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  • in reply to: My Update #74427

    Thank you Marion and Lainy.

    Lainy, I do understand what you’re trying to say. That is my problem – I’m afraid to tell them how I really feel at times because a lot of members of my family don’t what to accept the fact that I could die in a year or two. When I try to express that to them but also tell them I will fight with a vengeance to the end they don’t want to hear it. And sometimes I do want to talk about how the end will be. I see others far worse than me, especially when I’m in the hospital, and I wonder if that will be me soon. It makes me think about how the end will me and I would like to talk to someone about it but family isn’t ready to have that talk.

    Thank you for being there for me. I really do appreciate it.


    in reply to: My Update #74424

    Hi Kris,

    Thanks for your kind words. I am on low dose oxycodone – 5mg – which I have been taking twice a day so I guess that isn’t too bad. But I wasn’t taking it at all since I was done with the SBRT on May 13th so that’s why I’m feeling a little down about it. Sometimes I feel I can’t tell those close to me how I really feel because they’ll think I’m giving up hope. I just feel down about what I’m going through sometimes and start to wonder how long I will live. I can usually snap out of that quickly and get into the moment of how I’m feeling altogether. All in all I’m still pretty active so I should be grateful for that. As you probably know, it can be difficult sometimes not to be overwhelmed by this disease and its poor prognosis for long term survival. But you’re right, this forum has helped me in the past and I should come here more often for support. Thank you for reminding me of that and thank you for taking the time to boost my spirits.

    Even though I haven’t been posting much, I have been checking posts almost every day and am glad to see that you are doing well with your clinical trial. It’s great to hear positive stories!!!

    Take care Kris.

    Peace & Love,

    in reply to: Cancer Centers of America #74473

    Hi Jayne,

    When I was first diagnosed in August 2011 it was with adenocarcinoma unknown primary. I was re-diagnosed with CC this past February. They said the tumor was originally so small in my liver that it didn’t show up on CT, PET or MRI until it got larger this past February. I started treatment in October 2011 with Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC and have stayed with them since then. However, when I was first diagnosed, in August 2011, I did receive two other opinions in addition to Sloan. One was Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Philadelphia. I know a lot of people are skeptical about CTCA. I was too but decided to try them out. They were very kind and accommodating for me. They usually request you stay for three days for evaluation. I had an appt with Sloan on the third day and did not want to cancel it so CTCA accommodated me by scheduling all the testing and appts in two days. It was very hectic for me but worth it so I didn’t lose my Sloan appt. the hotel they had me stay at worked with them and we only paid $75 to stay there. Also, when I spoke with the financial person at CTCA, I was assured they took my insurance and there would be minimal expenses for me other than the normal deductibles for my insurance. I was also told if the expenses were too much for me they would work with me. My total out of pocket was under $400 and I was able to pay that on my own but I believe they were sincere in helping me with it if necessary.

    On to the real important info. They performed extensive testing on me. On the end of the second day, I met with appropriate doctors regarding each testing and results given to me. They gave me the same diagnosis as the first doctor I went to which was a local cancer medical center in my area. And then when I had my appt with Sloan I also received the same diagnosis. So CTCA was accurate with my diagnosis. The reason I didn’t choose them for treatment was twofold. I was nervous because they weren’t so well known and I had heard they were in it for profit. Honestly, aren’t all hospital profiting from the illness of people? My second reason was because it was far from my home and I worried about travel to/from home to CTCA for treatment. If I decided to stay at the hotel during treatment then I wouldn’t be able to see family and friends. I feel it is so important to be near to those close to you when going through a difficult disease and I knew I would be depressed and feeling lonely far away from home. So I went with Sloan and as I said I am still there being treated.

    Hope this gives you some insight to CTCA.

    Wishing you and Ken the best in fighting this terrible disease.

