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  • in reply to: Advice please #37615

    Glad to hear your dad’s gaining weight & feeling/looking brighter, Andie.

    I endorse what Gavin has said about your dad having a Mac Nurse. My sister has one & she is WONDERFUL.

    Thinking of you.


    in reply to: Bad morning! #37607

    Thinking of you, Rick!!

    Best wishes

    in reply to: frustration reigns #37654

    Grrrrr – I’m so sorry to hear about the doctors’ “oversight”, Kris – you must be SO frustrated. Good Luck for a FAST turnaround, so your radiation therapy can start asap.


    in reply to: SENSITIVE – Carer Depression #37233

    Thank you!! xx

    in reply to: My brother has passed away from Klatskin tumor #37379

    I’m so sorry, Reddobie. My very best wishes to you & your family.


    in reply to: My Dad has CC #37317

    Hello Andie

    I’m glad you reposted with the “UK” in the title ‘cos I missed this thread first time round – my sister’s cc is deemed “inoperable”; she was diagnosed at Kings (you can see my thread in the Intro section under “My Lovely Sister – by LaLupes”). She was diagnosed in August. We actually found out what she had by reading the diagnosis on the “Day Release Sheet” she was given when I took her home on a 24 hour pass for August Bank Holiday. Until then, the hospital had just said “we don’t know yet”.

    As I’ve said elsewhere, it’s her last chemo tomorrow & she’s doing very well. I really hope your dad gets treatment quickly.

    I only really know the London hospital but I’ve definitely heard good things of Prof Lodge in Leeds.

    Pauline (also in London) has done a lot of research & told me about a Dr. Harpreet Wasan at Hammersmith, whom you might like to contact.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    Julia x

    in reply to: Mary Hughes, Los Gatos CA 3/7/1947-4/8/2010 #37293

    Dear Pat

    My heart goes out to you & your family. How wonderful that you were all able to be together this Easter & what a very lovely message you wrote for her.

    My sincere condolences & best wishes to you all.


    in reply to: How long for stent to work? #37360

    Andie – they told my sister her bili had to be down to 50 before chemo but when they saw it was dropping steadily (after they got the stents in the best place – I’ve just mentioned her stents on an earlier post of yours before I saw this one) they actually started her chemo before it hit 50.

    I agree with the others that a healthy desire to eat & being generally pain free are reassuring signs; that’s certainly my experience with my sister.

    My best to you & your dad.


    in reply to: new member #37348

    Welcome, Jennifer!! Welcome, Tommy!! You won’t be alone here – we do understand how shocked & worried you will be & I really hope you’ll both keep coming back to talk, share, vent, let off steam & get as much info as possible.

    My very best to you both & your families.


    in reply to: repairing hole in bile duct #36608

    Good Luck, Betsy!!!

    in reply to: I am home! #37284

    Welcome home, welcome home – we missed you!! :D

    Are the kits back with you yet???


    in reply to: Dad diagnosed with CC – Step 1 (UK) #37340

    Hello Andie

    I join the others in welcoming you & sending best wishes to you, your dad & your son.

    My sister had 2 or 3 ineffective stents before they put the latest one in & bingo – everything started draining!! They then got her on Gem/Cis as soon at the bili came down enough & she’s tolerated it well. She’s half way through her last cycle & is feeling SO much better overall.

    GOOD LUCK to your dad!!!


    in reply to: Usefullness of metallic stents #37157

    Thanks, Varun – I found that info very helpful.

    in reply to: SENSITIVE – Carer Depression #37231

    I am so lucky to have found you all when I did – this is just so helpful, thank you.

    Pam – it’s extraordinary that I’m always aware when my sister is experiencing anticipatory nausea, or fear or apprehension … but it never crossed my mind that my own feelings are equally anticipatory!! I’m sure you’re absolutely right about that – I do live in the future quite often & the future I inhabit tends to be unduly pessimistic.

    I went to see my doctor today & we’ve agreed I do need someone to talk to. One of the Marie Curie Therapists has also sent a message, via my sister, that their doors are open to me, as well as to her &, now I don’t have so much work to hide behind, I’ll also be following up those links to Maggie’s Centre, Gavin. I know you told me about Carer Workshops, too, & I’ll be looking to see if I can find one of those.

    The more I learn, the stronger & more capable I feel. I’m back to that “control” thing, I’m afraid – but it really does help.


    in reply to: SENSITIVE – Carer Depression #37226

    Thank you both for such wonderful feedback. I’ll hold onto those thoughts & remember that these are panic attacks & not an indication of my life from now on.

    Janet, it was so good to get your email with further insight & support, too – thank you!!

    It took me a long time to formulate my thoughts & my phrasing before posting my message last night but the very process of writing it helped, posting it helped & reading your understanding responses helped – BOY have I got a lot of help out of this!!

    Love to you all out there.

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