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  • in reply to: Hello! New to this website, fighting with my fiancee #93157

    I am so sorry that you are starting off your marriage with CC, but still very excited for you and your upcoming wedding. Mom received her diagnosis on their 54th anniversary, and they thought that would be their last. However, for their upcoming 57th we’ll be celebrating by going back down to Fort Myers Beach in October.

    There is hope. Have a wonderful time , put the CC on the back burner (yeah- easy to do) and then come back refreshed with your sleeves rolled up and ready to fight .

    Congratulations and best wishes,

    in reply to: My experience with my mum, age 86. SENSITIVE #93124

    Dear Rangani,

    Thank you for taking the time and emotion to share what you went through with you mother. You show the strength and grace you wish for others.

    Take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing,

    in reply to: Help…Advice…Thoughts…Positive Energy… #93119


    Welcome to the board. I’m sorry about your Dad and that you had some doctors who caused delay in treatment. As Marion said, very important to be treated where they know CC and second opinions can be valuable. Although not all will have the same results, my mother is now in remission with no evidence of disease after having Y-90. She did 3 cycles of GEM/CIS, and then two Y-90 treatments (Feb & Nov 2014). For the second Y-90, she took xeloda before and after. Additionally, I know the doctor gave her a “high dose”. Now they have us coming back in 6-months for scans.

    I wish you the same success for your Dad,

    in reply to: Introduction / Welcome #83964


    Welcome to our group and congratulations on the success so far with the treatments. As Marion mention, all patients are different. My mother was also told the one year (inoperable ICC) and we’re coming up on 3 years and she’s feeling well. In just those 3 years, we are seeing many more trials and drugs approved for CC which will eventually change the statistics patients are told upon diagnosis.

    Best wishes and let us know how you are doing,

    in reply to: Gem/Cis – Weighing Options #93093


    My Mother went through 3 rounds of Gem/Cis after an unsuccessful surgery in 2013. The side effects during the first cycle were very bad – she ended up in bed (when not nauseous), dehydrated, and thinking that she might not do the second cycle. We had been told it would give her an average of 3 months more and she was ready to quit. We took her to the ER for fluids, and that helped turn her around, so she did continue the chemo (but was a day late for second infusion). Lesson learned was although she didn’t have sever dehydration symptoms , we should have taken her sooner for fluids.

    For second cycle, they increased fluids, gave higher dose of Emend in her IV, and gave her dexamethasone to take in hospital and after getting home. I think it also helped that she had recovered more from the surgery, but it was so completely different- although tired, she felt so much better that she did not even need to take the nausea meds (had been on 2 first cycle).

    So, with how bad the first cycle was, I definitely understand quality of life. Also, I have a father with lung cancer who will not be doing more chemo when it starts growing again. However, for Mom it shrunk her tumor about 20%. This gave her time and then we moved on to SIRT, We are almost at 3 years since diagnosis and she at this point has no evidence of disease. So we are very glad Mom gave it a try. Her thought was she can always stop if she can’t tolerate, but why not try.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Latest PET scan results. #93037


    Wonderful news!!!!!

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: My mum #92972

    Dear Ranagni,

    I am very sorry to hear of your loss of your mum. And, thank you for your very kind offer to help others even in your time of loss.

    My heartfelt condolences are with you,


    in reply to: Help needed…much appreciated! #92988


    So sorry we we have to welcome you to our group, but we’re glad you found us. There are very few who have even heard of CC when they or a loved one is diagnosed. If you haven’t yet, there is information on the homepage with information for those newly diagnosed.


    Best wishes,

    in reply to: GREAT NEWS – MERCK DRUG (Keytruda) is WORKING!! #84714

    I love when I can start my day reading such a wonderful post. I am so happy for both of you and thankful for the hope that you are giving to so many!!!

    in reply to: Introduction / Welcome #83961


    Thank you for sharing your story and for supporting us!


    in reply to: End of life #90457

    I’m not sure if this will help, but my mother can not tolerate opioids so when she had severe pain, they prescribed fentanyl patches. I was worried about side effects and asked work colleagues. Response from a few was that when they had family members in end stage cancer (not CC), switching from morphine to fentanyl not only kept the pain in check, but allowed their loved ones to be more lucid at the end and gave them time to talk and gave them some more quality time together.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Husband’s Case #92646

    SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Daisy’s Mum #92934

    Dear Rebecca,

    You have my deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved mother. Seven weeks is such a short time to even come to terms with the diagnosis, but you did a wonderful job on getting your mother the best care available.

    Take care of yourself and let us know how you are,

    in reply to: inoperable, but clean scan at 15 months (now 39 months) #86215

    Googily- Unfortunately he is moving to FL. I will have to find out exactly where, but he said his contact information wouldn’t change and he would help us find a new IR if needed (I was hoping he was just moving a couple miles down the road to JH). Even years ago, a long-time member ( Percy) was in touch with Dr Moeslein and he was ok with his contact info being shared. It was so amazing to have a doctor who would text me even if he was out of town. Send me an email anytime and we can discuss further.

    Lainy- thanks for asking. Dad also got his scan results this week and everything is stable :) With small cell lung cancer, the remission is normal after first-line, but unknown how long it will last. We will not be doing more chemo when it returns. The brain surgery/radiation/chemo have taken a toll on his cognitive functions, so although still a good quality of life, he really needs Mom with him 24/7. Last week we had a great week at the beach in Delaware. I found a condo right on the boardwalk with an elevator and a pool. We had 18 family member in 5 rental units. And, planning a return to Florida in October if he is still up to traveling . We went to Fort Myers Beach in 2014 for Mom’s “last” vacation and returned in 2015. We’re hoping they can both be walking the beach again (it will be their 57th anniversary). Now I just need the winning lottery ticket so I can retire.

    in reply to: inoperable, but clean scan at 15 months (now 39 months) #86212

    We’ve been told there is no possible cure unless surgery, and we were told no remission, but we are still so fortunate that Mom’s blood work and scan still show no evidence of disease- dead tissue still there from the last Y-90 treatment in Nov 2014. Since then, routine scans, port flushes and blood work. Next time we go back is Jan 2017. Even if not “cured”, we are elated and wish all could be lucky enough to have these results. On ride home from hospital today, we talked about how glad we were that Mom tried chemo- she was given 12 months and told the chemo would on average give her another 3. The first chemo cycle almost made her give up, but she pushed through and after they added fluids and steroids, she was able to tolerate it well.

    One take away- our ONC today said she probably would have been like our prior ONC and pushed back on Mom having a second SIRT (Y-90) with the xeloda rather than waiting for the tumor to progress again (First treatment had killed about 1/2 of it and we were stable for 6 months). I had to ask for us not to wait, wanted to attack while we could, and fortunately had a brilliant radiologist who also wanted to “kill” the whole thing. The only sad part today is that Dr. Moeslein- the doctor who saved Mom- is leaving UMD. Today was his last day.

    I’m not sure if this is a miracle so Mom is here to take care of Dad (lung cancer), but rather I hope her results are indicative of a trend for us seeing this disease not being a terminal diagnosis but rather as Marion has stated, more of a chronic disease.

    Best wishes to all- Catherine

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