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  • in reply to: CURED!!! #19592

    Believing to be cancer-free and then being told otherwise certainly, is nothing to be embarrassed about. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incidence; it is more frequent then not especially, with CC. Hopefully, other treatments will show some positive results as it has for many others.
    Sending tons of good wishes

    in reply to: Pinpoint radiation for inoperable klatskins??? #19836

    Cyberknife (pin-point radiation) has been used successfully with several patients. Until others have a chance to respond to you might want to use the “search” function on top of the site. Simply enter the word “cyberknife”. It will allow you to peruse threads of comments from other members on the board.
    Stents have proven to be invaluable however, they have a tendency to clog and also to become infected. Hopefully, your sister will have a reprieve with a longer duration until they become problematic, again.
    Hoping and wishing for the absolute best,

    in reply to: Update on my father #19813

    Have you discussed the lab results with your Dad’s physician?

    in reply to: Sister has Stage IV Bile Duct Cancer w/Metastasis #19662

    you are so right as most if not all of us never had never heard of CC before it touched our life. We had to learn “fast” just as you are having to do. Best wishes and hopeful thoughts coming your way.

    in reply to: Val Wilson #19828

    my sincere condolences to you and your family. Hopefully, as time goes by, you will be able to surround yourself with the wonderful memories shared and let your heart begin to heal…one day at a time.

    in reply to: Communication issues #19761

    For most of us, at one time or another, the issue of chemotherapy comes under debate, and so it should given the disease progression, and subsequent, possible need for intervention.
    While battling this cancer with my husband it was the oncologists, surgeons, and other attending physicians who consistently agreed/disagreed with the approach of the other, each presenting a logical argument based on their personal experience with CC and the clinical data available. We took in account their opinions, compared it with our findings, discussed it within the family, and ultimately allowed my husband to choose the direction of his treatment. Unfortunately, not in all instances is the patient able or, capable of doing so thereby placing us caretakers in the position of making a decision on their behalf. It is a tough spot to be in as we want to do the absolute best for the people we love and yet, if ultimately our decision does not reward us with the desired results we are left with self doubt and possible blame resulting in feeling as having failed the ones we love so much.
    I have learned and come to grips with the fact that although, my husband choose to continue to demand chemotherapy in spite of the apparent negative response that it was his way of exulting some control over his illness and thereby ultimately choosing his way of battling this disease. Personally, I came to understand the fact that decisions made by my husband or myself have resulted in both, positive and negative outcomes however, those decisions derived from the absolute best of intentions and were meant to achieve a common goal that being a cure or, a possible reprieve from this cancer. Certainly, in retrospect occasionally, some doubts will creep in to my mind however, what we should have done or possibly could have done instead truly, is left to the imagination as we simply do not know the outcome of other approaches, and we will never know.

    Just wanted to share this with you.

    in reply to: Update on Val Wilson #19832

    Tons of good wishes and hopeful thoughts going to Val.

    in reply to: Question about chemo #19819

    The question of chemotherapy post-resection has been pondered before by other members on this board, and I believe it to be a personal decision. Certainly, I would continue to inform myself about the pros and cons of a follow-up treatment. Ultimately, when presented with the information your Dad will be able to choose one direction over the other. I believe his 1B staging in addition to no lymph node involvement and his tumor markers showing to be in the

    in reply to: Great News!!!! #19791

    What wonderful news.
    Hugs to you and John.

    in reply to: Chemotherapy #19776

    my heart goes out to you and your family. Hopefully, the chemo will work for your sister as it has been beneficial to many others.
    Wishing for the best,

    in reply to: Surgery unsuccessful :( #19496

    thinking of you and wishing for the absolute best. Please, stay in touch and share with us the chemotherapy you are opting for.

    in reply to: Communication issues #19749

    So sorry to be hearing about your Mom and her battle with this cancer.
    Possibly, you can explain to your parents that more opinions are mandatory when dealing with this cancer as it is still considered to be rare in comparison to other diseases, and that treatment protocols vary from patient to patient. Definitely, this cancer warrants you to be pro-active. Possibly, other members can forward names of physicians located in your area who have treated CC patients in the past although, I believe for the Cleveland clinic to be a good place to start.
    Collecting all medical records including, scans, doctor

    in reply to: Mom diagnosed #19685

    I so much understand your pain and frustration as I had experienced the same when my husband’s disease progressed, and the options for further treatments became limited.
    Personally, I have had the opportunity of talking with many physicians in re: to CC as to how it develops, how the disease progresses, and what treatments may, or may not, be effective in combating this cancer.
    I am sensing an overwhelming amount of frustration with the attending physicians in re: to the treatment of those patients being afflicted with CC and that frustration being directly related to the lack of research in this specific area of occurring cancer.
    Although, scans present themselves to be a valuable tool in determining the disease unfortunately, there are limitations, and it is those limitations physicians are confronted with when making a diagnoses. In addition too even when taking in account other symptoms such as tumor markers, etc. until to date a clear picture of CC has not evolved as there are many variations differentiating one patient from the next. I believe for 2nd opinions (or more) to be in order, and those opinions should come from those centers who have at least some familiarity with this cancer.
    Sending all my love and best wishes to you and your family,

    in reply to: white light needed #19743

    thanks so much for putting this out there…..Sending tons of love and hopeful thoughts ….

    in reply to: Mom diagnosed #19681

    I agree with thecdr in re: to other forms of treatment. You might want to collect all medical records (CT scan, MRI, doctor’s reports, etc.,) and forward it to another physician or facility familiar with CC such as UCSF. I am assuming your location is somewhere in Northern California.
    You might want to use the search function on top of the page by entering sirspheres, or theraspheres, or Y-90 in order to peruse the treatment protocols of other members on this board.
    Wishing for the absolute best,

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