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  • in reply to: Ryan #30525

    We are so very sorry to hear the awful journey that Ryan had to take. He will always be watching over his wife and children, just from a different room. Our prayers and thoughts go out to Ryan’s Family.

    in reply to: Hernia anyone? #30508

    Most definitely! Teddy has several near the incisions. 3 doctors have said to leave them alone as they just don’t want to put him through more surgery. He also says they sometimes are “sore” but he just lives with it and yes they look very lumpy. So, now you and Teddy have that in common!

    in reply to: wanted to update everyone #30517

    We are so very sorry to hear about Dennie. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: Stage 4 extrahepatic CC #30492

    Dear Nancy we are so very sorry for the loss of your mother. She was very lucky to have you as a daughter and for you to take this awful journey with her
    and to be by her side. Mother’s never really leave, you know, they watch over you for eternity. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: Introduction and my story #29735

    Chris that is a wonderful and inspiring story! My husband, age 77, has his 4th anniversary this month from having the Whipple. It is these success stories that keep us going. Thank you for sharing that with all of us.


    Hi Julie and welcome. You do have a wonderful daughter! I am going back into the recesses of my mind and I think that our Jeff G. had that. Perhaps Marion can remember better. go to the top of the page and you will find a search button. Put in the word infusion and see what comes up. Lots of luck and we will be praying for you to have great success in curbing that pain!

    in reply to: request for lainey and marions: #30463

    I called you and left my phone number. Leaving for the doctor then to move my 93 yr old mom to Assisted from her apartment. Will be home Phoenix time about 630PM. Please feel free to call me. We do not listen to statistics! We are huge believers in getting other opinions no matter how good the doctor may be. Different eyes see different things. Please call me back when you are able.

    in reply to: Multiple Tumors returned – Not what I expected to hear #30455

    Suzanne I am so sorry for your news. I cannot say anything better than how Kris put it. She is living it like you are and her words are not only words from a
    “sister” but great words of wisdom as well. You are in our prayers. Hope & Attitude are everything!

    in reply to: Foreclosure? #30410

    Not sure just putting my 2 cents in. Sometimes we just have to move forward and maybe you would do well to sell the house and go in to a condo. Most of them do allow small pets. I have found out that these government programs are not what we think they are! The Loan Modification is only good for 6 months and you are NOT guaranteed to go back to the same %rate you had.
    You must show that in 6 month you can be earning an income. Big deal! Right? I know when Teddy is down he sees why I want to move to a smaller place but when he is feeling good he doesn’t want to move. I will tell you like I tell my kids, take a piece of paper and write down the pros and cons of moving
    see which side prevails. Good luck.

    in reply to: Introduction and my story #29730

    You are spot on about going to VERY experienced doctors for this very ghost of a cancer. Sounds like you do have a good handle on things and honestly you just have to go with the flow until you get to Mayo, where you will be in excellent hands. Please keep us updated and drop in often!

    in reply to: Delays and confusion #30444

    Hi Yo, Yo. So sorry for what you are having to go through. Sometimes I think the roller coaster ride is worse than anything else. I am sure your Grandfather is extremely proud of you now. I cheated in Gym a lot:):):) After what happened with my dad when he was dying and seeing Heaven, I just know that all our loved ones are watching over us. A non believer would never say he saw Heaven. I know you will pull on the strength you have and that you will feel better after you ask all your questions. Did you ever move to that cottage your husband bought for a vacation spot? Try to keep your spirits up as you know we are huge cheerleaders for you!


    Dearest Pauline, what a beautiful tribute to your husband. Yes, it seems like only yesterday and yet a whole year has passed. A man so wonderful as Anthony would have only picked a lovely wife as you. I am positive he is all around you in many ways. All your wonderful memories will be with you always. Anthony is also thinking of you:

    If I should be the first to go,
    And leave you alone, My Dear,
    Let not your heart be lonely,
    Nor in your eye a tear.

    Grieve not for me, my darling,
    I’ll not be far away,
    With petals of love and tenderness,
    I’ll pave for you the way.

    To join me in our sanctuary,
    And ne’er again we’ll part,
    Grieve not for me, my darling,
    I live within your heart.

    Take joy again in living,
    As you did in years gone by,
    God knows of what He’s doing,
    And not be questioned why,

    Grieve not for me, my darling,
    My life with you on earth,
    Each moment filled with happiness,
    And love so few be worth.

    I’ll be waiting for you Sweetheart,
    Where skys are ever blue,
    With eager heart and open arms,
    Patiently for you.

    Grieve not for me, my darling,
    May faith and my love keep
    Your soul filled with contentment,
    Eternally I sleep.

    in reply to: what are the known survival rates of CC at five years? #30426

    Teddy had his Whipple 4 years ago this month! He is will be 77 in October. Wants to go back to work part time (retired in Dec) and plays golf. He is a walking MIRACLE. When he meets doctors and tells them he is a Whipple survivor they cannot believe it! HOPE, PRAYER and ATTITUDE is the best RX and I can’t say that enough. Our own Jeff who mentored many of us on this Board beat the odds for 10 years. We are so happy about Kristin at 5 1/2 years. Just educate yourself the best you can on this CC so that you can be a jump ahead. Remember, none of us were born with an expiration date on the bottom of our feet. Wish we could give you some concrete news but its just impossible.

    in reply to: Introduction and my story #29728

    Nathalie, not sure what you mean by the head of the Pancreas being involved. Teddy had stents and no other damage occurred and then the doctor had to remove the head of the Pancreas to get to the bile duct valve. Other than detesting sweets for a few months he was fine. I always understood you could live with a part of the Pancreas and be fine.

    in reply to: my twin sister and bile duct cancer- advice #29760

    Ron, Teddy had cyber knife in December. We swear by it. 3 days of treatments and you are done!!! It will depend where the CC is and the size. It is amazing.

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