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  • in reply to: Introductions #68909

    Hi Laura,

    My daughter, Lauren, the one with cc has never been thin. So when she got cancer, she said, at least now I will finally get to be thin. She did lose around 50 pounds at the beginning before being diagnosed. She would be hungry, but fill up after a few bites. She also had a strenuous job and we think that contributed to her weight loss as well. Since starting chemo until now she has gained a lot of weight. Go figure. People always tell her she doesn’t look sick or they can’t believe she is sick because she doesn’t look like most cancer patients. We even had a security guard at the cancer center we go to question us about needing a wheelchair one day when she wasn’t feeling well and we had to go a great distance to the radiology department. I was like, are you kidding me? The guard said that lots of people pretend to need a chair just to put all their stuff on. I was quite offended by that comment, because we are not like that and shame on anyone that is. Anyway, since Lauren has been told she can have a resection, her doctors want her to lose weight, see a nutritionist, and exercise. She will do it and I said I will do it with her. Do you have someone that can walk with you? We have a whole gym in our basement, but we don’t care much for exercising, even though it does make us feel so much better. So, we will be right with you trying to get fit. Her surgeon said it is so much easier to recover from surgery when you are in good shape. She has a low bp, good glucose level, and seems healthy on paper, but is overweight. Sorry to go on and on, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. Take care.


    in reply to: Introductions #68884

    Hi Laura,

    I would also like to welcome you to this site. I am sorry you were not able to have the resection, but it is great that the chemo is working! Could you tell us a little more about you such as family and where you are treated. We have many members from Canada. You might find one is close to you and you can become lunch buddies. My daughter and I have met some really nice people from this site. The support is awesome. I hope to learn more about you. Take care.


    in reply to: Lost my father to cc on 12/08/12 #68862

    Dear Beverly,

    I am sorry to hear of your father’s passing. It must be so difficult to get a diagnosis and then have a loved one pass before you can actually wrap your head around it. My heart goes out to you. I’m sorry that I cannot help you in regards to your questions about Rockwell, but I hope you do find some answers. Take care.


    in reply to: New Member #65557

    Hi Bruce,

    My daughter, Lauren gets a fever every time she has Gemzar, but it only lasts for about 3 days right after chemo. It never goes higher than around 100.5, so she takes Tylenol to bring it down. Margaret’s is different in that it happens so long after chemo and goes higher. I’m sorry you have to make so many trips to the ER and that I don’t know what causes her fevers, but I think you have done the right thing. All the best to you and Margaret.


    in reply to: Odd question that no doctors have an answer for #68747

    When you first come to this site there is a Google search bar on the right hand side. Type in hiccups and a bunch of posts come up. It seems many get them from chemo or steroids by reading these posts. Hope you find an answer.

    in reply to: New Member #68793

    Hi Diane,

    I think the pulling away by friends is a common problem many face with having cancer and I really think that is sad. My daughter has also experienced that. People like to get on with their own lives and really don’t like to deal with the downer called cancer. Luckily, Lauren has some close friends that are awesome and a wonderful fiance as well as family that loves and supports her more than anything. Chihuahuas are also velcro dogs that follow you everywhere and always want to be on your lap. We had an Afghan when I was growing up and I have to say although she was beautiful with long, flowing blonde hair, (thus the reason her name was Farrah for Farrah Fawcett)
    she was a little weird. Very skittish and afraid of a lot of things such as the ocean, hot air balloons, firecrackers. Plus the grooming was so much work. The Whippet looks a little easier to manage and Greyhounds seem like the biggest loves. I enjoy talking about dogs with you. Actually, the way you answered all of us was perfect. There is no way to talk to one person besides e-mail, but that is the nice thing about this site. Everybody gets to see everything and in the process can jump right in. Great talking to you, Diane.
    Take care.


    in reply to: Newby #68854

    Hi Kami,

    It is so nice to meet you, but I am really sorry to hear about your Mom. Your story sounds so similar to ours, it is scary. But the flip flop version. My daughter, was diagnosed at 25 and I was 53. Crazy, huh? You seem to be doing a great job learning about this cancer and the treatments. I would be happy to help with anything you have questions about. Of course, I am just a mom doing everything to help my daughter. I am not a doctor. I can only go by experience and all I have read. Don’t ever give up hope.

