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  • in reply to: Survival #60269


    I am so happy to hear the fantastic news. How wonderful to feel that life is once again sunny and bright!!! So, so happy for you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Starting new chemo. #62817

    Thank you for all of your advice and words of wisdom. I love you all so much and could never get through all of this without you. You give me strength to go on and help Lauren in any way I can. Bless each and every one of you.

    Love and hugs,


    in reply to: CT scan on Thursday #62859

    Keep trying Melissa. If you get knocked down, you dust yourself off and get up and keep fighting. Prayers are being said for great news. It is really hard waiting. We just had bad news, but we are never giving up. We just go to the next option.

    Hugs, -Pam

    in reply to: It has been the longest day, ever!! #62695

    Thanks Melissa. That is so sweet. One thing though, you need to e-mail me your number. Haha!!

    in reply to: Good bye my sister #62802

    I am very sorry for your loss. My daughter, Lauren is battling this terrible disease. I understand what you have been through, but cannot imagine the sadness you must feel now. All I know is that there are so many wonderful people in Heaven. They must be having one heck of a great time. Take comfort in knowing your dear Sister is at peace. I know this doesn’t heal your pain. I am sure it is very difficult to not see your sister anymore. But I believe she is still around you and her daughters. Take care and God bless you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Anti-nausea and appetite enhancer? #62697

    Hi Melissa,

    I am sorry to hear your Mom is not feeling well. Lauren takes compazine and ativan for nausea. Another thing that makes her feel better when she is nauseous is to chew peppermint gum or drink a little ginger ale. She does not need an appetitie enhancer. She eats very well. It would be so easy to slide into depression. I feel like it might be happening to me at times. Lauren likes to stay busy and do a lot so I don’t think she is depressed. I’m sorry I was not much help to you, but I sure hope your Mom starts feeling better soon.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Where to go from here? #62702


    Please e-mail me your e-mail address. I will have Lauren write back to you. Do you have Facebook? We will both friend you. I am so sorry you are having such a hard time. Lauren cannot deal with this site. It makes her too upset. She is friends with a lot of people on here that are on Facebook. They really support us a lot. Mostly ladies, but you shouldn’t mind that!! They are always there for us, unlike a lot of the regular people we know. Lauren had been doing well up until this last scan and then we got bad news that she had a new 4 cm. tumor in the side they just shot Therasphers into. She just had an MRI last night to see if they can tell if it is indeed a tumor or maybe something else. I can tell you Lauren feels exactly the way you do, so I think it would be good for you both to talk. I know Lauren appreciates me too, the way you appreciate your Mom. But, we do get mad and yell at each other from time to time. We are together so much. I am sure she would love a new friend. She is out right now, but I will tell her about you as soon as I see her. Take care, Trevor and I will pray for you. Try not to get down and discouraged. Ok, be that way for just a little bit and then get back up and start swinging those boxing gloves. You and Lauren have youth on your side.

    Love and hugs,


    in reply to: Researching demographics on environmental causes #62658


    I find this all very interesting and scary. We live very close to Akron Canton airport in Ohio. My daughter, Lauren, has cholangiocarcinoma and is only 26. My husband and I both have high blood pressure and are on medication. Sounds familiar to you. We also have an old landfill near our house. Thankfully, they put city water in our allotment before we moved here, so we don’t use well water. This is all quite upsetting and I will look into it further. Thanks for the info.


    in reply to: Scanxiety #62648

    Hi Eli,

    I wish you and your wife all the best with the scans. I know it can be quite stressful. I am sitting in the waiting room right now as Lauren gets her MRI. Prayers being said for both of you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Transplant #62565


    We asked Dr. Sonnenday about a liver transplant for Lauren. He said no because if even one cancer cell is lurking after transplant, the immunosuppressive drugs will make it grow and spread like gas to a fire.
    She has enlarged lymph nodes, but they did not light up on a PET scan. So they aren’t sure if cancer is in them.

    in reply to: Want to start supplements. #62594


    For what it’s worth, I would not take any kind of supplement without asking your doctor if it is ok. They could affect you in a negative way. I know some people suggested different herbs and things for Lauren, saying they would shrink tumors and other things. We asked Dr. Zalupski about this and he said to absolutely Not take anything. He said they could react badly and make her worse. He also said it would ruin the data for her clinical trial. So I would say don’t do it unless you ask Dr. Javle first. He knows best.

    in reply to: Not the news we were hoping for. #62522

    Thanks to all of you. You really are amazing. After the initial shock, we are all ok. Whatever this thing is, we will continue the fight and NEVER give up. CC doesn’t have a clue who it is messing with!!

    Love you all so much.


    in reply to: Not the news we were hoping for. #62513

    After having a MAJOR meltdown this morning, I came to this site. Thank you so much for all of your love and support. It makes today a little more bearable. I don’t know what I would do without all of you. Hugs to each and every one of you wonderful, awesome people!!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: This exactly sums up how I’ve been feeling lately #62351

    Haha Lainy. I sure love you. You always manage to make me smile!!

    in reply to: Email from dr. Javle. #62434


    That is awesome news!! What a sweet doctor. Praying for great scans and a long, happy life!!

    Love, -Pam

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