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  • in reply to: Teddy Update #44871

    Lainy: Please give Teddy great big HUGS from ALL OF US on this forum! Tell him to be watching for my Tom cause he will need someone to guide him once he gets there!

    Go with God and may you and T find peace and happiness.


    in reply to: My brother #44816

    Dave: You don’t really have to ‘say’ anything. Actions speak louder than words. Just be there for him, let him know you love him. Spend time with him and be supportive for him and his family.


    in reply to: Teddy’s Thanksgiving #44762

    Robin: Thanks so much for sharing the pics with all of us! What a wonderful family Teddy and Lainy have.


    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44673


    Gross intraheptic duct dilation means that there is a narrowing of a bile duct in the liver. This could be from a tumor, cyst or sludge and if they do an ERCP (which they did for my Tom) they can then see if it’s sludge, and if so they can clean it out and would probably still place a stent. If it’s a tumor closing it off they can probably place a stent (which they initially did for my Tom) and also they will get brushing’s to test for cancerous cells. If it’s a cyst they would remove it if possible.

    Gall bladder removal is not a risky operation. I have had mine removed and went home the next day. Recovery from that depends if it was done via a lap procedure or the old conventional way (longer incision). Regardless the recovery time to be back to normal is about 5 weeks.

    Infection levels are generally determined by the white blood count. Anything under 10,000 is considered normal. When that count is over 10,000 then they will start iv antibotics.

    If the blockage is determined to be a tumor, and surgery is a viable option, then it’s possible that they may consider a liver resection, but that would depend upon the placement of the tumor and if the liver artery is impacted. Tom was able to undergo a left liver lobe resection for his inital surgery. However 18 months ago he presented with another tumor that was wrapped around the hepatic artery so could not have surgery. He underwent radiation and chemo which killed the tumor. They could not insert a stent because between the tumor and the radiation, that portion of the bile duct was destroyed. He now has an external drain to keep his bilirubin at more normal levels.

    I know the waiting for test results is awful and scary, but if your mom is in the hospital, then I’m certain that her docs are doing all they can to find out the source of her higher than normal liver function levels.


    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44668


    When my husband Tom went to the doctor in Mar ’08 his:
    Alk. Phophsate was 1558, currently it is 958.
    Currently his Bilirubin is 9.6 (960) at his all time high for bilirubin was 24.9 (2490)
    Those numbers are showing the doctors that something is going on with the liver.

    Tom had a dilation of a bile duct, they did a scraping and inserted a stent into the bile duct. Cancer was detected from the scraping. He underwent a left lobe liver resection in June 2008 and he is still here fighting!

    My advice would be to research all you can on CC. Write down your questions to ask of your mom’s doctors. Get 2nd and 3rd opinoins if possible. Make sure that her doctors have some background on CC or at least have other doctors that they can ‘tap’ into for advice. Tom’s doctors work hand in hand with doctors from St. Lukes in Milwaukee. Mayo Clinic may also be an option in you are in the U.S.

    Go with God.


    in reply to: MIL diagnosed with CC August 2010 #44224

    Hi JC:

    I would tend to disagree that Ascites is an ‘end stage’ symptom! My husband Tom has had one episode with Ascites and it is caused by a lack of protein in the system, thereby causing the arteries to ‘leak’ fluid into the abdomen. That is your bodies way of trying to compensate for the lack of protein! The doc’s drained the fluid and he has not had any further issues with Ascites. However, we did greatly increase his protein intake – eggs, cheese, peanut butter etc. You should be able to research the web for foods that are high in protein, and don’t forget Boost or Boost Plus….that is also high in protein.

    Tell your special ‘US’ mom that she should join this forum as she will gain a lot of friends and will get some answers to any question that she posts! Everyone on this site is wonderful and we all learn from one another!

    Many CC patients cannot eat ‘regular’ meals, so instead tend to eat many smaller meals througout the day. When my husband Tom finds a food that he can tolerate, he tends to eat that same food 2 – 5 times a week. Lately it’s been poached eggs and toast! However, I’m not complaining cause eggs are high in protein and he needs the protein. There are many foods that he used to love but his system can no longer tolerate it. He avoids all spicy foods lately because he gets an upset stomach, so it’s just better to avoid those spices!

    And when your MIL can’t tolerate foods, try a milk shake made with Boost and a banana!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer!


    in reply to: need support #44749

    Hi Kat:

    Although I do not have CC, my husband Tom does and I have been at his side for every ERCP, resection surgery, tube exchanges, MRI’s, CTScans, etc. for the past 2 3/4 yrs. So I know a lot about CC and can speak first hand about procedures, etc and what my husband has gone through.

