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  • in reply to: Tangled Tumor Meets Its Match #34131

    I saw this too in the Sydney Morning Herald -amazing!

    in reply to: My mom was just diagnosed with CC #34001

    Hi there,morphine does cause nausea but it comes in different forms,injection,tablet,long acting tablet,mixture and funnily sometimes people can get nauseous with one type but not another so it is worth looking at switching from one form to another Janet

    in reply to: Worst case….help! #34079

    I think it best not to jump so far ahead but focus on what is happening now.You can help your mum as she undergoes chemo and most importantly if she has suffered with depression,make sure she is getting treatment for that concurrently-counselling,medication etc.Good luck Janet

    in reply to: The journey ends #34051

    I was just the same as you,we had a little longer maybe 14 weeks and my husband was diagnosed during a routine mens health check.You must be in shock,hardly time to get used to the diagnosis let alone the loss.How lovely for your mum to have such terrific support.There is support for you here Janet

    in reply to: No more treatment for Charlie #24983

    Dear Patrick,just letting you know that Charlie and Natashas mum passed away earlier this year

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22097

    Well,I am finishing my xmas day,about to go to bed.We have done ok and I think I made the right choices about how to spend it but I do feel incredibly exhausted and I think that reflects what an effort its all been and worrying about the boys too.So best wishes to all of you and I hope your day is enjoyable.It rained all day here so I am glad we didnt plan a barbeque.
    love from Janet

    in reply to: holistic tx plus chemo? #33934

    The yoga and meditation is good for your brother and for you too.It can relieve stress and that helps feelings of wellbeing and strengthens the immune system. Janet

    in reply to: Sadness #33898

    Dear Sarah,I always read Johns blog and I felt very moved and upset at the idea of a man of his age suffering so much.He retained his sharp wit but as a nurse I knew he did not have long.Everybodys circumstances differ but really you just have to take it all one day at a time but get all the help you need,medical,counselling,medication if needed.
    My husband died 11months ago in his 50s and we had 3 sons,the youngest still at school.He died about 3 months after diagnosis.I thought we would all be destroyed by it,it was like being on a bus wanting to get off but not able to.I still feel suprised sometimes that we have survived this year but we have and you will too with help Janet

    in reply to: scan results #33698

    It is a very worrying time,the lead up to the scan .It should have a name as a separate condition-pre scan anxiety disorder or something like that. Janet

    in reply to: A request from a patient #33804

    I thought we had the Good News section already and the cafe.Everyone likes good news and feels relieved for people involved-we are all human.Those of us that didnt have much good news absolutely want things to be better for others.But things arent always better so thats why being forever positive just isnt real.Sometimes we are supporting people going rapidly downhill and its good to acknowledge that too and get on with helping in that situation too.
    Its great that this board can manage to do this and as a health professional myself I have such admiration for so many who find the right thing to say at the right time bit long sorry Janet

    in reply to: A request from a patient #33795

    I think its important that everyone,patients and caregivers are able to express their feelings,be they positive or stressed or despairing.People need to be free to do that as that is the only way everyone can help and support each other. Janet

    in reply to: Missing Charlie at Christmastime and always #33730

    Carol,so very nice to see you back here.You know I know how you feel and we will get through this holiday period.Hope the kids are ok Janet x

    in reply to: Ronald John Strachan – Goodbye Dad #33608

    Gavin,my sincere condolences to you and your mum and family.You managed very well and you had terrific support and care which really helps.It will be a busy time now so good luck with that Janet x

    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33270

    You have arrived at this point with your dad.Isnt it amazing that he was going out for the paper only just the other day.He has had a good innings Gavin,and you have been a good,supportive son. love from Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22092

    That sounded like a nice trip over the channel,Pauline.I have a niece in the UK at the moment and I am dizzy with all her zipping about.So different from years ago.
    I do have xmas sorted,but I am treading on toes with it.Expectations run high at xmas and I am taking a different course,
    But..I am doing a workshop at the local church-making a gingerbread house,Iam so looking forward to it and plan to make it a feature of whatever xmas thing I do.
    I am looking forward to my sister coming down,we have spoken to each other every day all year and Im relieved she is up to flying down.As people may remember I did get up to Queensland to see her only to return home to car disasters!
    It has been a big relief to get Alastair through his last year of school,I probably repeat myself here but that seemed such a big challenge at the start of the year.Joel died on the 16th January and Al started school 2 weeks later in his final year,the poor lad was in total shock.Anyhow I realise how terrible the holiday period was for all of you who had been bereaved at the end of last year.It is tricky for me being the 1st one,but I have had time to rally.
    Julia,thats great you are able to make real life contact with Pauline
    Sorry for the long post…. love Janet

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