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  • in reply to: Herbs and supplements interfere with Chemotherapy/Radiation? #25609

    I honestly don’t think any of the things you listed will interfere with chemo and will actually help as far as the liver is concerned.My original research about what Tom should take was with optimum liver health in mind. He had a LOT of radiation and needed a lot of healing and I really believe the things you listed helped him. Beet root is the only product I have ever seen that lists bile duct health as a benefit. Maitake mushroom extract is used all over ASia during chemo to help counter the side effects of chemo and boost the immune system.Milk thistle has been used for centuries as a liver tonic and has been proven to be beneficial to liver health.Fish oil is full of Omega 3 which is good for liver health and the circulatory system. Diet is also very important during treatment and after. There is a lot of info on here re: different diets. Tom has been drinking carrot juice and a lot of green tea. We eat a lot of fresh pineapple( it has a very specific ingredient that is very good for the liver), broccoli, spinach, bright colored fruits and veggies. They say the brighter the color the better it is for you! I would like to get him to eat garlic but he won’t and I try to add avacados to salads etc because they are great for liver health-also artichokes but we don’t eat those.He doesn’t eat much dairy, very little meat but probably too much sugar these days. We were a lot better about avoiding sugar early on. I do avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup.
    As I told Tess earlier this week a little over a year ago my sister in law was undergoing chemo and having to miss treatments because her bloodwork was always out of whack, ecspecially her protein levels due to kidney problems. She started taking all of the things above that Tom takes and within 2 weeks her bloodwork was the best it had ever been. They were upset with her for taking all of theses things but when she pointed out the fact that her bloodwork was greatly improved they didn’t know what to say!!
    I hope this helps and we’re all rooting for John to have success with his treatments. I can’t believe all of the young people being afflicted with this cancer lately It is very sad. Take care of John and yourself! Mary

    in reply to: Update on Charlie #25538

    Hi Carol,
    I’m sorry Charlie and your family are going through all of this. It sounded like he was going to be able to have a lot more time after he was able to have surgery. I would definitely get him in and have an outside drain put in. I am kind of puzzled as to why the Docs haven’t done it already. I have wondered this in other cases where people were basically poisoned to death by the bili back up. Our surgeon that does Tom’s stent changes told me a long time ago that if his ducts became clogged and a stent was no longer possible they would put in an outside drain and he could live with that for quite some time. He has had outside drains several times and although they are a nuisance it is better than the itching and sickness.I hope Charlie can get some relief and does not suffer. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Mary

    in reply to: Ayurvedic herbs #25446

    I have been interested in taking turmeric myself to help with arthritis pain and discovered that it is also good for the liver. I think my husband and I will both start taking it. Mary

    in reply to: Chemo is suppressing the growth #25497

    Great news CarrieAnn. We hadn’t heard from you for awhile so I was wondering how things were going. Best wishes to your Mom!! Mary

    in reply to: thyroid and autoimmune disorders #25423

    I really don’t think you did anything to “cause” this. When my husband was first diagnosed they said it was because of the chemicals he was exposed to (as a lifelong farmer) and that I could really be in danger too. Since then I have seen so many patients here that are younger with no exposure to anything and no apparent reason for contracting this awful cancer other than bad luck. One radiologist told my husband that was all it was- he came up with the black ball and there was nothing that he did or could have done to change it. Who knows? Just continue to stay positive and take care of yourself. I really think a cure is just around the corner!! Best wishes, Mary

    in reply to: Miracle Man Comes Through Again #25467

    Great news Lainy. I hope Teddy continues to be a walking miracle!! I guess they really do happen- I just wish they happened to more people. AT least they are coming up with more options like cyberknife. Eventually they will find a cure!! Best wishes, Mary

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24584

    Also mke sure your Mom is drinking a lot of water. After her stent change she really needs to drink a lot of fluids in order to flush the poisons out of her system, That is basically what is happening, the bilirubin is backing up and poisoning her. It takes about two weeks to get her system cleaned out and for the itching to stop. We just went through this in October ’08 after more than 2 years with no problems. My husband had a stent changed and it proceeded to slip out of place and completely obstruct his ducts. He became very ill and they admitted him , put in a new stent and put him on IV antibiotics. It took about 2 weeks for him to really get over all of the sickness that came on within just a few days of being obstructed. Don’t let them put you off – get your Mom in as soon as possible. Mary

