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  • in reply to: My daddy #66407


    I lost my Dad too in January of 2007, he was diagnosed only 8 weeks prior. It is a difficult journey we travel, those of us touched by this disease, but please know that the support you gave your father was the best medicine he could have had. It will be going on six years since my Dad passed away and the thing that helped me heal most was to push myself to do things in his honour. I would have rather fled somewhere and raged at the injustice of it all, but I wanted to make him proud and through these things, I felt I was helping him to live on by helping others. Many times I faked it, having lost my faith in a lot of things, but eventually I saw that my pain was transformed into meaning.

    I am so sorry you had to experience this with your father and I hope that you will soon be able to recall the wonderful memories you have that will never die. My mom and I were also there at that moment and I was so blessed to have been able to hold my Dad’s hand up until the moment it was taken up, somewhere far away.

    God Bless and you and your father are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Missing U

    in reply to: Not the best update #66412


    I am praying that all goes well with your treatment. Your doctor sounds like he is taking good care of you. Knowing the extent of what you’re dealing with will give you the best opportunity for success.

    God Bless,
    Missing U

    in reply to: Jeff G Has Gone to A More Peaceful Place #28627

    Prayers sent for Jeff and his family. Jeff continued to give support to members on this board even when his own health was dwindling- that tells me more about the nature of his love than anything else. His journey will continue to inspire many through his determination… he truly did take it to the limit. My sincerest condolensces to Jeff’s beloved family.

    Brightest Blessings,
    Missing U

    in reply to: Hospital For Pain Management #25973

    Jeff, my Dad had extensive mets to the bone and was diagnosed at stage 4. He was immediately placed on Dilaudid. It seemed to manage his bone pain, the pain associated with the ascites build up or from his liver really was not at all effected by the Dilaudid. I understand it doesn’t have the same effects as morphine, but it was hard on his digestive system really slowing everything down. I’d heard that the Fentanyl patch is one of the best pain meds that has one of the fewest side effects, especially the ones on the GI tract- we didn’t have time to experiment as he passed into Spirit within 10 weeks of diagnosis.

    Thinking of you in with prayer and in friendship,
    Missing U

    in reply to: At Home Hospice care For Jeff #24453


    I wish for you the very best possible care. May your heart be surrounded by peace, comfort and most of all love. You are an inspiration with how you deal with your illness. You have given freely of yourself to help others along the way, teaching them from your experience, endlessly comforting those who are newly diagnosed or their caregivers. You are a beacon leading the way through the fog and I feel blessed to have “met” you through this site.

    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Brightest Blessings,
    Missing U

    in reply to: Recent News #22459

    Irene, I am deeply sorry for your loss. I too am an only child and when my Dad passed away from this illness after only been diagnosed 2 months prior, I felt like a part of me went with him. Our lives are never the same when we lose someone we love, however, what I’ve tried to do was to honour my Dad with the way I was living my life and to be there for my mom as much as I can. To try to move one step at a time and to allow myself to be still when I needed to.

    I can’t imagine how you may be feeling and although there are no substitutes for family, I hope you are able to draw support from the members on this board, some of whom can relate to you because they are dealing with the same illness, others such as myself who relate from walking alongside a loved one who put up a brave fight.

    My heart goes out to you and I send you prayers that you may be surrounded by comfort and support and that when you are ready for treatment that the doctors’ hands are divinely guided and can truly help you. I hope you can find comfort in the great amount of support you provided to your dear mother, being with her up until her last minutes on this earth. I am certain that in the way that she can, she will be with you too supporting you and loving you from that place that is only but a breath away from where we are.

    Brightest Blessings,
    Missing U

    in reply to: Husband newly diagnosed #22397

    Jan, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. I have heard many positives about the Mayo Clinic when it comes to rare cancers. There are many on this board who have been living with this illness for several years, beating the odds and are beacons of hope for those newly diagnosed. I only found this site after my Dad passed away; I am glad you found it when you did and hope that you can find much support and knowledge here.

