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  • in reply to: Introductions… #31528

    Welcome Lady Ria, to the best club in the world that no one wishes to have to join. No need to apologize for anything, your reactions are perfectly normal and once you have “digested” it all, your fear will turn to fight. Sounds like your mom’s attitude is great and that is why it is so important for us not to let down in front of our loved ones going through this nightmare journey. It also sounds like the doctors have a hold on this. Try to do some reading of our old posts as that will help you to think of questions you want to ask the doctors. Also make sure these doctors are experienced in CC. We are so sorry you had to find us but glad you did and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Brother Billy is in the hospital #31525

    Dear Sandy, we are so sorry to hear about your brother. Involving Hospice is a good idea as they can assist in many ways. Our thoughts and prayers are coning your way. We sincerely hope they can help with the pain.

    in reply to: Did I get hit by a Mack truck? #31504

    Oh my gosh, Lisa it is so good to see you again! We were all so worried and missing you so much. You know it will take time to recover but girl it is so good to see you on here again. Take your time and feel better every day. Our love to you!!!!

    in reply to: Keeping spirits up… #31492

    Sue, that is just the best news we could get!!!! You are another Miracle Woman! Keep that good news coming. YEAH!

    in reply to: what if the metal stent don’t work??? #31433

    WOW! Wendy, you are already a survivor!! Like we say, no one was born with an expiration date on the bottom of their feet. We don’t listen to statistics and we are so exclusive that we pretty much listen more to each other than those who are supposed to know more. We have people who were given months and are here after 2 years. I think its a lot of nerve for anyone to tell you how long you have, who are they? Gods messengers! Not. You have a great attitude and I have a feeling there is no stopping you! Keep up the good work and keep us posted.

    in reply to: what if the metal stent don’t work??? #31431

    Thanks so much and back at you, Julia. I am finding some people so “dumb”.
    I decided that since I have less than 2 weeks to go I am not going to kiss anyone or shake hands as all our friends here and others are wishing me well with kisses and hand holding. This is flu season now and I don’t need that. SO what do I get? Shocked looks, like what is wrong with me??? Then a gal comes up to me in choir yesterday and says, Oh, wait, you will be on suppositories for 6 months. I wanted to say well, you need them more to get the s— out of your own system. Honestly I have not figured out what makes some people tick. It just makes me realize more and more the wonderful “family” we have here in our own tormented but hopeful world. Hope the sun is out for you today!

    in reply to: what if the metal stent don’t work??? #31429

    Hi Jacque. They say patience is a virtue but not so in our case so don’t apologize for your impatience. I always want things done yesterday. That’s why I could never be a doctor….no patients (patience)! Dum, dum da dum dum.
    Bear with me as the closer I get to my surgery the sillier I become! I will try not to be so annoying. You are doing just fine and keep up the good attitude.

    in reply to: My father’s bile duct cancer? #31450

    You have a chance, I believe for cyber knife. As long as the tumor is in the bile duct and not the liver. Must be under 7 cn. They have even come up with a better CKnife since December when Teddy had his. The only aftermath was tiredness. No pain at all. He was given Zofran for nausea but he didn’t take it and never got sick. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Julia Parrett #31348

    Dear Amy, now that the funeral is over…sending you one of my favorites.

    To my dearest family, some things I’d like to say.
    But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
    I’m writing this from Heaven.
    Here I dwell with God above.
    Here, there’s no more tears of sadness;
    here is just eternal love.
    Please do not be unhappy just because I’m out of sight.
    Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night.
    That day I had to leave you
    when my life on earth was through.
    God picked me up and hugged me
    and said, “I welcome you.
    It’s good to have you back again,
    you were missed while you were gone.
    As for your dearest family,
    they’ll be here later on.
    God gave me a list of things,
    that he wished for me to do.
    And foremost on the list,
    was to watch and care for you.
    And when you lie in bed at night,
    the day’s chores put to flight.
    God and I are closest to you…
    in the middle of the night.
    When you think of my life on earth,
    and all those loving years.
    Because you are only human,
    they are bound to bring you tears.
    But do not be afraid to cry:
    it does relieve the pain.
    Remember there would be no flowers,
    unless there was some rain.
    One thing is for certain, through my life on earth is over.
    I’m closer to you now, than I ever was before.
    There are many rocky roads ahead of you
    and many hills to climb;
    Together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
    And now I am contented….
    that my life was worthwhile.
    Knowing as I passed along the way
    I made somebody smile.
    When you’re walking down the street
    and you’ve got me on your mind;
    I’m walking in your footsteps
    only half a step behind.
    And when it’s time for you to go….
    from that body to be free.
    Remember you’re not going…
    your coming home to me.

    in reply to: My lovely sister #31022

    Oh, Julia, I am so glad to hear how the doctor answered your sister! He sounds like a really good doctor. Yes, there is an odor as Teddy had radiation not chemo and there was also an odor from that. One day at a time is so true and put your attitude to that and you have a winning combination. Keep those sunny skies coming!

    in reply to: Introductions #31408

    Hi Zach. OK, so you are now Zorro. My Teddy is the Miracle Man and I have put Kris & Lisa in the boxing ring with pink sequined robes and pink leather gloves (not to fight each other though). I am game for any one else who desires a “name”. I must say you sound like a very upbeat, wonderful man and you fit right in our big family!

    in reply to: A hard fought battle #31487

    We are so very sorry about your mom’s passing. She is in a gentler place now with no pain and she is now watching over you. You are a wonderful daughter to have walked this terrible journey with her and I just know she knew how much you loved her. Mothers never really leave their children, you know. She will always be with you and if lucky enough, eventually you will see the signs that she is by your side. Our prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: My father’s bile duct cancer? #31444

    Adam, Welcome! Where to begin. My husband had a Whipple at 73 yrs and is now to be 77 next month. I am so very glad you read up on CC as it is very important to be fore armed and to know as much as you can. Listen to your gut. Its usually right. The Whipple is the largest surgery to the human body. Not life threatening but it is huge. Make sure that the oncologist/surgeon has had experience in dealing with CC. If your dad cannot have surgery I am wondering if cyber knife would work. We swear by it. It is not the regime that chemo or radiation is. Only about 3 sessions and you are done. IF the tumor is 1cn that is perfect for cyber knife. It has to be under 7 cn. Also location of the tumor is a factor. Where is the cancer located? Do not be frightened by statistics as you will see on this site some who were given a month are here after 2 years, every one and almost every case is different. Where are you located? I am so glad you found us as here you will meet the most caring and loving people the world over. If you like you can e mail me, email is under my name on the left. One more thing, we highly recommend second and possibly third opinions from other doctors. And when going to the doctor have a list of questions ready for him to answer. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: what if the metal stent don’t work??? #31425

    Hi Jacque, ditto to what Kris has said. Every time Teddy got “stented” he was very sore for a few days and he found that Tylenol helped. On the “yellow” part I told him I hoped it would leave quickly as I don’t like him in yellow! But it all takes time. One nurse explained it as ‘the skin has been tinted and new skin will change the color as it grows out.’ In the meantime perhaps they could give her something for the pain? Hang in!!!

    in reply to: Introductions #31403

    Z also stands for Zorro….and he could overcome anything!!!!

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