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  • in reply to: New here. Intro and questions #43879

    I made my escape before I turned 40 actually and raised 3 boys near the beach and bush but 1 hour from Sydney is commutable Janet

    addit-we used to have our ages and a bit more about us displayed once upon a time but they were removed for security reasons or some such thing!

    in reply to: Teddy Boy —not doing well #43716

    Susan,I think your husband is definitely declining as you say yourself.I wonder if harsh treatments like radiotherapy are apropriate now.I am inclined to agree with Lainy that hospice care would help you both at this stage and bring you some comfort and peace Janet

    Lainy ,hoping today is a good one for Teddy x

    in reply to: New here. Intro and questions #43873

    Highsmith,I am 1 hour south of Sydney in a coastal village but I know Epping of course as we did escape from Sydney 15 years ago,as you do! Janet

    in reply to: New here. Intro and questions #43867

    Hi there,the chemo can be a bit risky with the MRSA,there is a good chance it will flare up again when the immune system is compromised so get plenty of advice before travelling that road.
    Your dad may recover some strength,he has been through a terrible time with those surgeries and infections and must have been strong to survive all that.

    in reply to: TO Kate & Margaret When Journey Ends at Home #43603

    I have seen a lot of people die in my time as an RN over 30years.In my experience not everyones circumstances are the same and the speed with which the illness progresses or the type of symptoms to deal with can vary.Home with good support will always be the best option but hospice/palliative care facilities are lovely too and sometimes will be needed even if the preference is for home.
    What is not nice and not a good place to die in are acute care facilities especially ICU and emergency departments and it is best to avoid the scenario of wanting something done!when palliative treatments are more apropriate and it is the recognition of when people have crossed into that place that is really,really important. Janet

    in reply to: My husband died yesterday #43300

    Hi there,
    I send my sincere condolences to you and your family.I felt that he would go soon and I think your honest and realistic posts were good for this board.Given the pain issues and suffering he endured it must be a relief to you although very sad too.Good luck with the coming challenges. Janet

    in reply to: Need Help/Advice! Time is running out. #43245

    Hi there,I think your father is gravely ill and really your role at this point should be to help him go with dignity.The medical professionals would not want to resusitate a man in such a sick and frail state in the case of an arrest,that is terrible to imagine.An ICU is not the place for him or the rest of you.You have all been through a terrible time but now it is time to ensure your dad and family get care and comfort. Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22159

    Dear all
    Pauline you sound considerably better than at the start of the hols,good luck with starting back at work.Darla,thinking of you this week.Me,I am going well,back at work just 4 hour shifts after the knee op.1st day of spring for us tomorrow….!! Hope all are well,havent heard from Joyce and Sue in a while Janet xx

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22154

    Hi to everyone,I thought I should add that even though I have joined a choir etc,I am still a very fragile woman,and it was a friend,a woman whose husband has parkinsons at 42 who pushed me into it,she was the founder of the sea sharp singers but it has been great for me because music is such a great healer and this is where my sons were way ahead of me Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22151

    I forgot to mention that I have joined this great choir,they practice down near the beach each Thursday night while drinking a glass of red wine(1 only) and I have found it great for the spirit.
    Marion,thanks for your good wishes for the knee surgery,its the inconvenience I dread.Who will do the shopping etc.Russell and his friend are flying to LA and then planning to make their way up the coast to start with.They are keen on the national parks Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22149

    Hi to everyone,Pauline,Darla,Teresa,Margaret,Marion,Sue,Julia and all those who visit this cosy,comforting thread.I have not posted for a while,we are in the depths of winter here and even though we dont have a severe winter it is pretty dreary,the short days especially.
    I injured my knee at work and it turned out to be a torn cartiledge(medial meniscus)so I will have surgery next week.I have never had an operation or anaesthetic before!I have also had problems with my jaw,tmj stuff,stress related.The boys are all ok and Russ sets off in a few weeks for a trip backpacking around North America for a couple of months.
    I hope you are feeling ok now,Pauline,I dont know about that idea of going to the hospital or hospice.I am not sure it would help.I think places that have happier or neutral memories are easier on us at this point.
    I found I was ok with the anniversaries of birthdays,wedding anniversaries etc but the anniversary of the onset of Joels illness and then his death were trickier.
    It was me that said it was a form of post traumatic stress,Darla and my GP who suggested it to me because of the unexpectedness of the event particularly for you when it was so quick it was like a rollercoaster.
    Anyhow,take care all and enjoy your weekend Janet x

    in reply to: My Boy #40076

    Dear Beth,
    I am very sorry to hear of your husbands recent death.Wishing you strength Janet

    in reply to: Home hospice- yes or no #39992

    I thought I would add that my kids were a 17year old and two boys in their early twenties,one with bipolar disorder and of course my husband and I were desperately worried about them….as you would ,but it certainly adds another level there to parents of teenagers/young adults-they are another kettle of fish to younger kids ,so I do understand your concerns Janet

    in reply to: Home hospice- yes or no #39990

    I think it is a decision that has to my remain flexible because in the end it is not your decision but your husbands so when my husband was in your position,we talked it over and decided together that preferably,he would remain at home but if I thought he should be in hospital/hospice then that would happen.A lot depends on symptoms and speed of progression,it is not always predictable so a flexible plan is the way to go Janet

    in reply to: Had enough #39993

    Barbara,what a hard road for you and you have given it all a good try knowing that there is no real cure other than surgery.I think your decision is absolutely the right one and you know sometimes people plateau a bit with the cessation of harsh treatments.Try symptom relief and rally all your supports around you including this site! Janet

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