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  • in reply to: My lovely sister #31014

    Hi Julia, hard call to make as always on do I do more or less? Thought perhaps it was time to bring out the Cancer Rules Again as its been awhile:

    If I should express anger or depression,

    in reply to: Introductions #31398

    Hi Zupton and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. My husband had a Whipple 2 X within 4 weeks as the first one was aborted. He was 73 and honestly he is a walking miracle. Please don’t pay attention to statistics as we continually prove them wrong! Teddy is now 77 and golfs and wants to go back to work part time. You have youth so to speak on your side. Read up as much as you can, even our old posts, as to be fore warmed is best so you will know what questions to ask. We can all understand the fright but soon that will turn to fight, trust me. Please keep us posted and feel free to come here to vent, advise or ask.

    in reply to: My treatment regime…aggressive #31380

    Oh, Kris, I was looking for that Pink sequined robe and now I see you are wearing it! Give Leroy a punch and knock him out! I am wondering though why a man’s name?????? I will have to think now of a name for mine! Can’t give Teddy’s a name as it jumps around too much. Oh, I know for him, Jumpin Jack and we shall call him Jack.

    in reply to: My lovely sister #31005

    Julia, what a nightmare. You have every right to be angry. Very angry. When I feel that way I go sit in the car and give a scream, it does help. Sometimes I wonder if hospitals, doctors, etc care anymore. But then thank goodness someone proves me wrong. If it was me I would certainly let the assistant know. On the bright side, now you really know what the diagnosis is and will soon have some direction and that in itself gives some comfort. Our best to you all.

    in reply to: April’s mom – update #31356

    It all sounds good, you are on an upward trend. Just when things look so frustrating and confusing something turns it all around. Thanks for keeping us posted and wishing you continued SUCCESS!

    in reply to: Introduction – Sharing my Journey #31150

    Welcome to our world, HoustonMOM, where you will find the most caring and loving people from around the world. Sounds to me like your doctors are spot on and with your attitude being so wonderful you have a good chance of getting your wishes. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Need prayers for my Dad #31139

    YEA!!!!!!!! Its a good news day. Keep the good news coming.

    in reply to: My lovely sister #31000

    Julia, we are all right there with you, that’s why they didn’t want anymore people at the hospital! I still have everything crossed for a great outcome so they better make it happen as I am getting a little sore now!!! All our prayers are surrounding your whole family.

    in reply to: Lisa is in the hospital #31262

    YEA!, Lisa, its so good to see your smiling face. We are so relieved. That appendix is a nasty little critter, been there done that. Oh, I am just so happy there is not much more I can say. Please be a spoiled brat and let everyone take care of you and treat you like a Princess! Will be watching for updates.

    in reply to: Need prayers for my Dad #31132

    Dearest Michelle we are so very sorry to hear all that your dad is going through. Try to stay strong as our prayers and thoughts go out to your dad and your family.

    in reply to: Son of recently diagnosed 88-yr-old sensation #31349

    Welcome to our world and sorry you had to find us. I just have to say that my mother is 93 and if she were in her late 80’s we would not put her through this surgery, but that is just my opinion. My husband is 77 and had a Whipple 4 years ago. The CC returned last year where his duodenum used to be and they “zapped” it with cyber knife. IF it could be used in this case it would be one of the most successful treatments with the least amount of side effects. Everyone is different and what is good for one may not be good for another and that’s one of the frustrating parts of this disease. I am sure you will hear from more posters on this wonderful board and now that you found us please keep us informed on your plan of treatment.

    in reply to: Julia Parrett #31334

    Dearest Amy, it is all true now, that your mother is in a more peaceful place with no pain, doing all the things she loves to do while still watching over her family. She knew how lucky she was to have a wonderful daughter like you to see her through this terrible journey. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: My lovely sister #30993

    Hi Julia. I have everything crossed for Tuesday, eyes, arms, legs and all in between! Many prayers and good thoughts flying your way for your sister!

    in reply to: End of life #31312

    Dear Janet, I can only imagine, well its hard to even do that, what you go through. I wish there was something I could say to ease the pain for you but there are no words so instead I will send you a little verse:

    You will grieve my loss, but I have not gone. My body is beyond your reach, but my soul is touching yours. I am the one who enters your dreams. Caresses your face Hugs you. Misses you. I have not left, my spirit is with yours. I am all around you when you call. I am the gentle breeze when there is no wind. I am in the photo on the wall when you blink in disbelief. I am the song that enters your head for no reason, yet it reminds you. Don’t grieve that I am gone. I am with you, beside you, in you. I will be forever.

    in reply to: Another new member of the club no one wants to join #31315

    Ya got me Val, on the best little club and welcome to our family of caring and loving survivors. Sounds like it is just going to take time. The body knows what an ordeal it has been through and patience plus a fabulous attitude like yours will prevail. Just not fair is it to go through all that then hit the dam in the river.
    But you have had good news and that is the most important thing. I am sure you will hear from more on this site that may have some good suggestions for you. Please keep us updated on how you are winning the war!!

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