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  • in reply to: home for the hollidays I pray #45674

    Thank youall I am scared of the treatments because I live by myself and have lost many friend,well I thought most were,when you stop your regular activities and cant work anymore,your list gets small then some do not know how to take mebeing sick and I have run others off because of being sick sometimes and on meds I am not very nice most the time yes but alot of people I thought I could count on are not there,you find out your true friends and most of them have very active busy lifes,I have a problem with asking for help and think its all a burdon because I have been so independent,I really do not want to get sicker if I can maintane the way I have been and can get better digesting and diet down I might choose not to be treated, at this point I want to be a little healthier if I do choose to have treatment.I am checking today on transfering or getting a second opinion from University Hospital to the Cleveland Clinic, Docs are alot closer and treatment would be also. I hope it slows down enough for the colostomy bag to do its job and to keep digesting food,I am not sure what the next symptoms might be,but right now I am not in alot of pain just need to get diet better to help digest food better thanks guys

    in reply to: home for the hollidays I pray #45670

    The oncologist said the cc has spread around the whole outer side of the abdominal cavity and is what is causing the pressure and wants to start me on gencidebine and another begins with a c I will read notes in morning and give better knowlledge,it late and I just woke up but need more rest they also mentioned a new clinical trial method I will go over Have a Happy Hollidays friends that are sick,im saying a prayer for all of us and our family and friends to try to make it this way Amen

    in reply to: Colon swollen cant pass stool right #40536

    stenting and osty bag working trying to get energy back I am on a low reidue diet and eating small meals hope and pray I heal and hot spots go away I want to ask onc.monday for another scan of the abdominal and colon area where stent was put in.He mentioned some type of treatment gencidebine and another with it,these oncologist are not that familiar with my type of cancer but will be the closet to treat, I will let everyone know more monday

    in reply to: Stomach Pains #18809

    smaller meals seam to help me,I will talk to my onc monday, i have to take pancrelipse for my enzimes i have no bile duct or gull bladder. Good luck Jane my prayers are with you and all others

    in reply to: Stomach Pains #18807

    Jane sorry to hear that I have spent the last 20 days out of 30 in and out because of these symptoms. They put a stent in my outside of colon or rectum where stricture was and said my stomach had lots of little white spots that lit up during pet scan,I meet with onc 20th they want to treat with gencidabine or something and I think its just some of the infection poison from being sick for months and blocked should I ask for another scan,liver recection doc said this cancer doesnt travel there often, 47 on 3rd jan I want home for xmas and birthday miralex helped me then they misunderstood and gave me fibercon stopped everything and bloated now I have osty bag but nothing all day. I will pray hard for all

    in reply to: Colon swollen cant pass stool right #40530

    i rember several stent tries for bile ducts,was hoping this was not same kind of issue seams my body worke a little better today, sometimes a ensure or boost seams 2 much i will talk with dietition monday i have another scan the 10th on anther spot outsde the liver might be nothing its hard for them to even read biopsy on this colangio without physically seeing a colosomy back be a option who know its so hard doing all by myself ready to move away thanks marions and others

    in reply to: Colon swollen cant pass stool right #40528

    I was in umiversity hospital for 10 days they put a stent in to open up striction,but hasnt given much relieve

    in reply to: Colon swollen cant pass stool right #40525

    had stent put in for stool to come out always feel bloated need help

    in reply to: Colon swollen cant pass stool right #40524

    I am trying to stay with the most recent gi doc that said take fibercon for bulking, I think there missing the point that it wont come out right gurgles and goes elsewhere when trying to go,after the 3rd day I get so sick I vommit the food that never left my stomach from previous I will ask him today about lactulose,but he kinda wanted me to stay away from laxatives,he thinks I am going to much,I would rather go when I want to not when I cough and soil little amounts evry 15 minutes this has been going on since may and am not squeduled for follow up for 2 months and he has not returned any calls. Do I have to make anoth apointment 50 miles away just to talk to him to get help with questions !

    in reply to: Colon swollen cant pass stool right #40521

    I think they are trying to regulate my bowel movements and clump up stool at this point acording to GI doc which I only got to talk to brieve to tell me fibercon, the laxatives where what the radiologist doc gave me because I was so full of stool during previous tests. I have another scan nov 9 to see if any change in spot liver doc wants to look at laprascope or posibble surgury to remove something that there not sure is cancer or not. I just dont want to get weaker and eat even less after surgery and maybe radiation if needed would like other issue corrected first or I might have a big problem living alone during the winter afterwards and driving to treatments thanks guys for any help so far and hope all your health is consistant. I will be reading quite a bit until I resolve the issues,thats the only way to learn and they dont tell you enough exspecially without a advacit and being sick more like take advantage of seams to me and they dont have time for each patient

    in reply to: Colon swollen cant pass stool right #40519

    its possible the scar tissue from the resection is restricting from the original spot I will ask about motilty or anti spasmatic conditions the kink has been there since surgery and have had this issue on and off since jan 08, just never had the mucus and restriction problem thank you for the help guess I need to be here more often now that quality of life has not been good and not looking foward to the cold got to keep positive

    in reply to: Colon swollen cant pass stool right #40517

    I am still having bad gas and little to no stool with mucis,the gas is internal and gurgles alot,when I try to pass stool, I am now on fibercon and still no real differance,the liver surgeon says this is not related to a new spot he wants to look at, I would like to get healthier first before anymore surgeries or radiation I always feel like I have to go even if I am totally empty,they say no chrones or c-dif or parasites what else causes mucas in the stool so bad,seams I drink alot and always am dehidrated I am going to keep positive and pray that god has the answer

    in reply to: Colon swollen cant pass stool right #40515

    mri thursday finally ate good tuesday,now I am back to not passing stool, GI doc gave me script for mirelex oncologist nurse doesnt know why ? I wish these guys would talk to each other better about there patients instead of just scheduling more tests there in the same building. So now what stayed backed up until I cant hold anymore or start laxetive to relieve the pressure

    in reply to: Colon swollen cant pass stool right #40512

    I hadmy proceedure and everything seams ok gave me a percsription for Mirelex ? my body didnt start to flush until 12 hours after drinking stuff for test, I guess I get a pet scan now.

    in reply to: Colon swollen cant pass stool right #40510

    everyone says how bad prepairing for test is I have been trying for 7 hours and cant get flushed out with gateraide and marelex and tablets, stomach hurts from so much gateraide I can usually only drink 10 ounces without heartburn,they had me drink 64 blah cramps

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