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  • in reply to: Port Removal #66035

    One more step on being done with this crappy cancer. So happy for you, Susie!

    in reply to: 1 year #66103

    Happy 1 year Anniversary Tifferooni!! May you have many, many more. Love you girl!! Don’t cry. Be happy you are doing so well!!!

    in reply to: Hello #64934

    I think that sounds great Sheedy. I hope that chemo zaps it all. All the best.


    in reply to: new cancer patient #65764

    Hi Holly. I will tell you what my daughter, Lauren’s surgeon said about a transplant. She has a large tumor in one side and small ones in the other side of her liver. He said that if she had a transplant and there was the tiniest bit of cancer cells left that the anti rejection drugs you must take will react like gas to a flame and spread the cancer. Lauren has swollen lymph nodes but they don’t light up on a PET scan as being cancerous. You have to go through a ton of tests to be considered for transplant. Tiffany on this site has just gone through them and passed and is on the list for one. Also, Cathy is the survivor of transplant on this site. Lauren is unresectable at this time but her doctors are trying so hard for her to be able to have one. There is no guarantee with resection that it won’t come back either. I would find a doctor that is aggressive and really knows about CC. When you find the right doctor, you will just know. I wish you all the best. I hope I don’t come across as a Debbie Downer. These are just the facts I have been told about CC. But I will never give up hope for Lauren and everyone on this site. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: New Member-Caregiver #66092

    Hi Brittany,

    I just wanted to welcome you to this site. Wow!! Joanne sure has been through a lot, but it is so wonderful that she has such a wonderful friend in you. I am sorry I don’t have any experience with cheoembolization, but others on here have and I am sure they will let you know about it. Also, if you go to the home page and type in chemoembolization, I’m sure a lot of posts will come up that might help. My daughter has CC and has had chemo and radioembolization. We have been through Plans A, B, C, and D as well, but are lucky that so far Lauren’s oncologist has had another plan up his sleeve. I think it is great that if you are not happy with a doctor or treatment you will seek out something different. That is our motto, Never give up hope. If something doesn’t work, then move on to something else and hope it does. I wish you and Joanne all the best and hope to hear from you again.


    in reply to: Struggling with loss #65934

    I just had to put my two cents worth in and say what a wonderful post, Pam. I am sure you will help many with this. Thanks for your thoughtful insight.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Lauren had an allergic reaction to Oxaliplatin #66009

    Thanks, Darla. She is out tonight with Giovanni and his Mom playing Bingo!!

    in reply to: update about Dr visit #66066

    George seems to be a fighter which is good. I wish you all the best with chemo. Have a nice nap.


    in reply to: Surgery scheduled, sort of! #66079

    Glad to hear things are moving in the right direction for your Mom, Christine.
    That would be great to have another comedian on this site! I love a good laugh. Take care and hope the storm isn’t too bad for you.


    in reply to: Small update on MIL #66059

    I am so sorry, Lindsy. I haven’t had any experience with this with Lauren, but I am sure someone will be along soon that knows about this. I hope the doctors can get your MIL to be comfortable and pain free. I am praying for God to give you and your family strength and for your MIL to pull through this ordeal.

    in reply to: A Meeting With The FDA On Adding CCA To The Disease List #66048

    Bless you, Percy for being our voice.

    in reply to: New member #66022

    Hi Cindy,

    I am really sorry you were diagnosed with CC. It is very easy to feel like you are the only one with this cancer since it is very rare. You are considered family here in this exclusive club nobody wants to belong to. I would like to officially welcome you and let you know we will always be here to help you. I wish you all the best with your next CT. Hope to hear from you again.


    in reply to: Introduction #66040

    Hi Shelby,

    I am sorry to hear about your Mom, but you have come to the right place. I hope your Mom’s bilirubin comes down enough for chemo. I think it is great that your parents are living with you so your Mom can get great care. They must be so relieved that they have a place of comfort to stay at while going through this difficult time. You are a special daughter. We are all here to help. Please come back and let us know how things are going.


    in reply to: Lauren had an allergic reaction to Oxaliplatin #66007

    Thank you to all of you for your concern. Lauren is feeling great today, but it’s back on the old Xeloda tomorrow.

    Marion- I will ask her onc about desensitizing. Thanks for the article.


    in reply to: SPAM: What to do #65920

    That’s what I thought when I saw it. This is our little, safe haven. How rude of you darn spammer!!

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