    Peace & Love,

    in reply to: Rate of bilirubin regression after stent placement #73876

    Hi Peggy,

    My bilirubin was 22.1 the beginning of May 2013. I had a metal stent put in on May 21, 2013 and immediately my bilirubin started to go down. As of 7/19 it is 1.2. The doctors are quite surprised it went down so much and so quickly. Because it did I was able to start chemo on 7/12. My prognosis is not good – I only have a small part of my liver that is functioning – but the doctors continue to be surprised at how well I am doing. The tumor is in my bile duct in my liver and also outside my liver. I also have metastasis to my celiac trunk. I’ve had a number of chemos since diagnosis in August 2011 and traditional radiation. I also had 5 treatments of Stereostatic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) in May of this year. I hope your brother’s bilirubin goes down so he can start chemo. I know how stressful it can be when you’re not doing any treatment. Stay positive! Over the past few months I have gone through some dark times and am amazed how things can change for the positive. I will keep you and your brother in my prayers.


    in reply to: How things are going #73703

    Hi Pam,

    I haven’t posted in quite some time because I am going through a very difficult time. But when I read your post I felt the need to respond. I think about you and Lauren every day and how difficult this time must be for you. I lost my son to cancer back in 1989. We spent two years doing everything we could to help him survive even though the odds were against us. At the end I felt that we did all we could and that left us with some peace. You and Lauren did all you could and took all the chances possible for survival and I hope that can leave you with some peace.

    Take your time and grieve your sweet, beautiful Lauren. I didn’t know her personally but through all your posts I felt like I did and I felt a closeness to both of you that was so personal to me that it surprised me. You made Lauren come alive in your posts and I rooted for her everyday!

    Take care of yourself Pam. Be kind and gentle with yourself. There will be a time when the good times with Lauren will outweigh the sadness but that takes time – give it time and know that we are all thinking of you.

    Peace & Hugs,

    in reply to: PET Scan and Blood work #72993

    Hi Lisa,

    This is GREAT news!!! I am so happy for you!!! Now you just have to get rid of those hives!!! Any news on that yet?


    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72246

    Dear Pam,

    I don’t even know what to say to you at this time. Lauren did fight and you and the family were fighting right along side her. Please accept my most sincere condolences and know that I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.

    Love, Hugs & Peace,

    in reply to: First CT scan since IHCC surgery #72463

    Way to go Gregg!!! I’m so happy for you!!!

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72171

    Hi Pam,

    Thanks for keeping us updated. Lauren, you and your family continue to be in my prayers. The ups and downs must be so difficult for all of you. I will pray, as time goes on, there will be more ups then downs.

    Take care of yourself and tell Lauren there are tons and tons of people praying for her!!!

    Hugs & Love,

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72167

    Hi Pam,

    Thank you for keeping us updated on Lauren’s wonderful progress!!, I enjoy reading the blog with all the positive steps Lauren is making. We all continue to pray for her and you every day. With her family surrounding her and talking to her she’s bound to start talking soon!

    Take care of yourself.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72157


    Please know Lauren is always in my thoughts and prayers, as are you and your family. I’m glad you got to sleep in a real bed last night. I know it must have been so hard for you to leave Lauren but I hope you were able to get a decent night’s sleep. I know it’s a long road to recovery for Lauren, but the little steps you saw on Friday are all good signs. I will pray that it continues that way.

    Stay strong.

    Peace, Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Decrease in CA 19-9 #71696

    Good luck with the scan results Rain. I hope they are as positive as the CA 19-9 level!!!


    in reply to: My Mom #71804


    I am so sorry that this terrible disease took your mother from you. It sounds like she went peacefully and that should bring you some comfort. Take care of yourself during this grieving time and know that you are surrounded by your mother’s love.

    Peace & hugs,

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72152

    Great news!!! Hoping and looking forward to more positive news as the weekend moves on!!! STAY STRONG LAUREN!!!

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72148


    Thanks for posting the link with Pam’s updated blog.


    I think about you guys every day – many times a day. Difficult doesn’t even begin to describe what you are going through. I feel your pain in your blog and wish there was something I could do. I will continue to pray for Lauren and ask God to bring her back to you so you can hear her voice and see her beautiful smile again. Tell Lauren so many people are praying for her.

    Please take care of yourself Pam. I’m glad more of the family will be with you this weekend. Lots of noise in Lauren’s room – that will wake her up!!!

    Peace, Love & Hugs,

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