    Brightest Blessings,
    Missing U

    in reply to: Is surgery always the answer? #21345


    My sincere condolensces for your losses. I too lost my Dad at the too young age of 69 after only 2 months of diagnosis. When he was diagnosed the CC had spread to his bones and it was only after four weeks of knowing he had secondary cancer that they found the primary. He had no other options than palliative care.

    Having surgery or not is a personal decision and a torturous one at that, expecially knowing how difficult CC surgeries are. However, having that option is having an opportunity to do something about this disease if you want to. For us, the decision was not ours to make… having walked the difficult journey with my Dad I am left with the hope that for others who are diagnosed with this illness, that they will have options.

    Brightest Blessings,
    Missing U

    in reply to: I am recently diagnosed #22358


    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Is it possible to do a split regimen of radiation and chemo- to get the benefits of both? You asked how you are to get through this… take all the love that is offered you and know that we all wish only but the best for you. One precious moment at a time…

    Brightest Blessings,
    Missing U

    in reply to: Lost the battle #20224

    Steve, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I lost my Dad to this illness on January 13, 2007 after only 10 weeks of being diagnosed. It may appear that our loved ones lost the battle, but in my view, so long as we keep their memory alive, recalling their moments of courage and strength even in times when the strongest would crumble, they have not really lost the battle at all. Rather, they faced it head on, but their bodies were just not strong enough. Wishing you find comfort in happier memories.

    Brightest Blessings,
    Missing U


    Susan, my heart goes out to you. I lost my Dad on Jan 13, 2007 to this illness. He had been diagnosed 10 weeks earlier. I know it is heartwrenching and there is an unbelievable feeling of helplessness, especially when watching a loved one suffer from an illness which is so rare there is barely any research. Please know you and your family are in my prayers and I hope you find comfort in memories of happier times.

    Brightest Blessings,
    Missing U

    in reply to: Philip McClelland #18567


    I am so sorry for the loss of your dear husband. It is so unjust, this disease that robs us of our loved ones. I pray you find comfort in the wonderful memories that I am certain you hold dear to your heart. I lost my Dear Dad on January 13th of 2007 to this insidious disease. It was two months for him from diagnosis to death and my heart shattered into a thousand pieces watching his life slip away. The world suffered a great loss at his departure… I don’t know many souls like his… kind, gentle, caring and pure of heart. I draw comfort from who he was and our strong and close relationship and I try to live my life by his example in honour of him.

    I wish you peace of heart and spirit,
    Missing U

    in reply to: Caroline Stoufer #18305

    My deepest condolences for Caroline’s family. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I sincerely hope that you can draw comfort from the wonderful love that you felt for each other.

    Missing U

    in reply to: My dad is gone… #18586


    My heart goes out to you and your family. It is such a difficult thing, trying to go on living a life that feels empty after losing such a light in our world. It was one year this January 13th that my Dad passed into Spirit and I miss him so. Your dad sounds wonderful, I can tell you and he had a special bond and I pray that this bond will in time comfort your heart and bring you peace of mind and spirit.

    Missing U

    in reply to: My best friend, my husband #16275


    My heart goes out to you in sympathy and understanding of your pain. I lost my Dear Dad on January 13th of 2007 and the pain never does go away. It changes, but it is always there… a scar on your heart reminding you of what you had and what you lost. My Dad was 69; my parents were married for 44 years and knew each other for 50. So much of how you feel is also how my mother feels and experiencing that first hand, I can empathize with your pain.

    The world can be uncaring. I have intentionally withdrawn from individuals who are cold to our situation and have grativated to those who show kindness and support. Unfortunately those are few and far between. Death is scary. Although we live in a “modern” age, people are afraid to speak of death. This fear becomes even more exaccerbated if the illness is rare or aggressive. I believe that there are still those who feel that if they ignore it, they or their family members will not be touched. Whether conscious or subconscious, that self preservation that exists when you have not gone through a loss that depletes you of self, and has you live for another and their survival, well… that state of being is not conducive to genuine care.

    I do hope that you can find peace of mind and heart. For me, it has come in small doses only when I find myself focusing on my Dad’s life and not on his leaving. I have also been trying to do things, random acts of kindness, donations to charities, volunteering, in honour of my Dad… sort of spreading good in his memory and that has helped me tremendously.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you,
    Missing U

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