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  • in reply to: is there anythink I can do #31612

    Call the doctors office, they will guide you where you need to be. You want copies of her tests and diagnosis ASAP. In the meantime ask our UK Family on this site for suggestions as to who to go to for a second opinion . Good Luck!!

    in reply to: is there anythink I can do #31608

    We are very sorry you are going through this terrible time. We really need some more information. What has been the diagnosis? How old is the patient? Where are you? Have any tests been run? Please give us some information and we will try to help.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, Dad! #31653

    Stan, Happy Birthday to your dad! What an awesome letter and I think we can all take a lesson from it as I have never seen anything like that posted on this Board. You are still the wonderful son and don’t think he didn’t read that Birthday letter. He was probably thinking, why the heck would you not open the fly box? I want you to enjoy it as much as I did and if you use it, I will be right there coaxing the big ones right in to your hook. Bless you and your family.

    in reply to: My father’s bile duct cancer? #31453

    Adam, I would be nervous too if they set the appointment a month from when the test was done! In one week Teddy had an MRI, CT Scan and ERCP and the next week he had the Whipple. Have you asked this doctor how many CC patients he has treated? I have learned one thing if nothing else, and that is we have to be aggressive with these medical people. Teddy had a PET Scan Tuesday and I have been calling daily for the results. Should have them today.
    When I called yesterday found out they got them back but they had not been entered into the system!!! I agree with Marion, if your appointment is the beginning of October I would just leave it now but if its another month away I would get on the phone! Please keep us informed of your progress.

    in reply to: is there anythink I can do #31604

    Thanks for all the information as it really helps. I have never heard the expression that all liver cancer is stage 3. I am so sorry to say this but to me, something is terribly wrong that nothing is being done for her. I would gather all her information and get her to another doctor post haste. Maybe you should ask this guy (notice I didn’t say doctor) how many CC patients he has treated. No doctor should ever give up on Stage 3 CC Cancer.
    There have been many on this Board still around after a lengthy time. I implore you to get her to another doctor quickly as this CC monster is pretty fast in it’s attack. Please keep us apprised in how mum is doing.

    in reply to: need advice on fistula #31600

    Hi Dawn and so sorry your husband is having that darn Fistula. My husband is a 4 year survivor of a double Whipple (first one was aborted after 4 hours) and he will be 77 in October. He actually had a couple of fistulas but they healed on their own. Took months. In his 3rd month he developed a hole, inside at the resection and the doctor didn’t want to put him through another Whipple so he went in to rehab for a month on nothing but an IV no food or drink of any kind in order to starve the hole and it did heal. Gosh, isn’t this Whipple something? I can’t believe your husband has had the fistula for 2 years! The only thing I used to do to stop the burning when it leaked was by putting a very good salve around it to keep it off the skin. Sure wish I could tell you more. I am thinking they have to go back in to repair it instead of just a topical repair. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Introductions… #31541

    Hi and we are so sorry about the DX. The MOST important criteria to look for in an Oncologist is that he has experienced CC patients. If you can let us know what city your mom is living in perhaps we have some members on Board that know of some ONCs. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: My lovely sister #31026

    Good Morning Julia from Phoenix AZ….I feel so bad for what your sister is going through and hoping today brings a more comfortable day for her.
    A Senior, yes? Congratulations. I enjoy reading your posts and you always make me smile. Just tell your sister about all the people from all over the world wishing her well. Its pretty powerful stuff!!!

    in reply to: I can’t believe this is happening so fast #31564

    What a great idea there Missy Lisa! Its probably too late for October but we could pick a month like in the Spring when everything comes to life again! That would give us some time to get this thing off the ground. Now the question is how we would go about doing this. I mean we all know every months is CC month but how to get it out there! We need to think outside the boxes (hospitals). Spring and Kris’s daffodils and around the world and goodness there is no stopping.

    in reply to: Peritoneal Spread #31551

    OMG Louise…thanks for the laugh of the day. That was a great S>W>A>G!

    in reply to: new member #31583

    You are not just a Florida mom, you are a Miracle mom and do not ever forget it. You are doing all the right things, like getting another opinion quickly. This monster does not care how old you are, and the only thing we know for sure is it has a mind of its own. We never rely on statistics as they just don’t hold true for us. If you now have faith with your new doctor just go with it. Your family is really not wrecked and you are still the glue, the tube has not dried out yet. Attitude and hope are as important as the medical parts. My husband at 77 is a 4 year survivor! Our mentor on this Board was Jeff and he lived with it for 10 years! There is no time frame. You surely do come from a line of survivors, I know that is a heartache. My brother-in-law lost 2 brothers in one of the Polish Camps and they were 12 years old twins. Onward and upward and keep up the good work as you are already a survivor!

    in reply to: 13.3 cm x 7.6 cm liver metastasis #31575

    Dear Lee, your dad must be a really wonderful man and his wanting to fight is a tribute to his strength. It is his decision and he is lucky to have you traveling this nightmare journey with him. Praying for positive results.

    in reply to: Concerns with chemo treatments for my 84 year old dad #31558

    I like your dad’s attitude and the doctors attitude. Your dad must be pretty strong to go through all that he as and wants to keep fighting. You come from good genes! You sound lilke a wonderful daughter adn we will keep hoping for good results for dad.

    in reply to: Introductions… #31535

    Hi Sue…and WELL said! P.S. You are looking so good!

    in reply to: Peritoneal Spread #31546

    Dear Judy you sound like a voracious fighter and that is wonderful so I am thinking its too bad you don’t have a doctor that thinks like you. Have you thought about getting a second opinion as we highly recommend that. CC has no time frame and statistics don’t work with CC so its very hard to give you an answer about time and what will work or not. We tend to be more scientific with gut feelings, attitude and a touch of humor! Perhaps your doctor has not treated many patients with CC which is also important to know. I commend you about your wonderful attitude but at the same time would strongly consider another opinion. Please keep us posted.

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