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  • in reply to: Dad’s chemoembolization #25254

    Fingers, arms, legs and eyes all crossed! Happy and a Healthy New Year to you and your family!

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24565

    So sorry you didn’t get better news! Don’t give up as you never know what the next doctor will say. Wishing you and your family a healthier and a Happy New Year!

    in reply to: Good news from my CT Scan!!! #25073

    YEAH! What a way to start the New Year! Thank you for the wonderful news!

    in reply to: It’s done #25243

    Dear Iris, we are so sorry to hear about Peter. How wonderful that he had you, his devoted and loving wife to see him through to the end of this terrible journey. He is in a far better place, at peace and without pain. Our pryaers are with you and your family.

    in reply to: New Member #25237

    Wow David, another Miracle Man, and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. That is a wonderful story. Keep up the good work, stay strong and keep us posted.

    in reply to: Dad passed away Christmas Day #25183

    Dear Jan and Family, We are so very sorry about your dad. Sounds like he just wanted to spend Christmas Day in heaven. Remember that its not the last kiss goodbye that matters most but all the kisses before that. Our prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: Hi everyone #25205

    Welcome Hope and Grace. I just wanted to say welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. Wish I could give you an answer but we have only experienced radiation and cyber knife. Teddy’s area of cancer got swollen and hard but it was not the whole stomach. You sound like a wonderful daughter and your mother is very lucky to have you by her side. Stay strong and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Greetings from Peter #25196

    What a warm and beautiful message! Thank you for that.

    in reply to: 80% Survival Rate at Mayo Clinic #23652

    Hi Tess. Funny you should say that about the “cancer zone”. I have watched where people are from and it seems heavier on the East Coast, then the West then central. Interesting.

    in reply to: 1st Week Home After Whipple… #25157

    Oh Boy, Bob, wish I could answer that but he never vomited. I introduced foods very slowly and he was put right on Prevacid for digestion. Actually he had no appetite for months. Must tell you he had the Whipple twice. The first time they had to abort as the dye from his endoscopy had leaked on the Pancreas and about destroyed it. The doc as you know had to cut the head and could not go near it. So after the aborted (4 hour surgery) Whipple he recouped. Then about 10 days later he started getting very ill. Turns out he had an ecoli infection and went back to the hospital with blood pressure of 65 over 45. 9 days later the pancreas healed enough to do the real Whipple! All this happened in Milwaukee and very quickly like yours and we lucked out with the surgeon. He was the best. OK so a month after that (our 2 week trip turned in to 3 months) we flew back to Phoenix. He had 2 tubes and about 1/2 hour from Phoenix they both blew out on the plane! We were home 2 weeks and he developed the hole at the resection and was put in to Rehab on NOTHING but an IV for a month and it did heal. That brought us some relief and normalcy until Last April. Teddy gets indigestion a lot and for that he uses the Brioche or Mylenta. Mylenta got him through the radiation. It just goes with the territory. You have to remember you just went through this and as you heal so will the stuff that goes with it. Sounds like you have a good team and that is good. Perhaps you can try to eat very small portions more often. Our secondary problem is that the new mass has pushed his right ureter closed and so we are also working on the kidney problem. If you saw him you would not believe he has been to hell and back. He looks great for 76 what he has been through. He would be happy if he could just golf again which should happen in about another month. What kind of follow up are your doctors advising? You need a lot of hope and courage for this and it sounds like you are on the right track!

    in reply to: 1st Week Home After Whipple… #25155

    Well as I always say, welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join! Just so happens my husband at the age of 73 had a Whipple in September of 2005. He did very well until last April when the cancer returned where the duodenum used to be. He went through 25 treatments of radiation last summer and just finished 3 treatments of Cyber Knife. The radiologist told us that upon his next PET Scan he will be cancer free! With that said, the Whipple is the largest surgery to the human body. Teddy had some complications such as a small hole developing at the resection and things like that but he did quite well. He also had hiccups for 6 months. It takes almost a year to feel normal. This was our follow-up regime: LAB work and Oncologist visit every 3 months. Prevacid daily for digestion and that was it. For hiccups and stomach upset we discovered Brioche in a blue plastic container at Walgreens. Also Mylenta works great. Your surgery sounds identical to Teddy’s.
    He lost 30 pounds. As for the future your stomach will never be like it was but its not so bad either. Your energy will come back but be patient. I was shocked that you were diagnosed and they got you in so fast. That is great. We are with a new Oncologist as ours retired and he wants Teddy to have LAB work every month. That is really the only way to get an alert and then on to Scans.
    This cancer is a monster in that you almost never know you have it until its almost too late. The other thing is everyone reacts differently to it and its acts differently with every one! You and Teddy were lucky. Best to you on your recovery and if you have any questions please feel free to ask away!

    in reply to: Violarob in Texas: one-year update #25003

    Good morning. I asked about the Viola as my grandson who is 14 has been playing for 4 years now and is quite good. He is in his school orchestra and he loves it.
    On the return of Cc we know that the only thing for certain is the fact that it will return. Lovely, yes? But we keep hoping for new treatments such as the cyber knife my husband just had and are ever grateful for people like you who are able to take the “new stuff”! Good luck and keep us posted. Also, thank-you for giving the music that brings the world such joy!

    in reply to: My Mum #25142

    Marc, Welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. It sounds like your mom’s tumor is in her bile duct rather than the liver. My husband, who is now 76, had a “Whipple” surgery 3 1/2 years ago as his was in his bile duct valve. You can pull up my past posts. It returned last April and he just finished Cyber Knife radiation but should be cancer free again next month. I don’t wish to panic you but I believe your mom should be seen right away and to get another opinion. I would not wait over a month. I know there is somewhere in Australia she can go, I just cannot remember who wrote us from there. Perhaps if you use our search engine at the top of the page and type in Australia. I do know you will get some other good responses from our
    Board. Good Luck and keep us posted.

    in reply to: Joe Coburn #25067

    Dear Mary Anne & Family, we are so sorry to hear about Joe. It was a valiant journey and Joe is now at peace, in perfect health in a place not that far away. Our prayers are with you and your family.

    in reply to: Violarob in Texas: one-year update #24996

    WOW! What a story! Good for you and this is the kind of news we love to hear. Another Christmas Miracle! Although one you worked extremely hard at. Question: Our son-in-law has Hepatitis C. Can that also beget CC? 2nd question: Do you play the Viola?

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