    Don’t feel helpless because the first order of things is to educate yourself and your sister should also do so! How old is your brother in law? My Tom was 61 when he was diagnosed and is now 63 and will be 64 in Feb. 2011. With good medical care your brother in law does have a good chance of outliving any doctors prediction. Tom was given 6 months just about 13 months ago!

    If your brother in law’s doctors are not familiar with CC then try to get him hooked up with doctors that are familiar with CC! 2nd and 3rd opinoins are sometimes a necessity! Never take ‘no’ for an answer, and ask what else can be done instead! Do your research, this forum and the web in general is a good place to start. Have your sister join this forum as well!

    Good luck to your brother in law. We are in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer


    in reply to: SENSITIVE-Dreaming & Talking #44715

    I have no advice to offer you on this, but know that Tom and I are thinking of both you and Teddy. Our prayers are also coming your way.

    Hugs to you both!

    Margaret & Tom

    in reply to: Hope #44697


    Love and Prayers are coming your Dad’s way from Wisconsin! Please keep us posted on your dad and how things are progressing for him!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer!


    in reply to: recently diagnosed mother #43519


    Hrumph! Doctor’s cannot ‘estimate’ how long a person has to be on this earth! Case in point, just about 13 months ago, the oncologist that my husband was assigned by the Veterans Administration told my husband Tom that he had a new inoperable tumor in his liver and that he had 6 months to live. When I questioned him about Chemo/radiation, he said that Chemo and/or Radiation were not an option. We did not listen to that, and sought 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinoins. Thank heavens we did!

    He did go through radiation and oral chemo (pill form) and the tumor is dead. Granted he now has 5 new tumors and a mass in the pelvic area, and he is now undergoing IV Chemo…but his new oncologist is extremely optimistic that they can help him. After all NO ONE HAS AN EXPIRATION DATE stamped on their behind!

    As we enter our 13th month of life after his dreadful 6 month diagnosis we have learned to never give up, ask what else can we try, never take no for an answer and keep being optimistic. Look forward to the future and don’t give up hope. Make certain that the doctors and oncologist that are treating your Mom are familiar with CC or that they are consulting with other doctors that have had experience with CC! Tom’s new oncologist consults regularly with doctors from St. Luke’s in Milwaukee and they also discuss his case with a weekly tumor board to get information….so rather than him having one doctor he has a team of doctors involved in his treatment.

    The road your mom will travel with CC will have a lot of bumps, twists and turns, but she could still be here 2,5 or 10 years from now because they are learning new things every day about CC. The best thing for you and your mom to do is to educate yourselves about CC, and this forum is great for that. Write down your questions so you will remember them and ask her doctors. And they should take the time necessary to fully answer your questions, after all they are working for your mom! When Tom was originally diagnosed in Mar. ’08, I had a two page list of questions. The first doctor that wanted to do the initial surgery appeared to be a bit ‘put out’ that I was asking so many questions and he did not give me any ‘warm fuzzies’ so we sought a 2nd opinoin. The 2nd doctor took the time to answer each of my questions, did not rush us and in fact, I think that appointment took about 2 1/2 hours because she explained everything to us. She did the surgery and was awesome during his three week stay in the hospital. The first doctor was appalled when I called him and cancelled the surgery, and 5 minutes after my call, he was on the phone to us wanting to know if we were going to reschedule the surgery. He was very upset when I told him ‘no’ and that we were going with another surgeon outside of the Green Bay area. (Hummm, no new car for his wife in ’08)

    But, my thought is that if you don’t trust the doctor, why would you let that doctor cut out over half of your loved ones liver? You gotta be able to put all your faith in that doctor, and frankly I could not do that with the original surgeon who planned to cut on my hubby.

    So don’t give up hope! Build some happy memories with your mom. Take one day at a time. There are many CC Patients on this forum that have outlived their doctors predictions of how long they will survive.

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.


    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44654


    So sorry to hear about your mom. Did the doctors do any blood work, specifically for Liver function? Tom, my husband did not even have any symptoms, but because he was on a cholesterol lowering drug, they always did blood work checking the liver enzymes every three months. In Jan ’08 everything was fine, in Mar ’08, his liver enzymes were 10 times elevated! After more tests, he was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma. He never turned yellow, did not have any pain, did not have dark urine , was not tired, and had not lost any weight.

