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  • in reply to: Make sure you are sitting down. #57369

    Wonderful news…best of luck with your surgery. God is good! Prayers will be with you.

    in reply to: HELLO: AN Introduction #57019

    Hello to name is Nancy I’m 53 I live in Phillipsburg NJ which is in the western tip right on the Delaware River and about 2 minutes from Easton PA..thats why our athletic teams are called The Stateliners…Liners for short! I’m about an hour and 15 minutes from both NYC and Philly. I worked for a Drs office for 8 years started itching then thought I was getting a UTI..had urine culture run over the weekend went back to work on Monday…Doctor whisked me into the exam room as my eyes were yellow..told me I may need my gallbladder out..that is when the snowball started rolling…that was Oct of 2009. I had 2 biopsies one guided by ultrasound one by CT..diagnosis was inconclusive on both but highly suspicious for CC. Off to prestigious cancer center in NYC confirmed diagnosis..I had an external drain..Dr George was able to internalize it after 2 attempts..I will be forever thankful…had a laparoscopy while there to make sure cancer had not spread all came back negative…next PET scan…which showed uptake in several areas of my surgery…second opinion late December 09 at Mt Sinai with Dr Myron Schwartz..had a CT..seems all of the areas of uptake were gone…he attributes it to all the procedures I had. I was blessed to have surgery Jan 19 2010…cancer was close to one margin and I did have 2 lymph nodes involved…6 month adjuvant chemo at Bruckner Oncology in NYC..received 5 different chemo drugs over a 2 day period twice a month. Last scan in November was all clear! I have 3 wonderful children and my bestest friend in the whole world my husband Lou.

    in reply to: Important: we need your help #56652

    This website is probably the reason I’m able to be writing this post today. I was diagnosed with CC in October of 2009… many have said the statistics are depressing to say the least…I had a first opinion from a very reputable cancer center in NYC their prognosis was not very optimistic they deemed me inoperable….that is when I discovered this site and received a response from another member whos dear mother had been diagnosed with CC…I wrote my introduction explained my situation and my desire to get a second opinion…I received many responses of encouragement and then there was the one I received on Christmas Eve. His name is Marc and he is now my angel…he urged me through e-mails to seek a second opinion with Dr. Myron Schwartz at Mt Sinai…that was 2 years ago. I was able to have a resection and have had clean scans and bloodwork since. To say the least this website is a God send..I think for me to have people who go through the same things I do is so comforting I know I will never be alone. This website is full of compassionate, courageous and I believe some pretty smart cookies!

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    in reply to: anniversary #55824

    Bob…What terrific news….your post has given so much hope to so many including myself! Its a reminder that you must have faith and hope..have a very Merry Christmas!

    in reply to: Best Christmas Gift Ever! #55921

    Wonderful, wonderful news! I think you may have lifted everyones spirit with this….and what a great time of the year to do so! Keep skipping and looking forward to the future it does a girl good!! All the blessings this holiday season brings…

    in reply to: My wife’s extrahepatic CC #55063

    Eli..Although I did not have radiation..I did have 6 months of chemotherapy after my Jan 10…I had lost quite a bit of weight after surgery..I received steroids everytime I was infused..I did put weight back on..truth be told maybe a little to much! Hoping your wife sees the same results…

    in reply to: Good Scan #53910


    So, so very happy for you..many,many more clean scans are what I wish for you…hope I will be chiming in with a clean scan on 11-11…were getting closer to that 2 year mark…we will make it together!


    in reply to: recording doctor’s visit? #53098

    When I was a patient at Sloan Kettering they would not allow my visit with the oncologist to be taped….she stated the legal department would not allow it…I guess it all depends where you can however request all of your progress notes..they can be released to you.

    in reply to: Great 4 Year Check-Up #53061

    Nancy….Terrific news so uplifting to hear..hope Ron has many many more years of all clear! Thank you for posting. You made my day!

    in reply to: Good Scan! #52612

    Philip….Wonderful..wonderful news..many more clean scans for years to come is what I wish for you! Have a great time in Hawaii enjoy!

    in reply to: Clean so far (sort of …) #47938

    Jim….Wonderful news many clear scans in your future!! I also had some thyroid issues during chemo…on my CT it showed a fairly large surgeon and onc thought nothing of it but, my PCP who I worked for 8 years was adamant about a biopsy….thanking God everyday the biopsy was negative….hoping that your issure is soon resolved…Celebrate your great news!

    in reply to: Supposed to be Dead by now #52077

    Good news is always welcome news..thanks so much for posting…it gives hope to so many…Nancy

    in reply to: Good scan… #51739

    Fantastic news…you go girl take your clear scan and your life and you live it to the fullest!!!

    in reply to: GREAT 6 month Scans!!!! #51771

    What wonderful news…I’m so happy for you! May you have many, many more clear scans…@ Jim love that word you made up scanxiety….it’s so true.

    in reply to: Chemo pump #51704

    Lily…I also received Irinotecan and Leucovorin along with Oxaliplatin the 5FU and one other…which I don’t remember the name of now. They were administered over a 2 day period and then I would have a week off, so my chemo was basically 4 days a month for 6 months. I really did not have any side effects although my WBC did start to go down after about 2 and a half months in, I injected myself with Neupogen 2 days in a row after chemo which helped to increace my WBC so I would be ready for chemo again. I was given steroids on both days of my chemo and developed a voracious appetite so I had no problem with weight only that I put on quite a bit. I did not lose any of my hair but really I was ready for it and thought if that’s the least that can happen so be it. One plus was that my skin became very soft and smooth I have no idea if this was from the chemo but I tend to think it was…my best to your mother-in-law she is a lucky lady to have you in her corner…Nancy

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