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  • in reply to: Cough with Cholangiocarcinoma #28923

    Hi Rosy and so sorry that you had to find us but glad you did. I am a firm believer in EVERYONE knowing EVERYTHING. That way it is never a surprise and you will not hear “why didn’t you tell me, there are things I would have prepared and done”. But that is only my opinion everyone is different. Also we are heavy believers on this site in second and third opinions and if you don’t like what this doctor is telling you gather your information and go for a second opinion. When you are starting this terrible fight there is so much to read and retain. You did not say how old your father is and I think that would help make the decision how much you are willing to put him through. Yes, some of the colangio cancers will not respond to chemo others will. Teddy was 73 when we started this journey and his type will not respond to chemo but it did respond to radiation and cyber knife. We have also opted to not do the chemo anyway. He is now going to be 77 and he said he would rather have quality of life even if it turns out to be short. It is a personal decision but it cannot be made if everything is not out in the open. Good luck and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Recently Diagnosed #29169

    Hello PRP and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join! My husband was diagnosed August of 05 and after a Whipple surgery and at the age of 76 now, he is doing well. It did return last April but with cyber knife we have now got the monster out again. There is always hope and one must have hope and attitude to get through this nightmare. We had no choice but to let people know at the onset as it happened on vacation out of town while visiting our kids. My own personal thought is that one has nothing to gain by keeping secrets. You would be surprised at the support that will come to you and you will be thankful for that support. I also believe when you let it out and talk about it a lot it helps you cope with what you are going through. I started group emails to friends and family keeping them advised of what was going on. Just sending out those pots daily for a while helped me let my stress out. Some even read up on it themselves. Like Lisa, Teddy is looking good and its hard for people to understand that he has Cancer. By the way, nice post, Lisa. This is a wonderful site full of caring, thoughtful, and brilliant people who have 2 thoughts and that is to find a cure and to help each other. We just find the more you talk the better it is. The day will come when you don’t have to talk about it so much but in the beginning it sure helps. Please keep us posted on your progress and feel free to come here to ask, vent or advise.

    in reply to: Lung full of fluid #28849

    Hey, Lisa, Girl!!! I just saw all this and just remember everyone is different!!!!
    You are too busy buying wash machines so perk up there, girl! This pertains to others. Let me see that big old Washington smile. There, you are looking better already! Attitude, Lisa, attitude and I know you have it. See, you have me as your very own cheer leading squad.

    in reply to: New Member, Mary of Los Gatos #29147

    Welcome Pat to a place no one wishes to be but we are glad you found us. My husband had cyber knife in December and it is truly amazing. Gold rods and all.
    Your wife seems to be coming through and that’s the great news. Its a long, long journey and we are here to listen or to give arm chair advise. We hope she continues to improve and that you will have some more good news for us.

    in reply to: Photography to raise awareness of Cholangiocarcinoma #29128

    Fabulous. IT tells a story and tells it all!! Wonderful!

    in reply to: New Memeber – #28956

    Best of luck. We have everything crossed-eyes, arms, legs and even ears.

    in reply to: My Dad passed away on May 20, 2009 #29120

    What a wonderful father you had for him to be missed so deeply. I know you feel there will be no end to your sadness but in time you will remember more about the good memories and they will overtake the grief. Grief is a long process and just remember he will always be with you in your heart and in your mind. I do believe too that some of the sadness in a way is the release of not having to care for him anymore. Remember that was what you lived so long with. He is truly in a more peaceful and happy place. And soon, as it has happened with others, you will begin to know he really is with you. Our prayers are with you and your family.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #29109

    Great post, Gavin. This kind of news is always welcome!!!!

    in reply to: The journey with Grief #29097

    Hello Pam, Tess and Karen, I know you are very sad but isn’t it amazing how those who have passed on are starting so soon to be in touch with you? To know they are around you and to love you still? They are teaching us that the “smallest” things in life are the things that are truly best. Everyone grieves in different ways and in different amounts of time. But to be able to see the rainbow where before everything was dreary, to see flowers with new blooms where all the rest had withered, cell numbers on the TV and voices on the answering machines. How blessed you all are to be able to pick up on these small signals. The present time is what we have and it helps us to appreciate these small but loving moments.

    in reply to: Recovery from Whipple surgery #29101

    Hello and welcome. My husband who is now 77 had a double Whipple 4 years ago in August. If you go to our search site and look up Whipple or Lainy I have a ton of posts starting January of 2006. Teddy’s was a tad different as he first had an aborted Whipple. When he had the “real” thing a month later and he was in the hospital for 2 weeks. The recuperation takes several months. It is the largest surgery to the human body, not life threatening but large. Everyone recovers differently but if you have any questions please feel free to also e mail me.

    in reply to: To those that have left us #29079

    ljg Keep on petting that kitty as it is making your mom smile. Mom’s never really leave their children, especially “special” moms who are missed as much as yours. She is all around you and guiding you and loving you.

    in reply to: It Finally Came #28775

    WOW! Fireworks going off. Bands playing. Flowers all of a sudden in bloom. It doesn’t get any better than your news. That is just great and I bet you will have a fabulous Father’s Day!

    in reply to: new member #28686

    Good to see you Vincent and thanks for letting us know how your family is doing. From your wonderful posts I had no doubt they would do anything but good, especially since that wonderful mother of yours is still guiding all of you!

    in reply to: Chemo I a chemo washout? #29085

    Hi Kris. Bumps in the road. I know that when Teddy finished his 25 radiation treatments it took 3 months after that to get the cyber knife going and I was extremely concerned. The Radiologist told me twice if not three times that it was still cookin. I know its not chemo but perhaps chemo works the same way.
    When you serve the whine with cheese let me know I will bring another ordourve along.

    in reply to: Devoncat where are you?? #29070

    Thanks, Marion. Have been missing Kris also. How neat that you are going to meet Kris and Pauline!

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