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24583

    I hate to say it but someone needs to get on the phone and start making a lot of noise so your Mom gets the treatment she needs in a timely fashion. My husband has been getting stents replaced for 2 1/2 years now and they ALWAYS get him in right away as soon as his bilirubin starts going up or he gets fevers. We have never had to wait more than 2 or 3 days at the most when he starts feeling badly. They are very concerned about infection and sepsis so are always prompt about replacing stents. If I don’t hear back I make calls myself to make SURE they get him scheduled. Unfortunately that is the way things get done.You sometimes have to be a pain in the a**, sorry but it’s the truth!! I hope your Mom gets in soon, the itching must be unbearable and there really is no reason for her to suffer. She will get better right away once they get a new stent in!! Best Wishes, Mary

    in reply to: Back from the hospital #25436

    Sorry you are still struggling with all of these problems. I really hope they hurry up and figure out whats going on!! At least you got your MRI results back and they were good. This seems to always be a waiting game. I don’t have the patience now that I had when my husband was going through his treatments. I remember being amazed at how I could sit in an office or waiting room, etc. for hours on end and not lose my mind! It is so frustrating but unfortunately part of life. Take care , we’re all thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way!! Mary

    in reply to: It’s been 26 months- now what? #25295

    Thanks Kris,
    It IS a great place to be this far along after diagnosis and an unsuccessful resection attempt. Who would have thought? The Docs are basically in the same position they were two years ago kind of wondering whats next and just deciding to wait and see. I don’t know why we have been so lucky but I am thankful EVERY day! We’re anxious to hear how your tests have come out. Have you heard anything yet? Keep us posted! Take care. Mary

    in reply to: Jerry D. #25390

    Dear Nancy,
    I’m very sorry to hear of Jerry’s passing. I have been wondering lately how he was doing since I had not read a post for a long time. He was a true fighter and was blessed to have had 8 years and a wonderful supportive family. We will miss him! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Mary

    in reply to: Yay, Social Security Disability comes through! #25344

    You are right. It is actually a 29 month wait to begin coverage. You have a 5 month waiting period then the 24 months kicks in. My husband just became eligible the first of Dec after 29 months. I think they hope you will die before you qualify. Pretty sad for sure! Now I worry that they could kick Tom off because he is doing well but then what?What if it comes back? We’ve always been self-employed and theres no way he could ever get coverage. They didn’t want him before because of his high blood pressure and being overweight. No one would even hire him and put him on their policy either with this disease. At 61 he’s just holding his breath that he can continue this way until he is 65 then hopefully not have to worry anymore.We need something done for these issues right away!! Mary

    in reply to: It’s been 26 months- now what? #25293

    Following Butch’s experience actually was an eye opener for me because it showed very vividly that it isn’t just the surgery that is so difficult but also all of the complications that may arise after. I think that’s what we’re most afraid of. Right now I think all surgeons would probably agree with us and our surgeon and just have a wait and see attitude. Unless there’s evidence of recurrence there is really no reason to be in a hurry. Our oncologist kind of got us in a tizzy on Mon suggesting that something should be done right away.Obviously that’s really not the case. What I’m hoping for is further research into using pig ducts to replace damaged human ducts for cases like my husbands due to scarring etc. There is some research being done. Take care of yourself!! Mary

    in reply to: Radiation + Chemo, better results? #25354

    Yes my husband had chemo (Xeloda) along with his radiation. The Drs felt the chemo softened the tumor up so the radiation would be more effective. It worked very well for my husband so I hope your boyfriend has great results! Best wishes! Mary

    in reply to: Yay, Social Security Disability comes through! #25339

    I think the speediness is directly related to the prognosis of this cancer. I believe all liver cancers are fastracked through. I went to a lawyer for a free consultation when Tom first became ill and he made it sound like it could be a real battle but just as Suzanne said the people I spoke to at SS were very compassionate and even told me they would fastrack his application through and did. Mary

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