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  • in reply to: Just found this board #23215

    Jan…wonderful to hear about your Dad’s positive response to the antibiotics. So glad that you were able to find a nursing home where he can be cared for in a kind and caring manner. You are such a wonderful support for your Dad.
    Hopefully, you will be able to share many wonderful moments with your Dad.
    Thinking of you and sending hugs your way.

    in reply to: Mixed results with Cisplatin #23216

    Sam…welcome to our CC family. So sorry for your beloved brother Rami having to fight this cancer. Will you be able to be present at the meeting with the oncologist? If so, it would be helpful to prepare a list of questions in advance and to have a note pad, or recorder handy. This way you won’t be overwhelmed with the responses and you are able to have those questions answered which are foremost on your mind.
    I am a firm believer in 2nd and 3rd opinions when receiving a diagnoses and when making decisions in re: to the treatment options. You might want to consider retaining all of your brother’s medical records (including doctor’s reports) MRI’s, CT’s, etc. anything and everything pertaining to the diagnoses of your brother. I don’t know in which Country or State you are residing however, in most instances, your brother will have to sign the release forms. The Social Worker at the Hospital should be able to help you along with these requests.
    Please, stay in touch.
    Sending tons of good wishes


    Rank…have you had a chance to talk to the physician, or the nurse in charge? Or, the social worker at the hospital? You might also want to contact Hospice beforehand while your Dad is still in the Hospital. Someone, just might come up with something to make your Dad more comfortable.
    Please, stay in touch.
    Sending tons of good wishes your way.




    Donna…at times, it helps to re-post your question as it can be lost due to others writing in. Sorafenib is not a new drug therefore, I would assume for someone else possibly having some input on this. Anybody?

    in reply to: Acne and chemo treatments #22903

    Lisa…what a great tip. Comments like yours are so beneficial to others struggling with remedies to counteract side effects.
    Thanks so much

    in reply to: Just wanted to introduce myself……. #23200

    Cherbourg…oops..I am so sorry to have mistaken you for a male. Great, for your Mom feeling so well with her treatment and for the side effects to being minimal and that you do not have to enter in to a fight with the insurance company for coverage of a medication. Please, keep us posted. Love to hear about the wedding plans, also.

    in reply to: Just found this board #23210

    Jan…so sorry to hear about your Dad. Even though your Dad have five years before reoccurence this cancer is never wanted back in anyone’s life. I am glad for you to have found us where members share their thoughts and experiences, give advice and support each other through the knowledge gained. In addition to others responding to your post you might want to read up on previous postings where mets to lungs and spleen are discussed. When you are up to it and feel like doing so simply, click on the “Search Forum” on the top bar and enter “spleen” or “lungs”. So glad to hear that your Dad’s appetite is strong and hopefully, the antibiotics kick in soon. Has your physician discussed the possibility of radiation to the spleen and if that could be an option?

    in reply to: Just wanted to introduce myself……. #23198

    Dear Cherbourg.
    First, you are not rambling secondly, welcome for joining this site. This cancer comes as a shock to most if not all but, you, the son, being the first to identify it, adds another twist to your Mom

    in reply to: Short, infrequent bouts of shaking and an update on my Dad. #23178

    Gavin…I love your story and can just picture your Dad snoring his head off. What a surprise. So glad for you to have found something to make your Dad relax and feel good. On to more good news coming your way.

    in reply to: Mixed news… #23163

    Mary…what wonderfull news…(who would have ever suspected for scar tissue to be causing such elated feelings.) Hoping for Tom to be feeling better already and your knees are giving you some reprieve.

    in reply to: Short, infrequent bouts of shaking and an update on my Dad. #23176

    Gavin…tremors or shakes have been discussed. You might want to use the “search function” to read up on other threads describing it. My husband, similar to your Dad would suffer from it, also. It would come and go as you have described and no one has ever come up with an explaination as to why they occur. It has been suggested that nerve endings are effected but, a clear definition has eluded us, so far. Also, I found it to be helpful to smother my husband with warm blankets and let it take it’s course. And, as you have mentioned the shivering is not accompanied by an elevated temperature. You might want to watch for this as you have probably been explained already if the temerature is accompanied by shivers you would certainly want to contact the physician.
    With Jeff’s suggestions and the imput from other members hopefully, you will get to the bottom of this.
    Sending tons of hugs in your direction.

    in reply to: Hernias, Swelling, and tiredness #23172

    CS…so sorry to be hearing about your Mom. Hernias have been discussed in other posts, on this site. If you would like to read up on it please, go to “Search Forum” on top of the page and enter “Hernia” (you don’t need “author”) and scroll to the bottom and hit “enter”. Also, fluid retention has been mentioned frequently: You will find discussions on this by entering “ascities”. Hoping so much for your Mom to find some comfort.
    My heart is with you.

    in reply to: Update on John #22824

    Charlene….my thoughts are with you at this very special time for you and John.
    Hugs to both of you

    in reply to: Mixed news… #23161

    Mary…looking forward to hearing from you after tomorrow’s visit. Those chilling spells can be quite annoying. The best remedy I had found was throwing warm blankets on until the shaking stopped. Hopefully, once the stents are replaced these darn symptons will disappear and Tom’s energy will be back to normal. Then you just might be able to stay off your knees a bit.

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