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  • in reply to: Riding the roller coaster #94388


    We were told Mom had 12 months in Oct 2013. She still she is not considered cured, but in remission (they also told us this was not possible to hope for). Although not enough, we are seeing more examples of patients living with the disease.

    Will be thinking of you tomorrow-


    in reply to: Introduction-any help appreciated #94269


    Good luck and I hope the consult goes well. For my mother, they opened her up and because of the location of her tumor and how it extended, they closed her back up and did not proceed further. Instead, we went through chemo and then Y-90 radiation. In hindsight, what made the chemo more difficult was that she was not fully recovered from the surgery when it started. Also, although they didn’t remove the tumor, the aborted surgery still left her with adhesions that can be very painful at times. Although surgery is the words all CC strive to hear, she would have had it easier if we went straight to chemo and radiation. The good news, is that its been over 2 years since her last treatment and she has No Evidence of Disease.

    Best Wishes,

    in reply to: Treatment Has Begun // Week 1 #93415


    So wonderful to hear some encouraging news- I hope the side effects stay away and the chemo does wonders.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Riding the roller coaster #94383

    Dear Gail,

    Welcome to our group. With 3 children and a job with 50% travel, you must already have a knack for juggling a busy life. However, I agree with Lainy that you should ask for help and it seems like you are already on a good path of taking care of yourself as well. In addition to the husband and kids (or maybe cause of) you need to keep yourself as well (emotionally and physically).

    Although not enough hope, there are some good new stories here. Have they done genetic testing on the tumors? And, it may be worth asking your doctor is there are pain meds which do not affect is lucidity as much. When I was researching for my parents, I found that in some cases fentanyl patches can be given instead of morphine with less cognitive impact to the patient.

    My thoughts are with you and your family.


    in reply to: Bill Walsh #94358

    Dear Jacqueline,

    What amazing tributes to a man who made a mark on this world; I am so very sorry that he was taken from you much too early. My condolences are with you and your family.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Sean Kelly #94370

    Dear Tim and Julie,

    It is always heartbreaking when we hear of a loss, but especially so when it is a younger patient.

    My heartfelt condolences are with your family and loved ones.


    in reply to: Chemo caused MDS: Update #94349

    Dear Julie,

    I am so sorry you have been going through this CR**. but so relieved to read your updates.

    Big hugs are coming your way,


    in reply to: y90 #94360


    Mom had the Y90 for a single IC tumor (all mets were localized to liver). She first did 3 cycles of Gem/Cis. Good news is that she is over 3 years since diagnosis, couldn’t have surgery, but is feeling fine and No Evidence of Disease(NED). She was treated at University if MD (Greene Cancer Center).

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Husband’s Case #92665

    Dear Googlily,

    I’m very sorry to hear that Bill could not win this battle, but unfortunately we know that even with a strong will and being supported by love, this cancer takes too many from us.

    I hope that hospice is keeping him comfortable and allowing you time to focus on your love and the time you can share together and left them be the caregivers.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you,


    in reply to: 36 year old with CC update #93623

    Dear Katherine,

    I’m easing back into the board this evening and was so sorry that I didn’t see this sooner, but so thrilled to read about your upcoming surgery. Some are fortunate to be operated on right away, but you went through the hardships of chemo too.

    The apprehension is real, but not sure if I would use the term insane. I can not pretend to understand the apprehension, but I can say that even as just a family member, I have been faced with my own mortality over the past few years- so actually maybe as the patient the term insane does make sense.

    My love and hugs are with you for a successful surgery and a quick recovery,



    thank you for sharing- we’re fortunate to only access the port periodically, but this should help. I ordered one for Mom.

    in reply to: Treatment Has Begun // Week 1 #93405


    I’ve been MIA for a while. but came back and very happy to hear your Mom is doing well. best wishes to you and Mom,

    in reply to: Chemo question #94095

    Hi Summer-

    Welcome to our family. For my mother, a cycle of gem/cis was 3 weeks. On Monday of weeks 1 and 2, she went into hospital for chemo. The third week she had no treatment. She did 3 cycles – I think this is pretty normal. But, then she did 2 treatments of radiation (Y-90) and has been disease/treatment free for over 2 years.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Hello #93854


    Thank you for joining the board and so happy you got to the conference. My Mom is NED thanks to radiation treatment at UMD, but if it returns, we’ll be heading to JHU for a second opinion (we’re in Bel Air). Very interesting on your surgery- our approach was to kill the left lobe (and the tumor) with radiation since she wasn’t resectable.

    We look forward to hearing more milestones in your continued success !


    in reply to: New Here: CC – IV #93588

    Dear Wyatt,

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss- although it’s hard, try not to second guess yourself. You did everything you could- we have to be advocates, but we also have to depend on the doctors. Also, this is a horrible disease that does not discriminate between rich and poor. I think that this organization exists because there are some who did have the funds, but still lost loved ones and now they are being compassionate and trying to help other patients and families. We’re going through hospice now with my father (lung cancer), because although we have our success with Mom’s battle and CC, we knew with Dad we needed to focus on quality of life and making him comfortable,

    My heart goes out to you.


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