    After a resection (removal of 3/4’s of his liver, they told him he was cancer free and he did not have chemo. 18 months later, he started turning yellow, and they found a new tumor in the remaining bile duct. He’s now going through chemo and has had radiation to shoot down that tumor, however, it is still blocking the bile duct and they cannot operate. At his last scan he has 5 new small tumors in his liver and a new mass in the pelvic area. He now has all of the above symptoms (no itching though) and has lost tons of weight.

    In your mom’s case, I would request a blood test and have them test all of the liver function test. Alk Phosphate was the one that told his doc’s that there was something going on with the liver. Right now it’s 958 which is still very high, but 1/2 of what it was in Mar ’08 – gotta look for the good things, right? Tom’s original oncologist gave him 6 months after the 2nd tumor was found, and here we are still fighting 12 months later! We start the 13th month of life on 12/01/2010!

    Please keep us posted on your mom’s scan results and request that blood work for liver enzymes!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.


    in reply to: Dad is feeling cold #44709

    My Tom is constantly ‘cold’, and I know that it’s because he has no body fat at all, therefore he cannot regulate his temp like I do. I have more than enough body fat and have offered him some of mine!

    We have a gas fireplace in the great room that is on almost constantly, and in the living room we have a regular wood burning fireplace that has a fire in it every day! Plus he has the thermostat set at about 75, but with both fireplaces going it’s never less that 80 in here (unless it’s in the early morning when we first wake up!)

    I sleep in very light pj’s with no covers on me and Tom sleeps under an electric blanket, then the sheet, a quilt and a heavy comforter and is bundled up to his neck.

    If your dad is ‘shaking’ and complaining that he is ‘chilled’ when no one else feels cold, that could be a sign of an infection starting. Chills is one of the things that we have to watch for with Tom. You may want to at least let your dad’s oncologist know about this so they can get some blood work and checked the white blood count – they will be able to tell if there is any infection present!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.


    in reply to: Irritable, crabby, grouchy? #44542

    Oh Minnie, my heart goes out to you. I’m so sorry that Karl is being that way. In my case, this is very unusual for Tom to be this way, that is why I posted the question! Maybe you just need to simply sit down and have a heart to heart with Karl like I did with Tom. I don’t know how long you and Karl have been married, but Tom and I were sweethearts back in the day and got back together and married 9+ years ago. We will celebrate out 10th anniversary on Feb. 11th, 2011.

    I did speak to Tom’s oncologist when I started noticing some of the ‘moods’ and she did prescribe an anti-depressant, however, he refused to take it saying “I’m not depressed”. Well, to be honest, I have now been sneaking it into his daily malts and am hoping to see a change. So far, Sunday, Monday and Today have been awesome and he has been back to his normal cheerful (as much as he can be) self. Maybe you need to speak to his oncologist about getting Karl on some medication also. And maybe you need to speak to a professional to learn how to deal with his ‘anger’, frustration, etc.

    I know that this forum has access to Dr. Giles so maybe you could even post a question to him on how to deal with this?

    Please just hang in there, maybe it’s just a phase that Karl is going through. Or maybe you need to do like I did and put your foot down and let him know that it hurts you when he treats you that way and if it continues then you may need to take more drastic measures (read between the lines here) and ‘go away’ for a day or so or even a few hours and let him get the message that you are there FOR HIM.

    Never – in my wildest dreams when I posted this subject did I even think that there were others who HAD experienced this with their CC person! However, it has turned out to be a great topic and I’m very glad that we got this topic out in the open! That is the one great thing about this forum, we can vent about our frustrations and generally there is someone who has experienced it and can give advice and we can all bounce ideas between one another! There may also be others who can give you more advice Minnie.

    Good luck with Karl. Also, let him know that you DO love him and how frustrated you are, and how hurtful is actions are to you.

    Go with God,


    in reply to: Irritable, crabby, grouchy? #44538

    Mary: I like your idea! I think I will assign chores to those who come over or who invite themselves over…..AWESOME idea!

    Believe it or not, the 9 year old grandson just called and spoke to Papa (Tom) and wanted to know if he could come out tonight and spend the night!!! His mom is going shopping. Well, I’m really proud of Tom cause he told him NO –
    He and I have talked, and I told him that if I can’t be at 100% then I can’t care for him and work a full time job plus do all the other things that I do on a daily basis. If I’m burned out then nothing gets done, not even his daily cares, and if he can’t depend on me, then his only other option would be to go to a nursing home.

    Tom was pretty understanding during our talk, and him telling the 9 year old “No” was a step in the right direction!!!


    in reply to: Irritable, crabby, grouchy? #44529

    and, by the way, I did put the anti-depressant into his malt tonight! He didn’t finish the entire malt, but at least he got a little of it into his system. He’ll get more tomorrow night!


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