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  • in reply to: update on my sister #87713

    Glad to get the update on your sister. I just wanted to wish you and your sisters great joy the next few months. Please keep us updated on her progress. Take care, sending good thoughts and prayers your way!

    in reply to: Hello to all #87553

    Dear Karen,
    I am happy to welcome you to this very supportive site. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your father and sister, and then your diagnosis. What a lot for anyone to handle. Please keep seeking other opinions, until you find the one that is as aggressive and as positive as you are. Never give up hope! Please keep us updated on your progress and know that we are here to help and support in any way we can. Take care, sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

    in reply to: Intro and thankful to have found this group #87455

    HI Dennis,
    Welcome and congratulations on your successes! I love to hear good news and good reports! Please keep us updated on your progress, we truly care! I am a 5+ year survivor/fighter and love to hear positive news. Take care!

    in reply to: Sporadic hilar chlolangiocarcinoma #87666

    I also wanted to extend my welcome to this site, sorry to hear of your mother’s diagnosis, but very happy to hear of the upcoming surgery!!!! Please keep us posted….sending good thoughts and prayers your way!

    in reply to: My Introduction #80330

    I am so glad that you were able to get a handle on the pain! I hope your vacation brought some great family time and great memories for you to cherish!

    in reply to: New to this group – stage III/IVa ICC #71239

    Hi Elaine,
    So happy to hear of your upcoming surgery!! Thank you for keeping us posted and I am looking forward to hearing more great updates! Enjoy the time with your twins, and I know how it feels to be there that last week of school, so important to the kids. Take care!


    Dear Andy,

    I want to commend you for reaching out to help others. You first reached out to me in February, and I remember so vividly how scared, overwhelmed and desperate you were for answers and help in this situation, as so many of us are. I remember telling you that I was happy to talk and help in anyway I can because I remember how hard and overwhelming it was for me and my family in the beginning. I wanted to pay it forward, and I see that you want to help others as well.

    I have seen first hand the benefits of this discussion board, benefits of making connections with other survivors, patients and care givers. There is such strength in numbers. We are a part of a family that is connected in ways only we can understand.

    Andy, I am so proud of you for reaching out to others both to receive help and now to give help! There is healing in helping others. Thank you so much for wanting to share your knowledge. All my best to you and Sarah, you are always in my prayers!

    in reply to: Introduction, father with GB cancer #87157

    Dear Only One,
    I am hoping your visit to Mayo in AZ will open more doors for your father. I can see you are leaving no stone unturned, and that you are an amazing daughter! Please know that I will be keeping you and your father in my thoughts and prayers.

    in reply to: Hello from England #87537

    Dear Judith,

    I just wanted to extend my welcome to you, and I am so sorry to hear of Mary’s diagnosis. I do hope that you were able to get some clear answers from Prof Valle. Please share with us what you were able to find out. We are all here to support you and help in any way we can! Please take care of yourself as you need to stay strong and healthy as well. Please know we are thinking of Mary and I will add her to my prayers!

    in reply to: inoperable, but clean scan at 15 months (now 39 months) #86187

    So happy for you and your mom!! That is such great news! Enjoy this time with her and please give her a big hug for me!

    in reply to: Very excited after CT Scan #87526


    I also want to share my excitement for you! That is great news! Saying a prayer that your PET shows great results! Happy surgery coming your way!!

    in reply to: Mommy #84035

    Dear sweet Amanda,
    Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers for me and my family! Glad to see you back here and checking in….keep in touch and God Bless you my dear, sweet girl!

    in reply to: Thank you for the nudge!!! #87422


    I love this! Such an inspirational story! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!


    in reply to: A little lost and looking for some guidance #87446

    Hi Adam,

    Welcome to the site, and I am so sorry to hear of your mother’s diagnosis. I am glad you found us and I am sure others will be along real soon to comment on your questions.

    I am not able to chime in on the aspect of the CEA increase, as I never had an increase in my CEA. As for a second resection, it has been know to happen for some when the cancer is still contained to the liver. Typically if the cancer has spread to distant organs such as the lungs, another resection is usually not performed. I also don’t have experience with radiation but if you use the search button above it gives several posts of radiation and resections posts.

    I know others will have more to add, but please keep us posted on your mother’s progress and know we all are here for support! Take care!

    in reply to: 1.5years survivor start another journey #86708

    H Tze,

    I am happy to hear your wife is getting better and recovery is going well. I am not able to give you any advice on whether to do chemo or not……maybe a 3rd opinion would be in order since you have two different suggestions. Hoping everything continues to go well and please keep us informed on how your wife is doing. Take care!

Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 500 total)