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  • in reply to: surgery possible in my very near future #25679

    What would you like for lunch?. Sometimes I just am amazed at the courage you and all these wonderful people show. We talk about what is happening to us and our loved ones like its just another meal! Are you something or what. Hope you hear good news and then we can all be excited for you as well. How wonderful that you have such aggressive doctors. Thats great. We will be sending prayers your way for the MRI on Monday.

    in reply to: Potassium levels very, very low #25687

    Hi Heather & Em: So sorry about the potassium level. OMG! Did Lee come here driving by himself? What hospital did he go to? And yes not just the patient has cancer, so to speak. It redefines ones whole life and those around. Roller Coaster is right. Hang in kid, you need to stay strong for Em.


    Dear Kris: It would be easiest to say don’t be scared so I will say STAY STRONG! I always take the attitude that I realistically hope for the best. Like you say lets just hope that it is your annual scare. Above all all our prayers are going out to you and we await the updated post!

    in reply to: Inquisitive son….. #25632

    That is a “good news” day! We love to hear good news. Perhaps the best part is you are controlling the situation instead of it controlling you. A very difficult task with CC. Continued good news and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Update on Charlie #25545

    Thanks Carol! You are such a lovely lady. I just wish we could all meet as I feel I have made the nicest friends on this Board. You are very courageous and I looked up your Caring Bridge and you have a wonderful family. You and Charlie sure make a beautiful duo. I know what you mean about the itching creams. Teddy couldn’t take the cortisone stuff. One would think his Sicilian skin would be more tough. Oh, I forgot he has mellowed with age! Stay strong and keep up with the great attitude! We are all in your cheering section!

    in reply to: Miracle Man Comes Through Again #25471

    Cyberknife is wonderful! Very little side effect, just a little tired for about 2 weeks. Not as tired as radiation. The only thing I know is the cancer has to be 6 cm or less. When we started Teddy’s was 7 cm so we did the radiation first. Chemo will not or ever work for him. You might want to ask the doctor about the CK. I think it depends where the cancer is located. Location and size. And all it took was 3 sessions. Good luck.

    in reply to: Daddy is at peace #25550

    So very sorry to hear about your daddy. How very lucky he was to have a daughter like you and a loving family to help him with his Journey home. Our prayers are with you and your family.

    in reply to: Trying to keep hope #25579

    Hi Steph. I was re-reading the posts here and I just want to say one thing…for you. It does not matter if you are religious or not. Its what in your heart that counts. God does not judge or keep score. He does not give a time table so ask him for strength and there is no time like the present to start believing.

    in reply to: Inquisitive son….. #25620

    Hi Rob and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. The question you ask is the one we all ask. Unfortunately there is no set answer. Its a patient and family decision. We were told that chemo will not help my husband’s CC but he did have radiation and cyber knife and it worked. We have discussed the chemo versus quality (should any doctor want to try it) and we have opted never to do chemo because it will not help his type of CC, but that is our decision, he is 76. For us, we prefer quality time. Oddly a few of our doctors related the same thing to us after we decided to do it this way. That they would accept quality instead. Again its a private decision. Maybe that question would create an interesting thread here. Those who have gone through chemo versus those who opted not to. It would be interesting to hear from patients and caretakers. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Herbs and supplements interfere with Chemotherapy/Radiation? #25610

    Saracita, I can tell you a little about Vitamin C. To get full value you need to go to a Naturopathic doctor and receive Vitamin C intravenously. My daughter’s fiance has Lymphoma and went thru Chemo. Before the chemo he started working with a Nat. Doc. and did the Vitamin C route among other things. He had NO side effects at all from the chemo and is now in remission. HE has met a lot of people in her office and there certainly is something to say for going this route.

    in reply to: Daddy is at peace #25604

    Dear Patsy I am so sorry to hear of your dad’s passing. He was lucky to have you with him during this terrible journey. Remember he has only left the room and will be with you always. Our deepest sympathies to you and your family.

    in reply to: In Rememberance of Peter from Vermont #25596

    Our deepest sympathies to Peter’s family. Peter is now in a kinder and gentler place free of pain. Whenever we see a sparkling river, a Halloween pumpkin or a beautiful sunset we will think of Peter and know he is not that far away. He will be painting our landscapes for eternity.

    in reply to: Here’s where I am now. #25588

    Hi Sophie. I think about you so often. You don’t know it, but I go naturally so often I could go for you as well. As far as the “BIG” discussion it just has never been an issue for us as we discussed it when Teddy first got sick 3 years ago.
    I think if its handled in not a depressing way it is an important part of life as we get “older” and important to let family know how we feel about things whether we are healthy or not. Our “blended” family knows how we both feel on everything so it is no longer an issue. I like to have things “planned” out ahead of time just to have them off my delicate mind. I know Jeff always says a break is good and you just have to go with your gut feeling. Please keep us posted and be strong!!!

    in reply to: Starting down the radioembolization road #25562

    Fingers, arms, eyes and legs crossed! Wish I could do the toes!!!!

    in reply to: Trying to keep hope #25567

    Hi Stephanie. We are so very sorry you had to join our elite little club that no one wishes to join. My husband had a Whipple 3 years ago and the cancer returned last April where the duodenum used to be. We are lucky, he had radiation last summer and just finished cyber knife and he is cancer free again.
    The only thing we know for sure about CC is that it affects everyone differently and that we really do not know much. With that in mind your feelings are perfectly normal. We always suggest getting another opinion. Read up as much as you can and especially in our search site there is valuable information. Its a lot for anyone to take in but all of a sudden when you feel informed and secure with the doctors your strength comes through and you become a real fighter against this disease. Do not know where you are located but please let us know as I am sure someone could be from your area and advise you of a place to turn to if you want a second opinion. Please keep us posted.

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