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  • in reply to: Health Insurance Offer #27824

    Lisa, I agree. It’s all very scary. And yes we are becoming very socialized. You mentioned the clunkers and I will add the Loan Modification. I tried and its a crock! T and I are 76 and 69 and we still don’t understand Medicare. Thank goodness we seem to have good insurance companies….so far. NOBODY who has served their country, paid their taxes for years, no one in this country should have to go through what a lot of our friends are going through. I feel so bad for those of you who do not know where you will fit in. That is not the America we were raised in.

    in reply to: Language barrier strikes again #30821

    Hi Kris….Mmmmm…..I am not sure I understand their language. If one saw it one way and another saw it another way…have you thought about a 3rd opinion? Or maybe I am now having a language barrier. If I know you, you will soon be done crying and soon will be fighting again! Always thinking about you….


    Dear Elicia we are so very sorry for this nightmare you are encountering. We always say that the one thing we know for sure about CC is that we know nothing. Therefore, there is no way possible for you to have done anything differently than what you have done. For each person wanting to do the chemo, there is a person who does not want chemo. Not all the surgeries are successful and the doctors don’t know how things will turn out until they actually go in for the surgery. The most important thing now is that you are at your mother’s side and that Hospice keep her as comfortable as possible. Your family and mother are i our prayers. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: identical twin_age 41- successful whipple surgery at DUKE #30809

    Oh, YEAH!, Heather! I am so happy to hear this. You have made my day! Please keep us posted on her progress. What a wonderful day.

    in reply to: husband newly diagnsed – fluid retention #30794

    Welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join! What state are you in? There may be a great hospital there that indeed knows about this little monster. Then your husband could go there. Not sure how much the VA’s experience is. Have NEVER heard of the fluid NOT being drained for the patient’s comfort. How old is your husband and where is the cancer? Oh yes, depression is the first reaction. Please read, read and read. To be for warned is to be for armed. Familiarizing yourself with CC will also lead you to be a great advocate for your husband. If you can, please tell us more so that perhaps we can be of more help to you. Once the depression is less and you learn more, you will begin to fight and that will take over the fears. In the meantime go with your gut, ask away at the VA and on this board. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: New: #30788

    Nice to see your smiling face, Janet and thanks for the e mail!!!! I find that just writing on this Board is just what the doctored ordered.

    in reply to: Surgery #30826

    My husband, Teddy, had a Whipple 4 years ago this month at the age of 73. It has bought him 4 valuable years and counting! He was in the hospital about 2 weeks and was sitting up the first day to my amazement.
    The Whipple is the largest surgery to the human body, not life threatening but huge. Would he do it again, yes. He was very healthy going in to the situation and had that on his side as well. Yes, fatigue is paramount for a few months. Appetite returns in a few months and in 6 months he was putting golf balls and working part time. To me, if the doctor feels you have a good chance what is a few months when it can buy you more years. A lot depends on where your father’s CC is and were they actually talking Whipple or something else. Sorry you had to come to our Oasis but there are so many loving and caring and brilliant people here to help you out. If yu can tell us a little more about the diagnosis that would help.

    in reply to: Taking my daughter to college today! #30815

    WOW! Lisa, you have so much to be thankful for but I have a sneaking suspicion it was their MOM who got them to where they are today! They must be wonderful “people”.

    in reply to: Fantastic News on todays CT scan! #30708

    Don’t ever, ever feel guilty about good news. Everyone on this site needs all the hope that can come their way and the beauty of our Board is that everyone is so happy to hear someone’s good news!!!

    in reply to: New to the site Please help #30676

    Yes, it is protocol for a hospital to ask for a living will and a DNR statement. Do not recessitate. In fact I have just updated mine for my upcoming surgery. Make sure they make a copy of it for her file so you don’t run into that again. They require it now even for a hang nail. Sounds like the doctors are acting now but down the road if you feel things are not going right don’t forget your right to ask for other opinions. I think if you read up on this CC you will be a stronger advocate for your mother and actually will allay your fears and your fight for her will overtake the fear. To be for armed is to be for warned. Good luck.

    in reply to: Help again – My Dad #30771

    Michelle, frustrating is the beginning. I don’t believe a word has been invented yet for CC. That seems to be a lot of ERCP’s. No MRI’s? You have every right to 2nd and 3rd opinions and we always suggest that. If they don’t think anything is a big deal its time for another opinion. Listen to your gut it is usually right. If you feel something is not being done right, maybe it isn’t. This is the hardest time, waiting for a diagnosis and getting on with treatment. Sound like you are going to be your dad’s best advocate and the journey has started. Does your dad have any other symptoms? Please keep us posted. We care.


    Hi Amy. Teddy was NEVER sick except for a hernia surgery. No medications at all. He was in Korea and in his other life a “good” drinker. I love what Patty said. But that is a common thread among our “family”.

    in reply to: just some general questions #30724

    Hi Ron and good wishes going out to Lucille on the procedure. I have been called a lot of things but never a tough bird! Thanks for asking. I have been posting even though its not CC. Waiting for my biopsy date. I will call this morning if I don’t hear anything by 11AM. Honestly I truly believe that I am getting through this because of my 4 years on this Board and what I have gone through with Teddy. For some reason all the ups and downs, all the fears and frustrations seem to really make me handle things so much better. I am just resigned to the fact cancer or not this thing must be removed and its like, lets just do it! Good thoughts flying your way!!!

    in reply to: Fantastic News on todays CT scan! #30704

    Way to go, Deb! We so love a good news report! YEAH!!!!!

    in reply to: just some general questions #30717

    A lot of us have been through this doctor business. I would call the office and ask if they have set up the catheter which would relieve the symptoms and make him more comfortable. If nothing has been done I would change doctors.
    That is my personal opinion. After you change then you can give his office and him what for. I am sure there are some people on our Board from that area and can maybe give you some suggestions. You want to know if this doctor has dealt with CC and if so how many patients. It is your right to obtain the best. Maybe if you go to our search engine at the top and put in Cincinnati some names will come up. The catheter for Teddy only took a day to schedule. Please keep us posted.

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