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  • in reply to: I hate Thursdays #32863

    Same back at you, Gavin. It will also be my first session with the Oncologist. Going to see if he wants me on an Oral Chemo. Its all about ME tomorrow! We already have a plan with Teddy’s Radiologist that will start the end of December. My turn! My turn! And so goes our Cancer Dance. Good luck tomorrow.

    in reply to: I hate Thursdays #32860

    Of course, you are not alone here. I liken it to going to the DDS. We have the Oncologist tomorrow and since I already know Teddy’s CA19 is rising I am terrified. I just don’t let him know. Strange but sometimes I find when I dread it the most…that is when we get good news!!!

    in reply to: Something surprising yesterday #32847

    Gee, Lisa, so sorry to hear you became a beet! Also too bad you and Kris don’t live closer you could shop together for hats and scarves. Another bump in the road that I know you will over come. Please, just stay strong as I know you are a good fighter. We think about you all the time and just wish things could go easier.

    in reply to: Helping my Mom #32850

    Hello and welcome to our little World. Your mother is already a “survivor” of a major surgery and I have a feeling she is going to conquer this as well. With you and your father fighting beside you mother, how can she loose? Make this a wonderful holiday along with thoughts that you again will fight and win. Please keep us updated as you all take on this new challenge.

    in reply to: surgery #32832

    Hi Ger and welcome to our little world! Did the Oncologist say you were to have a Whipple Surgery? IF so there is a Search Engine on the top right corner of the page and you can pull up my husband’s experience with the Whipple.
    With the Whipple the head of the Pancreas is removed to get to the tumor. my husband had no problems with the Pancreas did have a bag for bile drainage for awhile. There is always a chance for complication with any surgery. I would also advise you to look it up on the web and read as much as you can on our Board. Then you an be able to ask a ton of questions. Glad the tumor is small and that it can be taken care of. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31795

    I apologize. I thought you meant surgery to go inside. Now I understand, it’s the Kodak!
    That Day Care sounds just great. No, its not raining here. I think it’s been about 2 months and we really need it.
    Teddy just built his little Xmas Village. He likes to get a head start. He has downsized as his other village was 8′ by 4′ and was on a table just a little smaller than a Ping Pong table. . Too much for him now. So we went small and in layers. He does it in front of a mirror so it looks bigger. These Sicilians are so innovative. Let us know what the doctors decide to do. I think once they come up with a plan you will all feel a little better no matter what they decide. The now knowing is just awful. Stay in touch.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31793

    Good Morning Gavin, or in your case good evening. When will these guys realize they just can’t eat like they did? Teddy is on the C Food Diet. He SEE’s food and eats it! Sounds to me like dad is pretty much holding his own. Why would they have to go in surgically again? Can they not tell from a CT Scan or PET Scan? Hoping for good news for all of you.

    in reply to: medi-go-round #32843

    Hello Kearton and welcome to our little world. My husband is a 4 year Whipple survivor. A Whipple is the largest surgery there is to the human body. Not life threatening but huge. It takes a LONG time to recover. The biliary leaks go along with the territory. Teddy had developed a tiny hole at the resection and went in to rehab on nothing but an IV for a month…no food or water. The hole healed without further surgery. I might mention that his first Whipple was aborted and 3 weeks later he had the full monty. His was contained in the bile duct valve. 5 doctors (Oncologists, Radiologists, Surgeon) all agreed that chemo will not work in the bile duct area after a Whipple. He is now 77, golfing and looking for a part time job. The CC returned last year (where his duodenum used to be) and he had Cyber Knife and zapped it. It has returned again but is very small. He will get a PET Scan in December and will probably have Cyber Knife again. We know it will keep returning but as long as we can ZAP it we are good to go again. His regime is LAB work monthly and Oncologist every other month. I am repeating his story and continue to do so as I feel his is a story of hope even thought he went through hell. Funny, our surgeon too was so happy with his work and rightfully so.
    Have you addressed the low iron and etc with the doctor. There are things they can do for that. Have they said what is causing the biliary leak?
    Please stay strong as this recovery really takes a long time and just when you feel it’s not going to work, she will start improving. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: April’s mom – update #31375

    Yes, it is misleading! I would name it something like cyber-ZAP! Please let me know if she asks the doctors about CK. Where does you mom live? We are in Phoenix and very few hospitals have it. But, all we need is one and one great Radman!

    in reply to: Staging surgery and transplant dates are set…. #32810

    Wow! Wow! Let’s hope for an exceptional Thanksgiving! He does work in mysterious ways does he not? I am so excited for you. Nothing wrong with Turkey ala Mayo!

    in reply to: Our Sister #32645

    Hi Huffdog and sister. Those bags are the worst. Teddy had 2 of them in different places. One had the stitch to hold it in place and he said that stitch was worse than the 2 bags. I ended up building a wall around it with gauze and that seemed to help keep the position in one place. Glad to hear that radiation has been approved and ordered. It really is much easier to start with. Teddy had radiation last summer and he never got sick. Towards the end he was extremely tired but that was it. Much luck on everything. Sometimes just having a game plan improves everyone’s outlook.

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32338

    Carlos, take a deep breath, in and out, in and out! That is why you are going to talk to the Oncologist. He will not throw you to the wind. He will help you make this decision. 74 is not that old in today’s terms. Teddy is 77 and still going through what ever he has to do. Says he wants 10 more years! Long enough to see all grand kids married. If we felt there was no more hope we would gracefully say no more! But when a person is still vital for their age and you have stated your mom is in great health with a lot of strength I am sure the doctor will take all that in to consideration. You will not be alone in this decision. If you need to think about it just tell him you will call him in a day or 2. I am so hoping everything will ease up for you after tomorrow. It seems that no matter what, we all feel a relief when a decision is made. Hang Strong!

    in reply to: Chicago: I met up with Patty, Barbara, and her Mom #32798

    Oh, how wonderful and I wish I could have been there also. I keep saying that the feeling one gets when meeting a part of the “family” is beyond comprehension. I am so glad you all met. Marion…its in the 90’s here again! Nice and warm. I, who was always very warm, am now cold since the surgery.
    Safe traveling home!

    in reply to: Gemzar side effects this week. #32804

    Good Morning Stan, and thanks for the update. We feel exactly the same way. No pain no gain! But we are sorry you have to go through this. Perhaps someone on the same regime could give you some help here. Yes, I would call the Onc also. Feel better, and that’s an order!!!

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32332

    Hi Carlos. I believe your mom should know about the disease so that she understands why the doctors make the choices they do and so that she can be a part of making the decisions. It is true that CC behaves differently with everyone. The word “statistics” doesn’t matter that much, would be a little easier if it did. You know your mom best and if you feel she could not handle it then that is another story. I know this sounds strange but if you think she could handle it, well, those people come out with the best attitudes. I always feel the more you know the more you fight. Good luck.

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