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  • in reply to: Introduction #94082

    Dear Melissa,

    Welcome- I’m so sorry you’re here, but so glad you found us. This is a horrible disease, but even in the past few years we have seen so many more options and success stories (my Mom is alive and kicking 2 years past her prognosis with hopefully many more years to go). I’m looking forward to your husband adding to our good news stories.

    Let us know how it goes next week- we are here for you.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: My Introduction #80527


    Keep the great new coming!!!! You give hope to other too.

    Take care,

    in reply to: My 42 year-old husband #93304

    I am so sorry that you have a plan to move forward and instead have to deal with the setbacks (we all hate this disease SO MUCH)- I hope things turn around quickly and that Patrick starts feeling better soon.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Long overdue update! #94064


    Thank you for checking in – stable is always great to hear. However, I am amazed that even without the CC, you have the energy to work full time with 3 young ones. You are a super woman.

    Take care,


    in reply to: My Mum, 49yo in Australia #89929


    I’m very happy to hear your Mom is having good success with the chemo- best wishes for continued success-


    in reply to: Treatment Has Begun // Week 1 #93385


    Great news about the blood and hope the scan shows good news. Just wondering- will they also be checking the brain? With Dad (lung cancer patient the only way they could get a good read on his brain lesions was when they did an MRI with contrast. If you want to see how the brain is, you might have to ask for an additional test or clarify if they will be rechecking it.

    Best wishes coming your way,

    in reply to: inoperable, but clean scan at 15 months (now 39 months) #86217

    Another clean scan after 6 months- still NED. :) Bittersweet since Dad is coming to the end of his battle with small cell lung cancer, but we are so blessed that Mom has defied the odds and prognosis, and is here to take care of him and be by his side. Mom is unfortunately not the norm, but is living proof that even without surgical resection, there is hope. Get multiple consults and push if needed. When the doctor called this evening (after 5 on a friday), Mom said she doesn’t believe she’d be here if we hadn’t pushed for the second SIRT treatment to kill remaining tumor. Love and best wishes to all, Catherine

    in reply to: 3 years since diagnosis #94010

    Ok- you got this CC under control (yeah!!!!!), next the MDS. Easy peasy.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Scan results #94000

    Lots of good wishes and hugs coming your way-


    in reply to: Oncologists Opinions: How many did you see? #93945

    Good morning,

    The good news is they all agree that SIRT (which is a radioembolization) may work. Although not the norm, my Mom has had 2 years of treatment-free living since having it done.

    I’m not a doctor, so can not speak to the anemia. If it was our family, I would look at the experience of the doctor/center, but also take into account how I felt when consulting with the doctor; did I feel like my mother was being treated by someone who was confidant (and ideally had people skills too). We only went to the one hospital, but did have the ONC and IR disagree at times on how to progress. We felt right with the IR doc and went with the more aggressive treatment route. Her ONC didn’t want to give her xeloda in conjunction with the SIRT, but she was finally won over to support and prescribe.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Treatment Has Begun // Week 1 #93383


    It is very hard, and I hope meeting with doctor gives you some answers. And everyone’s decision about cost/benefit of chemo is unique. We were fortunate that Mom’s chemo cycles then allowed us to move on to other treatments. You’re right that chemo not only took a toll on her body and energy, but it was an all-day event by the time we drove to the hospital, went through blood work and chemo and got home.

    With Dad (lung cancer) he went through first chemo/radiation which gave us a remission for a bit, but when it returned it was an “easy” decision because we knew he is too weak to tolerate additional treatments.

    My thoughts are with you and your mother- it’s frustrating to feel helpless but know now that you are doing a great job in helping her with this terrible disease.

    Take care of yourself too,

    in reply to: Update on my husband George… #93612

    Thank you for coming back and telling us he is doing- life does change once you have CC in the family.
    I hope they keep his pain in check and you continue to make memories.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Husband’s Case #92655


    Thank you for the update-

    Lots of good wishes coming your way,


    in reply to: 3 years- non-resectable #15111

    it was ICC, and the location (I believe extending to the vena cava) was such that to remove it all, the risk of bleeding/dying during surgery was too high to continue.

    in reply to: Hello everyone – experience with Xeloda? #93747


    With going through both the radiation and Xeloda, she was VERY fatigued for 6 weeks. She was at times frustrated that we were past a month and she still was had the physical and mental fatigue that I think only cancer patients can understand. However, that was in Nov 2014 and since then, she just goes for period CT/PET scans and to get her port flushed. We have another scan coming up, but so far she has been showing no evidence of disease.

    Best wishes,

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