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  • in reply to: new to site #23432

    Kerry… glad to know that the infection has responded to the antibiotics and that you are in good hands at Beth Israel. In re: to the pic line….we made sure for no one to touch it without clean hands, gloves, a sterile cloth to place underneath anything to be used while working with the pic line. I flushed it and a nurse visited once per week to make sure for everything to be in order. Be your own advocate

    in reply to: MD Anderson Center #22802

    Bob….wonderful to hear. Please, keep us posted.

    in reply to: Side effects of high fruit and soya milk diet #14120

    Thanks Ron…I will forward this to Rick as he is the administrator and I believe for him to be the greatest, ever.

    in reply to: Side effects of high fruit and soya milk diet #14118

    lissaspears….Absolutely and totally there is no need to apologize. It took me an enormous amount of time to work with a computer and still I am struggling with it. In fact, my children (of course, they are experts at this) have a tendency to ignore my plea for help when I encounter one of those moments of computer frustration. Their excuses range from: I did not hear you

    in reply to: Side effects of high fruit and soya milk diet #14116

    It is easy to overlook and I have to admit to having to remind myself more often then not. The top green bar above the name shows the date of the original posting as in this case, 2006. Your dietary recommendations are excellent, Lisa.

    in reply to: Introducing myself- a new user #23408

    Judy…..when speaking of 5FU administered differently are you refering to the Xeloday pill? So happy for the radiotherapy causing minimal problems. You already are a success.
    I am surprised to hear about the other three CC patients at your hospital. I was wondering whether you would be able to distribute a few CC brochures to the oncology and radiology department with the hope for this patients to be made aware of us?
    Thanks so much,

    in reply to: Low platelets #23413

    Ron….platelets became an issue really quick after my husband started his therapy. A blood transfusion had been suggested however, a break of two weeks allowed his platelets to be back in the normal range. The banks should follow suit…..

    in reply to: new to site #23424

    kleonard….I would also like to welcome you to the CC family. Looking forward to your posting after the visit with the physicians, tomorrow. Where are you being treated? It might be beneficial for you to make sure to receive copies of everything pertaining to your diagnoses, surgery report, possible treatment plan, doctor’s notes, lab results, etc. You might want to consider another opinion, or two, or three when you are ready to make a decision as to how you would like to proceed from here on. Thinking of you and sending tons of good wishes your way.

    in reply to: CA19-9 levels #23313

    Vilarob….Great posting and so informative. Thanks

    in reply to: Gemcitabine + Xeloda #23356

    You might also want to try the “search forum” on top of bar. If you enter “Xeloda” or “Gemcitabine” you will be able to peruse other postings in re: to these to therapies. There is a wealth of information hidden in the previous postings getting to it might be time consuming however, it is well worth it. Good luck.

    in reply to: Introducing myself- a new user #23406

    Hello Judy…I would like to follow everyone else in welcoming you. So glad you had a wonderful trip to Europe and are looking foreward to the next one coming your way. Which chemo regiment are you receiving and what type of radiation treatment has worked so well for you? So glad for superwoman to have joined this great CC family.

    in reply to: My Dad’s story – 83 years young and this happens #23348


    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma convention? #23379

    Lisa….great idea and something of that sort has been discussed. Wouldn’t it be absolutely wonderful to connect in this way? I will be there, wherever it could be made possible for us.

    in reply to: Mixed news… #23168

    Mary…so glad for the stent to finally be working. Even though Tom is doing well I applaud your idea of obtaining another opinion certainly, from someone who has experience with this cancer especially, since it it is not very common and in addition too, it likes to differ from person to person. You might very well find out that Tom is in good hands but, then at least your mind will be at ease. Will you have another chance for a get-away, soon?

    in reply to: How Does Dad Make the Decision to Stop Treatment? #23221

    We were in similar circumstances when my husband

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