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  • in reply to: Update on John #22479

    Charlene: Sometimes it just helps to know what chair you are sitting on even if you don’t like the chair! I really believe we all want to see our loved ones just be peaceful and to have little or no pain and to go in dignity! Hopefully the talks will ease things up for you now for the stoney road ahead. Stay strong and know that we are all thinking about you and you are in all our prayers.


    HI SOPHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you! We have been worried about you!!! I am up to 6 letters. We do have 10 more days so lets hope every has a spark of energy this weekend and you are so right about putting in about CC
    being an Orphan and also I have put n every reminder that it should be 1 page.
    I am just so excited to see you back on I don’t know what else to say! You go girl!!!


    You will need to convey briefly what you have experienced (1 page limit) and more important what disaster it has played on you and family. Here are some short sentences from letters I have received: “I am a very scared and angry daughter”, “why is so little being done to find a cure”, “our cause is a forgotten one”, “there is a need to advocate for research”, “will our insurance pay for it?”, “as a caretaker my health has suffered”, “no symptoms, it just appeared”.
    Hope this helps. Just basically write what you feel.
    And fun seekers? This will be your reminder for today!

    in reply to: Recent News #22453

    Dear Irene, I am so very sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. I believe you need to go ahead with your surgery as that is what she would want. Instead of focusing on her departure focus on what a great daughter you have been and that you were there for her to ease her way. Try to think of good memories
    and know that she has not left you, she has only left the room! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

    in reply to: sick Mom still undiagnosed #22411

    Unfortunately I welcome you to our elite club! This is for you…everyone reacts differently to these situations. When my husband was diagnosed 3 years ago with bile duct cancer I found the more I talked the better I felt. Talk, talk , talk.
    I also keep a list of people that I update weekly on his progress and what ever may be gong on in the way of treatment. This site has been a godsend. A lot of good, knowing people who have been there done that. It may sound weird
    but as time goes by you adjust a little bit more to the diagnosis. No time though can erase watching a loved one go through this. You just need to be as strong as you can in front of your mother then just let go if you want away from her. When I go out alone, like to the store I give myself a couple of screams in the car. I am sure others think I am singing!! Most of all your dad is really going to need all the support and help he can get. Your family will be in our prayers and please keep us posted. P.S. A 2nd opinions is always the way to go.

    in reply to: Aunt Sophie #22381

    Sophie, we won’t have it. I was just thinking I didn’t see your name for a couple of days! You and I have a mission so please get your strength up and think positive!! We miss your name popping up but I know you will be back on real soon. Love and Strength!

    in reply to: How is Jeff doing? #22388

    Yeah! So glad to hear your “voice”. You are an inspiration to us all! In fact I refer to you as my buddy Jeff to all friends and family, so you have even more family than you could imagine. And such drama queens!! Imagine spending a 4 night weekend with Sicilian drama heroes!! You go and you take it to the limit one more time. And when you are done with your house I have a few odd jobs you could do!!

    in reply to: Husband newly diagnosed #22391

    Sorry I have to say this, but welcome! It is a road with lots of twists and turns but we learn to stay strong and have faith and each other and that helps more than you can know! Our good luck wishes go to you and do keep us posted.

    in reply to: HELLO I AM BACK! #22379

    Oh, thank you Lisa. Not that I wish the same on anyone but I was beginning to think the worst!! OK, I will pick up the towel I threw in today! Love to you all!

    in reply to: IMRT Radiation #22226

    Thank you, Kristin and I will relate this to Teddy, he is not a computer person!
    This, I am sure will make him feel a whole lot better!!

    in reply to: CC Letters to Oprah #21594

    Heather, we will be at St. Joe’s for Teddy’s radiation Friday morning about 815AM – 900AM. Do you go to St. Joe’s?


    My husband does not have cancer in his liver but we are plagued with the bile ducts. After a Whipple surgery 3 years ago the monster returned in April. We have been told by 4 doctors, yes 4, that chemo will not work on this type of cancer. We have opted to never do chemo. A liver tranplant surgeon here told us that radiation is the best way to go as did our Oncologist and the doctor who did the Whipple and our main Oncologist. Teddy is having IMRT radiation now as the Insurance Company would not OK the cyberknife until he has been “radiated”. All I can say is we have opted for quality life over length. Teddy is 76 and has done quite well except for tiredness. Good luck as there are big decisions to be made. You have come to the right place and I know you will get some good advise here, you are not alone!

    in reply to: CC Letters to Oprah #21595

    Small World, Teddy is using Dr. John Kresl from the very same group for his radiation and hopefully cyberknife!

    in reply to: Surgeon Referral #22182

    Sophie, if you are willing to travel, we used a doctor here who was director of transplants at St. Joseph Hospital where Teddy is getting his radiation. He helped us after we got back here from having Teddy’s Whipple Surgery and saw us in June as a courtesy visit and he sent us to Dr. Kresl for the radiation and cyberknife. We think he is a god!!! Dr. James Cashman
    and his phone number is 602 252-3861. We said if we ever got in to the liver problems we would definitely go to him. Oops! I just realized you wanted Mayo Clinic. Well, think about it and best of luck!!

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21614

    Absolutely makes sense to me, I stated that above, sort of! You also have all this void right now that was filled with care taking before. In time you will fill those voids with other things. Someone who cared as you did will certainly fill other needs and hopefully they will be needs of a different nature! You will make it through!! I believe everything you are feeling is only natural right now but down the road things will change. Its all in the natural progression of life.

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