    Love and big, big hugs,

    in reply to: What Next? #68848

    Hi LDittmar,

    I am sorry to hear of your disappointing visit. If you are not happy with the care you received at MDA, why not send an e-mail to a department head voicing your diappointment with your treatment. It is the top cancer center in the US, so I am sure they would want to keep it that way and try to fix anything you are not happy with. Was this a 2nd opinion? What did your regular doctor suggest and why did you decide to seek treatment at MDA beside the obvious of it having a great reputation. I don’t have any alternative treatment ideas. The only thing I can suggest is to find an oncologist that feels they can help. I know that is easier said than done. I hope some others come along that have gone through similar situations and can help. All the best to you and your husband.


    in reply to: HI #68834

    Hi Pattimelt,

    I would like to welcome you to this site. I, like Marion and Susie, am very concerned as to why you are not being treated yet. I don’t blame you for being overwhelmed and I hope things change quickly. Please let us know what happens. We are all here to help.


    in reply to: Question about Mayo Scottsdale #68778

    Hi Jackson,

    If you go to the page you come to first on this site, there is a Google search on the right side. I typed in Mayo Scottsdale and some posts came up. Make sure to look at the date they were posted as some folks are sadly no longer with us. Hope this helps for you to at least get a name. All the best.



    Hi Darla,

    There is a website you should check out:

    The lady that runs this is named Emily Thomas. You write to her and tell her your story and she will send you gift cards for gas, restaurants, or stores. Tell her what you are looking for in particular and she will help you. It is a wonderful program. I hope this helps.


    in reply to: New Member #68789

    Hi Diane,

    I am sorry I can’t answer your question, but I am sure someone will be along that can. I am very happy to hear you had a resection with a great outcome. I understand your concern about the chemo. I would like to welcome you to this site. I, too am a dog lover. My breed is the chihuahua. I have two and love them so much. The whippet seems like an interesting breed. So sleek and dainty. What are their personalities like? Please keep us updated on your progress. All the best to you.


    in reply to: Dad just diagnosed, feel like i’m having a nightmare #68795

    Hi Honeez1,
    Welcome to this site, but as we say here, so sorry you had to find us. Boy, do you sound like me when I first found out my then 25 year old daughter was diagnosed with CC. it is such a shock and you feel as if your world has collapsed. Although things never go back to how they were before cancer, you get stronger and are more able to cope. I remember the first time we even walked into the Cancer Center for Lauren’s appointment before she was diagnosed, I felt like we were in the wrong place. Nobody in my family could have cancer. We have no cancer in our family and then POW!! This smacks us right between the eyes. I used to think I was a very weak person and could never face illness of a family member. But, when you have to, you can’t imagine how strong you can be. That poor, sick person is depending on you to help. And that is what you do as an advocate and caretaker. Once a game plan is made for your Dad, you will feel better. Make sure you have a doctor that specializes in biliary cancers in a major cancer center. Ask many questions, and if you don’t understand something, ask that it be explained better. I’m sorry your Dad has had a rough start in handling this disease, but hopefully he will improve. I am wishing your family all the best. Please come back and visit often. Ask lots of questions. We are all here to help.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: 6 Years and Doing Great! #68705

    Congratulations, Sue!!!! We love to hear success stories. It gives us all so much hope. Thanks for posting and we look forward to many more years of you doing great!!!


    in reply to: Clean scan today- almost 2 1/2 years #68757

    I love hearing great news and that is what you have. Congratulations and hoping for many more great scans. Bless you, Kathy.


Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 1,288 total)