    Damn, Kris, the “boys” just all want to be with you. Say, that stomach tumor sounds similar to the GIST I had removed in October. Your doctor sounds wonderful and combine that with your attitude and distaste for the boys, it should be a winning combination. Maybe you need to aggreivate them so they leave. Play bad music, eat foods they don’t like, just go plain against them. I don’t think I would stick around if you were made at me!!!

    in reply to: My Dad #33668

    YEAH! That’s the spirit. I am in Phoenix so I can’t help with the doctor but I know we do have family here from that area.
    Love the new attitudes! You can do it and especially when you all stand together on the same page. I am sure someone will come forward with some names for you and in the meantime keep a list going of questions. You are a great cheerleader!

    in reply to: CC Stability for Now #33678

    Hi Joni and Joe and welcome. I am so sorry about the turn in you life. My husband was 73 when diagnosed 4 years ago. And these are the Golden Years, yes?
    A Whipple surgery occurs when the CC is in the bile ducts, Teddy’s was in the bile duct valve. It was not in the liver. You can look up Whipple on the web. For a lot of answers we have a search engine at the top of the page and you can just type in a word. Teddy had never been sick a day in his life. He even survived Korea.
    When the diagnosis is first given we are all scared to pieces because who ever heard of this before? We advise people to read up as much as they can and to ask many questions of the doctor. Once you have read up and a plan is in place your load tends to lighten just a little.
    It sounds like you really could use some extra hands there. Is there family that can help you?
    Then, you need to make a list of questions for the doctor so that you remember what you want to know at your next meeting. For us to be more helpful you need to know what the doctor is labeling Joe’s CC. Then you want to ask the doctor if he has treated this before?
    We do not listen to an expiration dates!!! Nobody really knows and we have people on here already surviving 2 years past any given dates.
    Finally, have you thought of a second opinion? We highly recommend those to see if something else may be out there that could help.
    Take some deep breaths and you definitely need some time to yourself. I used to get in the car and turn on MaMa Mia and sing LOUD until my throat gave in. It was very cathartic for me. You will also find pounding away at the keyboard helps relieve tension. I feel for you as I remember the bag changing and the stents and everything else and it felt at times like I was a Medical Robot. But know what? Here we are 4 years later and somehow you just get through it.
    Please keep us posted on Joe and let us know how you are doing as well.

    in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33432

    Lisa, double takes are good, cold skin is bad. How about a (fake) furry hat. You can also tell people you are taller then your hair. I bet there is something very cute in your look! I think bald is extremely sexy!

    in reply to: Surgery aborted due to pancreatitis #33655

    Glad to hear from you Gerry and that you are going to have a chat with the doctor. I just remember so vividly when after 2 weeks of healing the pancreas, the doctor came and said, “We can’t wait any longer, I am going to do a scan as I am sure the pancreas has healed enough to go in.” It was, he did and all was fine. I think also the long wait of “thinking” about the Whipple for months will be more upsetting then the actual Whipple. Hopefully you can have your chat sooner than later. Good luck.

    in reply to: My Dad #33664

    Dear Cinnamin, welcome to our family, and we are sorry to hear about your dad. Yes, it is a huge shock to find out you have CC. One day you are just fine and the next your whole world is changed. May I ask where you are?
    You will want to know if the doctor has treated CC before and how he suggests on proceeding with treatment. I feel the most important thing is to know that if you have any sense at all that the doctor is too vague or does not seem to know enough about CC you have the right to a second opinion.
    As for what you can do for your parents? You are already doing it by becoming dad’s advocate. The more you read and learn about CC the more artillery you have as an advocate. I know at 77 my husband gets doctor reports confused so I always make sure I go to every doctor visit with him. I actually do the talking and ask the questions. Make notes is you need to, it’s a lot to absorb.
    Feel free to visit us anytime to ask, advise or just plain let go!

    in reply to: CC Stability for Now #33672

    Welcome, Mom’s Daughter to our family and we are glad you found us but sorry you had to. It really sounds like you have been doing exactly everything just right. From what I understand you mom’s doctor is one of the best.
    My husband had a Whipple 4 years ago and is now 77. The CC returned 1 1/2 years ago and we zapped it with cyber knife. It has again returned and we will hit it the same way. When Teddy had his Whipple we were told by 5 doctors and surgeons that chemo would not help his (location and type) but he could do radiation and cyber knife. No one can predict how long a stage will last or what will happen next. I would assume that the doctor has to take everything in to consideration at that time to make his decisions.
    Your mom is already a survivor and I know its the hardest thing in the world to want to know what lies ahead, but we just don’t know. I know for sure that you will be hearing from others on our Board with suggestions. For yourself I think you will find it helps to pound out things on the keyboard so pound away, we are here for you and your mom.

    in reply to: Surgery aborted due to pancreatitis #33647

    Oh, gosh, I am so sorry but I have to chime in again here. After Teddy’s Whipple 5, that’s 5 different doctors and surgeons said they would NEVER give him chemo as it would not help after a Whipple. His pancreas was totally destroyed but healed enough in 2 -3 weeks for the surgeon to be able to cut the head and proceed. I am so sorry but I am very concerned having already gone through this. I just cannot conceive 4 months.

    in reply to: Surgery aborted due to pancreatitis #33653

    We are sorry Gerry about the aborted surgery. My husband Teddy had his Whipple aborted also as the dye from the Endoscopy had leaked on it and destroyed it but they only waited 2 weeks to do the new surgery as the surgeon said he could not wait longer. I do not understand a doctor waiting 4 months when time is crucial with CC. IF he insists on waiting I would get a second opinion especially knowing the surgery can be done successfully. Someone else may do surgery much sooner and then perhaps you would not need the chemo. I would definitely get another opinion. Tell him you now had your rehearsal and now want the real thing!

    in reply to: Ronald John Strachan – Goodbye Dad #33618

    P.S. Gavin, I know I had my turn but Walk jarred my mind about my dad and I felt it bore repeating:

    My dad at the age of 93 had gall bladder surgery. Came home and was fine. The next day he went in to a very deep, peaceful sleep. We could not wake him. I called the paramedics and they could not wake him. They did the infamous breast rub and he jumped awake. Mom sat on the bed and said, Norman, “I was so scared you wouldn’t wake up!”
    (At this point I have to interject that my dad believed in nothing he could not explain. Heaven, magic etc. He also was not very descriptive.)
    He answers mom, “I just had a beautiful dream, I saw Heaven.” We went to ER and my daughter joined us there. She said “Grandpa, I heard you had a dream.” He said, “Yes, Robin, I saw Heaven and it was so beautiful.” He came home and passed the next day. If I never believed before I sure did after that.
    Heaven is Beautiful!

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